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The Captured G.B. - Finished Builds

Started by NARSES2, October 12, 2020, 06:38:09 AM

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Right here's where you can post pictures of your finished builds as and when the time comes.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


On June 7, 1982 an Argentine Air Force Lear 35A was shot down on a reconnaissance/decoy mission by a Sea Dart SAM fired from HMS Exeter near Pebble Island on the north side of West Falkland...but What If...?

Vice Commodore Rodolfo De La Colina rolled the Lear 35 almost inverted and pulled hard towards the incoming Sea Dart missile.  The business jet was not built like the Mirages and Skyhawks that his comrades were flying in the war, and he hoped the airframe held together as the G-load increased.  He strained to see the missile exhaust plume out his windshield.  His co-pilot had better view and gave a running commentary of their situation.  He could hear the distressed cries from the three reconnaissance officers in the jet's tight cabin a few feet behind him. 

As the missile screamed towards his jet he abruptly rolled in the opposite direction and dove to the ground.  The maneuver worked. The missile passed close off the right side, nothing but a bright streak in his peripheral vision as it screamed past. 

Before he had a chance to even contemplate relief he felt a thud against the airframe.  The missile had detonated behind the Lear, too far past to destroy it, but close enough to send warhead fragments into the business jet.  Now flying well past it's maximum design speed and well into the transonic range Rodolfo felt the jet buffet violently. 

He eased the nose up and pulled the thrust levers aft in an effort to slow the jet.  Passing back through 220 knots indicated airspeed the buffeting became much more gentle.  Still there, but he could at least read his instruments now.  Now low and slow, barely 2,000 feet above the rocky island below he knew he would be pushing it to try to cross the icy ocean to return to base at Comodoro on the mainland.  He looked at the young co-pilot beside him and in an unspoken moment he nodded in agreement.  He turned the aircraft towards Stanley, descending to 200 feet above the terrain, in hopes they could reach safety without encountering more Royal Navy fire on the way and without finding trigger happy conscripts manning AA guns when he got there.

Luck was on their side, and the Learjet rolled to a stop at Stanley airfield 25 excruciatingly slow minutes later.  The crew finally breathed a sigh of relief but realized how lucky they were as they inspected the aircraft and saw the rudder and right elevator shredded like tin foil...

The Lear sat on the apron at Stanley, untouched until it was found by liberating British forces five days later.  It joined a Pucara and three Agusta A109 helicopters in becoming captured war trophies.  Both the RAF and RN wanted the Lear, seeing it as a fast, comfortable Communications aircraft.  In the end the Royal Navy won the battle, on the grounds that it was one of their missiles that had disabled the Learjet in the first place. 

The aircraft was repaired and with a new interior and suitable repaint it entered service with 781 Naval Air Squadron at RNAS Yoevilton in Spring 1983 where it proved a popular mode of transport among high ranking officers until it was sold to a private company in October 1994. 

Royal Navy Learjet CC.1 "Evita" c.1990

So I got that going for me...which is nice....


Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Nah, it's just small and simple stuff.  :rolleyes:


Don't let Dizzy  near Fast Assembly kits otherwise  their would be no stopping him   :wacko:


All Done...she took longer than planned but it was definitely a Mojo-restoring build. 

Throughout the galaxy Imperial Walkers were seen as a symbol of oppression during Palpatine's reign.  But walkers occasionally found there way into the Rebel arsenal too.  Though AT-ATs in Alliance service were relatively rare, many AT-STs were captured either in skirmishes with smaller Imperial outposts or during daring raids on Imperial transport ships. 

In Rebel service AT-STs were often modified with custom weaponry and other special equipment.  One such modification saw the AT-ST's two main blasters replaced with a single Heavy Ion Cannon, becoming an All Terain Agile Assault walker (AT-AA).   Thought rate of fire was slower a well placed hit from this cannon could disable an AT-AT, leaving it vulnerable to the concussion missiles that took the place of the Imperial walker's puny grenade launcher.  Other modifications on this AT-AA include a searchlight, craw access ladder, and an advanced sensor array, with an antenna cluster on the aft right side of the cabin roof. 

Without the resources of the Empire, captured AT-STs in Rebel service often appeared heavily worn and dirty, and with minor battle damage rarely repaired as is the case here, with a blaster hit still visible on the right side armor.   

So I got that going for me...which is nice....


When Lockheed used a capture Fw-189 to improve the P-38, this gave many versions of XP-38W-189
See at

[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]