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FW-190D-9 Hellenic Air Force

Started by TheChronicOne, June 20, 2021, 03:30:05 PM

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Pressed for time, especially now with... like...  6 hours left, I'm just copying this from my blog:

"To my non-surprise but dismay and subsequent panic....  the one week GB is definitely upon us but in typical fashion, I'm behind the 8-ball yet again and there are only 3 friggin days left on it.  ;D  I did a blitz build once for the hell of it to try to knock out a build in one day. I accomplished this but also didn't.... It took less than 24 hours, but occurred over the span of two days. At the end I think it was about 10 hours in it? This thing... and by golly, it's one of my favorite "smalls" and turned out really damn nice, in my opinion:

There's something to be appreciated about the phrase "study long, study wrong." Sometimes when you dispense with the penchant to be perfect ... things just flow better and the result is nice. I've builds that took 20X longer than this Mustang that I'm not near as happy with so... take it for what it's worth. BUT ANYWAY.... point being is that I'm reasonably confident that if I can maintain focus, I can come up with something in three days.

With this in mind I burst into the storage room and started looking for what should be simple builds as contenders...... scanning..... scanning........    Then the Focke Wulf caught my eye. Should be simple.... it also has the benefit of being on the very top of a stack so I don't have to dig the damn thing out!  ;D

Turns out to be factory sealed. That's pretty neat I guess. Seems I messed up the corner. Oh well, not going to be a collectible anyway, I'm tearing this bitch open! lmao  Time to build, not to make wall decor.

Check it out!  $0.39   What a steal! 

1965! Someone can do the math and adjust that 39 cents price to 2021 money if they are so inclined to provide further trivia for this endeavor....   Speaking of, 1965...  means this kit is 56 years old. That's pretty cool!!!  (edit corrected math; forgot to subtract the 5)

So now on to what to do with it... I had thoughts of maybe making it Japanese but I'm having a hard time finding appropriate transfers so I'm thinking... of something else. I have some contenders and for some reason GREECE is getting the gears grinding a bit.... Hellenic FW-190?  Why not, I suppose....  I could try to cobble together a reasonable backstory or just "let it ride" and let the viewers come to their own conclusions. We'll see.. I may not even go with that... but.... it could be neat... I could make some sort of three color camo for it... perhaps reminiscent of the A7s. "

I lost an entire day on this so if I get it done, it'll be a two day build. So far, so good, though!

I'm painting the remaining parts for now and should be able to gloss it and start transfers soon. I don't know if I'll go all the way through with the Hellenic stuff or not, so this could change at the last hour and become African or South American (or something).

-Sprues McDuck-

Old Wombat

Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


I'm tryin!    Little less than two hours to go.....  I just wrapped up decalling and I'll put a lil microsol on the transfers then it's off for the last coat of clear then I glue on the props and landing gear and that's a wrap. Oh and glue the canopy on.

Check this out, though.... I decided for the hell of it to try to hand paint the little spinner swirl and I got in the first pass! I never tried it before but...  man, it turned out pretty good for free-hand brush painting! Another "tool" in the toolbox.

-Sprues McDuck-


It's officially done at 11:07 P.M.!    I just have to take the pictures...  This is probably the quickest build I've ever done... I have maybe.... 5 hours in it over the span of two days.
-Sprues McDuck-


The spinner swirl came out well  :thumbsup:
"I'm a precisional instrument of speed and aromatics." - Tow Mater.

"People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing all day." - A. A. Milne.


Thanks, bruh!!!!  I thought I was going to paint that on there and mess it up then just paint over it black but by golly it was nice enough to keep.  ;D

So anyway.... done with pictures with 15 minutes to spare...   ;D

-Sprues McDuck-


"I'm a precisional instrument of speed and aromatics." - Tow Mater.

"People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing all day." - A. A. Milne.


Looks so different in those colors. Really like it, and I generally dont care for WW2 German hardware.
So I got that going for me...which is nice....


Thanks, fellers!! I'm glad people like it... I was a bit worried it would turn out poorly because I was in such a hurry. I'm so glad that nothing really went wrong... one or two little flubs probably would have cost me the deadline. It's almost surreal to think that 4 days ago I had no clue I was even going to do this.... no clue about the project at all... the kit, markings, paint.... anything. It was rather spontaneous..... like a surprise. I knew it was getting close but I didn't know the GB was already under way so in the true spirit of the theme I just started grabbing what was close and going for it and ... a Greek Focke-Wulf is what plopped out the other end... lol  ;D :o
-Sprues McDuck-


Thats one of the things ai love most about this GB...sure I often have plans in mind months in advance, but when it comes down to start day I usually sit looking at the stash wondering what to do.
So I got that going for me...which is nice....


Well done for getting it over the line

Looks superb


This is something i'd never in a million years thought of - which basically only shows the very limited capacity of my imagination, obviously..  ;D
That said - it's amazing! Really cool! Superb work!
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!


That's come out well  :thumbsup: You sure it's not Argentinian though ? After all that's one of the places where Kurt went  ;)
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Old Wombat

Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Quote from: NARSES2 on June 21, 2021, 06:57:31 AM
That's come out well  :thumbsup: You sure it's not Argentinian though ? After all that's one of the places where Kurt went  ;)

Can you imagine the confusion if Argentina and Greece ever went to war?