
Lockheed Martin F-16W - FINISHED - PAG.13

Started by DogfighterZen, May 17, 2020, 05:13:20 PM

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Ya know mediocre is not really a word id use ..they look pretty good Zen and ive seen some absolute disasters of model building as i bet you have so yeah i could scoff at those at all.
I do love the yo yo ME262 story  :lol:..cant say ive ever been there  ;D
Ohhh the commission builds..yeah those nearly broke me for good but they weren't wiffys..all wère RW models but most were ones you cant buy OTB.
I built a couple of technicals using the Toyota pick up from Meng ..one with the BMP turret and another with a Russian aircraft misslie pod .
He brought a old Dargon BMP1 just for thr turret..i scored the hull and a AM set for the misslie pod.
The rest were just trucks and tanks which is what i was building anyway..still into my wiffs but for months and months just his stuff..made a nice pile of coin out of it but yeah..
I dont consider myself a great model builder ..never have cause i see other builders and im like wow..how the hell did he do that? ..sort of thing..one guy i saw can paint AR500 armoured steel plate so good its pretty much identical to the real thing..bloody amazing ..something i can never do mainly cause of the problems i have with colours ..which trust me is a massive pain in my arse.
Its like Guy..Old Wombat...is damn good at rust..his work on his VW van is spot on as surface rust is not easy to replicate but he did a lovely job..im gonna keep trying to copy that but its not going to be fun.
I know we've all had the canopy of snow in our model building worlds and theres more than one plane ive made with a "tinted" canopy  ;D
One thing that we did discuss when they sued that guy was ..are they getting short of cash..yup record companys are thieves for sure and the sales of their albums dropped when Load came out and then Reload and that wasnt much better..ya know i think they were on a downward slope from there and with the court stuff as well that slope got steeper and they never recovered.
Their still out there but their very quite now and its strange how things worked out really.
They kicked out Dave cause of his drink and drug problems but it was Dave who dis moat of the guitar work and writing i think but anyway he got clean..got married ..found god and the rest is history .
Metallica went from huge to quite small and Megadeth went from small to massive ..strange turn of events but we both know how fickle the music industry is..ol Micheal Jackson is proof of that ..from a absolute giant to some weirdo who had more legal problems it seems then we ever knew about and of course his death.
Least we still have plenty of good music to listen too because id go mental without some nice relaxing Lamb of god or Machine Head to listen too.

Well you'll be happy to know i gloss coated the Hueys interior last night and hopefully I'll be starting to pin wash and weather it today cause im in the mood  :thumbsup:
If it aint broke ,,fix it until it is .
Over kill is often very understated .
I know the voices in my head ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas.
Theres few of lifes problems that can't be solved with the proper application of a high explosive projectile .


Well, you're too generous, my friend...  :thumbsup:
I admit that i've seen worse than mine but i know they're far from good builds. But they served their purpose, it's constant learning in this hobby so, i'm happy with what i've managed to do with those.

I can't imagine how it must be like to have a hard time distinguishing colors... And i respect that fact that you don't let that stop you... :o :bow:

Indeed, Master wombat's work is top notch! We have quite a few excellent modellers in this forum, it's humbling yet, inspiring to see so many good ideas and amazing execution.  :bow:

Mustane had it rough when they dumped him, not that he wasn't guilty of it happening but they could've stuck with him to help him out of the hole. I guess karma is always aware and waiting for the right moment... ;D

Well, i'll be looking for your Huey! CHOPPERS!!  :mellow: :thumbsup:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"

Old Wombat

I'd describe them as "Good" to "Very Good" (for the P-40 & the F-16).
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Well like you and everyone else who builds models..we all sucked when we started and yup some dudes are naturals and others aint..im in the others department..yeah i can scratch build better than alot of guys but those other guys whoop my butt when it comes to painting them..half a dozen of one and 13 of another.
Didnt get doo doo done on the Huey today..my help was needed and it got damn hot here but knowing me ill get bored and get into it  ;D

Some bridges were burned when Dave got kicked out and yep it was his fault and yep it was their fault for not trying to help and in the end karma really did show itself to the world .
I dont know if Dave found his wife first ..or god or whatever but its like he decided to do what ever it took to be better and more famous than Metallica could ever hope to be ..in many ways thats exactly what hes done..tell me of another super guitarist like Dave who teachs ppl to play for free in a park ..he really knows how to make it easy for fans to like him ..hes just a natural at it .
Heres a perfect example..my bud Karl..whe he first met Dave it was with a back stage pass so he could get Dave to sign his CDs and his poor verison of Daves guitar..well they met..talked for over an hour and when Dave went to sign his guitar Dave looked at it and said he could do better than this..thats how he got his dream Megadeth item..amazing dude .

Yeah colour blindness is a huge pain..glad its not full colour blindness cause then my world would be black and white or gray..some see black and gray ..that would suck mate..would be ok if you built nothing but gray aircraft i guess .

As for your builds mate ..remember we are our own worst critics and i will complement a builders work if it deserves it or at least offer a helpful hints because theres nothing worst than tearing some dudes work to bits ..that destroys ppl that does ..the other modelling site i was on was like that all the time and it annoyed the hell out of me and i told them that too..i left not long after that..found here..so much better  :thumbsup:
If it aint broke ,,fix it until it is .
Over kill is often very understated .
I know the voices in my head ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas.
Theres few of lifes problems that can't be solved with the proper application of a high explosive projectile .


Quote from: Old Wombat on February 20, 2022, 05:12:18 PM
I'd describe them as "Good" to "Very Good" (for the P-40 & the F-16).

Quote from: Wardukw-NZ on February 20, 2022, 08:16:08 PM
As for your builds mate ..remember we are our own worst critics and i will complement a builders work if it deserves it or at least offer a helpful hints because theres nothing worst than tearing some dudes work to bits ..that destroys ppl that does ..the other modelling site i was on was like that all the time and it annoyed the hell out of me and i told them that too..i left not long after that..found here..so much better  :thumbsup:

You're too kind, gentleman.  :bow:
I guess i'll never look at my builds like maybe others do cause, like Ward said, i also look at other people's builds and, specially on this forum, and i'm fascinated to see the ideas and results. And it's always inspiring to see such good work, be it the scratchbuilt stuff or OOB, the paint schemes, the weathering, the back stories, the ideas, the profiles, all of it!
Ever since i joined this forum, i've learned so much from all of you, with no exceptions. And i'm not saying this to suck up to anyone! I knew i'd found an honest, positive and helping community, full of brilliant and knowledgeable minds that made me feel welcomed me back into this hobby and i'll be forever grateful for that. :bow:

Being a bit of a shy person, i don't socialize very much in the "real world" and some people would probably think that, being the frontman of a rock band, i'd be an extroverted type but, for the past 7 or 8 years, this forum has been really the only place where i feel comfortable to speak my mind about stuff. Being on stage was always a challenge for me, although it did get easier with time. :rolleyes:

Quote from: Wardukw-NZ on February 20, 2022, 08:16:08 PM
Yeah colour blindness is a huge pain..glad its not full colour blindness cause then my world would be black and white or gray..some see black and gray ..that would suck mate..would be ok if you built nothing but gray aircraft i guess .

Can't you use those colorblind corrective glasses to help you with colors? I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to live with that condition. That's why i have huge respect people who have any sort of impairment and still keep going strong.
When i was in 3rd grade, we had a kid (Miguel) in the class who was on a wheel chair because his legs were malformed and i felt so bad every time we all went outside for recess running out of the room and that kid had to be helped out because of the step going from the hall out into the playground. Our teacher would always help him herself till one day, me and my best friend at the time decided to stay behind and we asked our teacher if we could help him. She was very surprised but obviously said yes.
When we got to the playground with Miguel, the rest of the kids saw us and everyone stopped playing and came to us. I was so happy to see so many kids around him and the smile on his face said it all. From that day on, we would all take turns helping Miguel outside till they installed a wood ramp on every staircase and sidewalks at the school. Even after that, we would always stick by his side and include him in the games we played outside. He was good at moving the chair around and became the goal keeper when we played football(soccer for US brothers).
My dad always told me that i was very lucky to be able to do everything and to do my best to help other who weren't as lucky as i was.
And that bit you wrote about Mustane...  :wub:
Reminds me of a concert we had almost 10 years ago, a man came up to me a few minutes before we got on stage and asked me if i happened to have a paper with the lyrics to one of our songs (The one within) for his son who was almost completely deaf-mute so he could understand what i was saying. Me and one of my guitar players looked at each other, ran out to the merch stand and got a CD of each of our albums signed for him for free. On top of that, we insisted with the event's organizers and they agreed to let us carry him up to the stage so he could stay beside one of the side fill monitors for the whole concert. The smile on his face, man... I'll never forget it. That alone made our day worthwhile. :thumbsup:
Sometimes people ask me why i'm not a very social person and my answer is: I hate bad people and unfortunately, i've met more of those than of the good kind...
Still, i haven't lost all faith in humanity and that's only because the good ones are worth it. :thumbsup:

Wow... this has to be the most i've ever written anywhere online... sorry but you guys got me going, it's your fault...  ;D ;)
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Hahahaha ..yup our fault  :thumbsup:..we can contest to that for sure   ;D
Ive had plenty of ppl say great things about my builds on here and in the real world but all i do is see where it can be improved or painted better but for me it does feel kinda strange because for decades nobody said anything about my work and that became the norm..i didnt worry about it cause i was having fun building the weird and wonderful and the problem there was ppl cant comment on things when they dont know what their looking at so i did also start to build more standard kits..Panthers..Tigers and Sherman's ...upgraded of course because i can never leave anything stock...and it wasnt long before the comments started to roll in and then the revit counters started to speck and i got annoyed and bored..comments are good but not the most important thing so i went back to wiffies and came here.
Your right about the blokes here..awesome group of dudes..with brilliant ideas..yourself included here..a twin tail F16..so cool  ;D and god theres some wicked skills in here and yup learned a good amount of things from here especially when it comes to planes ..mine are only getting better because of the guys here.
Its like as a kid i had hundreds of planes..imagine the box which reams of copy paper comes in full to the top with plans..no kidding ..a huge amount of 72nd and 48th ..all badly painted and built fast..still remember one xmas mum brought me 25 model planes ..all 72nd scale and i built like 7 of them in one day..none painted cause i just wanted to build and man that was fun..ill never forget that  ;D
You might the same sort of guy as many others Zen..not very sociable but theres nothing wrong with that..ive lived alone for more than 25yrs and thats not changing anytime soon..if ever and i dont mind that at all..fact it been so long now it would feel very strange to live with anyone now and it does have it good points..nothing moves when i put something down..dont mean i wont loose it tho  :lol: and of course my models.
I dont mind being around ppl but i hate parties and just get plain annoyed with large groups ..its not height..im 6'2 or build..just dont like em ..no real reason why either but there ya go  :thumbsup:
Hell even my family think im not normal because of the way i think but to build what we build you can be normal in the first place...all of us have a opened mind so to speck ..letting our imaginations go wild building what ever we want and not being constrained by the normal model world and man i enjoy that to no end..even tho it costs more then building OTB but who cares ..this is fun  ;D

Oh the head injuries..ya know i wasnt colour blind before i got blown thru a wall but i am now ..ok i was slightly out of wack with colours when i was young but it wasnt to bad as Humbrol put numbers on their paints and with that over time my eyes started to see colours a little bit better ..then FUBAR time and now its far worse..hell when i sneeze my eyes go slightly blurry and then come good again and heres something strange ..i cant wear 3d glasses or the colour correction glasses because it gives me very nasty headaches ..like a migraine but it doesnt last as long  so yeah swings and round abouts mate  ;D

You do hear alot of good things about many bands out there ..and of course theres not so good things aswell up thats part and parcel with this industry..what you guys did was great man ..the fans love ..makes you feel good and im all for that and i wish there was a whole lot more of it but some days..one thing same fans dont seem to realise is you are humans ..ya get tried..annoyed from touring..and when a fan expects you to just stop and drop everything for them they cant figure out what was wrong and then they hate you for it...man that gets me every time.
Im not like that..never asked for a autograph and never will..i even saw Billy Connelly at a airport once and all i said was gidday and smiled and thats it and let him on his way and heres the part ill hopefully never forget..he mentioned me in his concert..not but name of course..he didn't know it  :lol:..but he was talking about being hassled at airports like when he came to Aussie and the crap he got from reporters asking stupid questions and he mentioned this bloke who just said hello ..me
Qell i hope so cause somebody else might have done the exact same thing for all i know  :lol:
If it aint broke ,,fix it until it is .
Over kill is often very understated .
I know the voices in my head ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas.
Theres few of lifes problems that can't be solved with the proper application of a high explosive projectile .


Well, getting blown through a wall does not seem like fun... how did that happen?
Regarding comments on our builds, i guess i've had to learn how to listen to other people criticizing what i do since i rode bmx cause that was a big part of the learning process while riding with my friends. We all pushed each other to do better on the next go and it helped a lot to hear what people saw from their perspective.
Then when i joined the first band i was in, i'd never even thought about making music, let alone sing and be the frontman of a rock band. It scared me so much to think about the responsibility i had cause if i screwed up, the whole band would be considered bad.
In modelling, i've been in forums almost since i got back into the hobby in 2014 so i got used to it and i must say i've learned a lot from everyone's comments on here. Can't say it was the same on every forum i used back then so i decided to stay where people are educated and civilized. :mellow:

One thing i have to say regarding the twin tail F-16, i could never take credit for that idea because when i thought about it for the first time, it was because of the Tomcat, so i started googling for Twin tail F-16 and found a few models of what-if Vipers built with twin tails, and one image that had a caption that read F-16U and that was the one that inspired me to build my own.
I did use the F-22's flat nozzle and sculpted a DSI air intake with Tamiya putty so those are the only bits i'd never seen on a model of the Viper.
The second build was a bit different...

That bit about what Connelly said... I've never been in that situation of getting hassled by media but yeah, some people just don't think about the person, but, it's understandable. I was never into bothering my idols when i got the chance to meet one but some people see it as their only chance to talk to someone they look up to.
I did have some gigs where we had to sign autographs on CDs and T-shirts after a gig and it does get to a point where we just want it to end so we can go relax for bit after an hour or more of jumping and sweating on stage.
But you did is indeed what we wished some folks would do instead of just breathing down our necks aksing for a free shirt and cd so i can totally understand why he appreciated it to the point of mentioning it during the show.  :thumbsup:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Holy bloody hell ..that plane is just perfectly right up my alley..great paint and the camo is just right ..that i seriously like matey..brilliant looking plane.
This is probably a to late thought now but i want a 48th F16XL now..a XL with twin tails would look amazing i think.
Oh the boom..gas leak..i inherited a fault from my dad..he had no smell at all but cause of mum i do..well about 10% of full smell but very very good taste..its a case of you cant have one without the other and my taste is compensated by the lack of smell..the only things i can smell have to be so bad it would make ya puke from 20ft away.
So yeah i couldnt smell it ..lit a smoke and boom..lots of broken boned..serious head trauma and brusing of the brain and in a coma for a couple of weeks..i was told it was pretty damn close to death and they were quite surprised the blast didnt kill me..but its funny that there are quite a few gas explosions and the ppl involved aint killed..baddly hurt which is to be expected but not dead..so happy about that  ;D

Theres constructive commets and ones that aint..this is where i love wiffies..no rules...nothing is wrong because it was never made..makes life a pleasure ...theres a line i love ...free your mind and your arse will follow..welcome to wiffy world matey ..a place where ppl will say something like landing gear sits to high or they wouldnt have gone that way with the painting but they dont tear the builders work to bits ..yeah they comment ..we all do ..we have the right to do it but ive never seen a hurtful one here..like you said..we have on other sites..strange but im not on there anymore  :lol:
Here's one for ya..ive never ridden a BMX bike...my first bike was a 10 speed racing bike..which i immediately took off road and killed it within a week..second was a 21 speed mountain bike which lasted 2 yrs before i broke the frame in half and there was no third..the next had a 125cc's and it just went bigger from there...the frist road bike was a 250 and ended with a 1320cc rocket..lost my license for 10 yrs cause of that bike..went 3 times over the speed limit here which is 100 ks per hour..oh the good ol days 😁
Im alot more sedate now..have a car with only 330hp so its cruising with cruise control on and no tickets or hassles and since this car was made in 03 with airbags and ABS brakes my rego is cheap as hell now with a 1 yr warrant of fitness..so good  :thumbsup:
I cant figure out why some ppl go totally ga ga when they see a rock star or actor ..its like they have no self respect or control  and have to touch this person no matter what or speck to them..the only reason i said gidday to Billy was he was standing 10ft away from me..just the polite thing to do i guess.
If it aint broke ,,fix it until it is .
Over kill is often very understated .
I know the voices in my head ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas.
Theres few of lifes problems that can't be solved with the proper application of a high explosive projectile .

Old Wombat

And a fantastic job you did of it, too! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :mellow:
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


I just copy and pasted that pic to my laptop from my phone and Guy couldnt be more right...now i can see it in much higher def this thing is now pretty damn close to mind blowing Zen.
Oh im annoyed with you right now Dogfighter..i had plans for one of my planes..a Mig 23 in 48th..now cause of your build those ideas have buggered off at a rapid rate of knots..i now have a much more nastier idea for it and luckily for you matey boy i have all the bits for the nasty verison of this plane and what reason am i annoyed with you for is ? I here you ask??.
Well i seriously want to start building this beast now but cant until i get the Huey finished  :lol:
Oh well ill just lay out an attack plan for this thing..the name ??..absolutely no idea at all.
If it aint broke ,,fix it until it is .
Over kill is often very understated .
I know the voices in my head ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas.
Theres few of lifes problems that can't be solved with the proper application of a high explosive projectile .


The exhaust nozzle is nicely done. Great F-16W  :thumbsup:


Oh man... that's gotta suck to have such an accident. I'm glad you pulled through, it must have been quite a crappy experience. I think that the worst i head related to head trauma were a couple of times i landed hard on my head from bmx backflips gone wrong... :rolleyes:
Made me lose a few hours of memories... the first time it happened, i got back to my consciousness i was laying on my bed listening to Pantera's Cemetery gates...  :wub:

I'm happy to know you like that bird, gentleman!  :bow: :bow:
Again, that idea is not mine, i just did it in a different scheme. I've been going through my F-16 folder on my laptop and can't find the image from which i took the idea.
I think it was one of Erik Simmonsen's designs but i'm not sure. It had the F-35 nozzle, F-22 type wings, the CFTs and electronics spine but only one tail so, my bits were the DSI intake and the twin tails.

Please, do finish the Huey, those choppers deserve the love... but be quick about it cause you got me really curious about what you have in mind for that Mig! :wacko:

Quote from: Firefox on February 22, 2022, 12:49:54 AM
The exhaust nozzle is nicely done. Great F-16W  :thumbsup:

Thank you!  :thumbsup:
It wasn't the first and i'm certain it won't be the last.  :mellow:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Yeah mate im gald i got thru that ..well sort off..still suffer from alot of the injures..head aches ..now getting arthritis in the knees but thats just annoying and my shoulders are getting worse.. especially the left oneyeah you can B and moan but at the end of the day it solves nothing..nothing to it but to do it Zen.
Like any body whos ridden bikes we all have had knocks and bumbs here and there..ive crashed into the odd tree when forest racing..great fun and theres only small areas where you can get real speed..its mostly tight ..bumpy tracks..really gotta have ya bike set up for it thats for sure  ;D
Never had a memory wipe tho..that's what a good bone dome is for ..never hesitated to spend good money of the safety stuff and then i get blown thru a wall..go figure huh  :lol:

Ya know that plane ya built looks the part so well cause all the bits you used look like they were always ment to be there..thats why i like it so much..it was tied together very nicely indeed  :thumbsup:

Ive given the Hueys interior a small going over with washes and some dry brushing but still have to detail the hell out of it yet..all the small crap you'd find has to be there..glad i dont have to hunt those bits down..just to make them look right and yeah the Mig ..i had a wee look last night at this and that ..theres one quite serious mod im thinking about but its gotta look good and work.
Oh i did find a 48th F16 XL and for $136.00 NZ im like nope..far to expensive a kit to hack up so the mig will do.
Its £37.00 pounds UK over there so its explains the price here..i think its a Kinetic model..but dont quote me on that  :thumbsup:
If it aint broke ,,fix it until it is .
Over kill is often very understated .
I know the voices in my head ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas.
Theres few of lifes problems that can't be solved with the proper application of a high explosive projectile .


Quote from: NARSES2 on February 22, 2022, 06:10:58 AM
Quote from: Old Wombat on February 21, 2022, 06:30:27 PM
And a fantastic job you did of it, too! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :mellow:

Absolutely  :bow:

Thank you!  :bow:

Quote from: Wardukw-NZ on February 22, 2022, 12:23:08 PM
Yeah mate im gald i got thru that ..well sort off..still suffer from alot of the injures..head aches ..now getting arthritis in the knees but thats just annoying and my shoulders are getting worse.. especially the left oneyeah you can B and moan but at the end of the day it solves nothing..nothing to it but to do it Zen.
Like any body whos ridden bikes we all have had knocks and bumbs here and there..ive crashed into the odd tree when forest racing..great fun and theres only small areas where you can get real speed..its mostly tight ..bumpy tracks..really gotta have ya bike set up for it thats for sure  ;D
Never had a memory wipe tho..that's what a good bone dome is for ..never hesitated to spend good money of the safety stuff and then i get blown thru a wall..go figure huh  :lol:

Ya know that plane ya built looks the part so well cause all the bits you used look like they were always ment to be there..thats why i like it so much..it was tied together very nicely indeed  :thumbsup:

Ive given the Hueys interior a small going over with washes and some dry brushing but still have to detail the hell out of it yet..all the small crap you'd find has to be there..glad i dont have to hunt those bits down..just to make them look right and yeah the Mig ..i had a wee look last night at this and that ..theres one quite serious mod im thinking about but its gotta look good and work.
Oh i did find a 48th F16 XL and for $136.00 NZ im like nope..far to expensive a kit to hack up so the mig will do.
Its £37.00 pounds UK over there so its explains the price here..i think its a Kinetic model..but dont quote me on that  :thumbsup:

I'd be very surprised if you hadn't been left with some damage, although many have survived that type of explosion, many haven't so, i guess you can say that you came out lucky. Glad you did, though.  :thumbsup:

Yup, complaining and feeling sorry for ourselves does nothing to improve a bad situation, we just have to suck it up, keep our heads up and focus on moving forward.

Regarding crashes, yeah, it's riding on two wheels so it can happen to anyone just by getting on the damned things. ;D
I did have good equipment, when i wanted to push it beyond my limits, i had the full body armor, as we called it. A full face mx helmet, mx chest protector, mx back brace, knee, elbow and shin pads, and gloves.
I also had ankle braces cause i'd twisted both too many times. Still, it's an aggressive sport and injuries will occur, no matter how much armor you use.

This was me back in 1996, riding in a European championship, 6 months after i broke my leg(compound fracture of both tibia and fibula) and had a platinum rod inserted in my tibia to hold it together.

That flip, the tailwhip(2nd pic) and a big no footed can can got me first place, what is now 500€ and sponsorship from Hoffman bikes, Airwalk and a Dickies co-sponsorship deal.  :mellow:

Coming back to modelling, the F/A-16W was quite a bit of work but it paid off, i was very pleased with the result.
I did buy one of the Skunkworks 1/48 F-16XL kits and to be honest, it's a beautiful kit and i'll leave that one for a simple whif, maybe just a couple of mods but nothing big. I have the Monogram and Lonestar resin 1/72 kits in the stash for the bigger changes.
BTW, Skunkworks is a part of kinetic models indeed, the twin seat XL, which was the second kit to come out, has the kinetic name on the box but the single seat was released under the Skunkworks name.
It is a bit expensive, mine cost me around 55€ but, it's got all the normal Kinetic F-16 sprues with lots of options, a full weapons load and a big decal sheet with lots of whif options. :wub:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"