
Welcome to the 2021 Whiffie Awards Show

Started by tc2324, November 13, 2021, 11:30:40 AM

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The Late, late, late 2021 Whiffie Awards Show

`Ladies and gentleman, welcome to a much delayed 2021 Whiffie Awards show. (The less said about the fact I forgot about it and delayed the show by another week, the better....!!)

So with no further ado, lets get on with it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


Best Figure

The nominees were,

Dizzy's Star Wars Speeder Bike & Sniper Scout
AeroplaneDriver  1/12 Bounty Hunter

and the winner is,

Dizzy's Star Wars Speeder Bike & Sniper Scout

74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


Best Sci-fi

The Nominees were,

Devilfish`s Eagle Transport
Dizzyfugu VF-1A "Valkyrie", "NE 114" of SVF-65 "Blue Knights" 
Austanker Toy Bot Modbash
Nev`s 1/48 Snowspeeder
Ti`s The AMG Hornet Anti-Gravity Bike
Madhatter's Tactical Eagle

And the winner is,

Ti`s The AMG Hornet Anti-Gravity Bike

74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


Best Diorama

The nominees were,

TomZ's Kreigsmarine World Tour 1947
wacek85's pretty A-90 Ekranoplan
Far148s Hunter / Killer drones

And the winner is,

TomZ's Kreigsmarine World Tour 1947

74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


Best Miscellaneous

The nominees were,

Rheged's Very Short History of Farley Aeroplane and Engineering.
Ratty's backstory for his Farley Flutterbug,

And the winner is,

Rheged's Very Short History of Farley Aeroplane and Engineering.


74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!



The Nominees were,

Dizzyfugu`s EC665 "Tiger" (UHT KWS-M), "75+13" of the German Marineflieger, 2016
DogfighterZen's  Super Cobra
Ericr's Herald/Osprey hybrid
Ti`s  UH100 Black Hawk Stealth
Buzzbomb's Kamov KA-101 Tilt Rotor
Cammnut's Lockheed/Bell AV-56 Cheyenne

And the winner is,

Cammnut's Lockheed/Bell AV-56 Cheyenne

74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


Best Ship/Floaty Thingy

The Nominees were,

Madhatter's "World Of Warships Tier 7 Richelieu in Type 3 Camo"
Nonobar's Bundesmarine Zerstrorer D166 Lindermann
Old Wombats RAM SBS SpORT boat.
Nonobar's Kriegsmarine Escort Vessel "Friedrich Trump"
zenrat's Revenue Protection Cutter 124  "Velma" - People's Democratic Republic of Victoria Revenue Protection Flotilla, Mornington Archipelago, June 1963.
Nonobar's Roman Steam Ship
sandiego89`s 25 de Mayo (ex-USS Randolph) Falklands, 1982,
Dizzy's 1/700 HMS Flexible
Buzz Bomb's Roman Steam Galley.
Dizzy's HMS Jubilant

And the winner is,

Madhatter's "World Of Warships Tier 7 Richelieu in Type 3 Camo"

74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


Best Prop

The Nominees were,

Dizzy's Super Supermarine type 250
Martin H`s Skyrocket serving with no 5 AEF Taversham
TheChronicOne`s USMC Gulf War Skyraider
Kitnut617`s North American AF-82/A-11 Super Twin
Martin H`s Skyrocket float plane
TheChronicOne`s Israeli Lysander
Comrade Harps' Romanian Me-410
Narses2's British Pacific fleet Kingfisher
Ratty's RAAF Wellesley
Estonian P-7 by Narses2.
Ericr Bv141 floatplane
Zenrat Yokosuka P2Y Tenousei High Speed Medium Bomber
Flappydaffy's Condor Legion P.35
NARSES2 Polish Hurricane
Bungle's Blackburn Blackburn
zenrat's  "Scooby Doo" Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar:
63cpe`s Fokker D-XXIw
CammNut's Grumman AOV-7 Night
AeroplaneDriver`s Sea hurricane
PR19-Kit's Defiant Mk IV
Zenrat's Seafire 47
Nils Tri Motor Dakota
Kit's Avro Leeds:
Dizzy's RNZAF NA P.51M
Mushi's Hartlepool
TomZ's Fury Racer
Zenrat's CR.32 of the People's Front of Catalunya
Kitbasher's Ju 53
Tom Z's SNCASO Sud Ouest SO-8000 Narval.
Frank2056's Lee-Richards Annular Monoplane
VickersVandal's Nieuport 17p "Trottinette"
chrisonord's Westland Mako

and the winner is,

Frank2056's Lee-Richards Annular Monoplane

74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


Best Profiler/Artist

The nominees were,


And the winner is,


74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


Best Kitbash

The Nominees were,

Loupgarou`s Jet Avenger
Old Wombats wonderful B-27A High Speed Bomber
ericr's XB35/A380
Loupgarou`s Koolhoven-Peperkamp
Tophe's Euro T Phoon
Dizzy's Yokosuka J1Y3 "Akaei" light fighter of the IJN, early 1945
Cammnut's "Rockwell F-15"
ericr's Victor/Constellation
Zenrat's Farley Fairy Penguin.
TomZ's Twin Boom Comet
Wacek85's Lublin RXIIIB Hydro Terror
Ecrir's Neptune/Privateer
Sandiego89's Su-21 'Phalgon'
Ericr's Go 244 and Challenger combo Antarctic "Snowcat"
Ericr's  Sunderland/U-2/XB-35
63cpe's MB-7

And we have another joint winner situation!

The winners are,

Old Wombats wonderful B-27A High Speed Bomber

And ......

Cammnut's "Rockwell F-15"

74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


Best Vehicle

The Nominee`s were,

The Chao's Sd kfz's Rhinozeros
Zenrat's updated Dodge A100
Buzzbomb's General AP Hill M3 APC
Buzzbomb's PzIV-Hetzer hybrid
Weavers Snow Scarab
The Chao's wonderful T-62 with graffiti
Old Wombat's LAV-150 Turret TOW
Buzzbomb's bridgelayer
buzzbomb[/b]'s ZSU-30R - Life Extension for Shilka Platform
Wombat`s "Flail"
Ericr's Go 244 and Challenger combo Antarctic "Snowcat"

And the winner is .............

Ericr's Go 244 and Challenger combo Antarctic "Snowcat"

74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


...... and finally

Best Jet

The Nominees were,

Chris' BAE Tempest II
dwomby's subtle Mirage 3000 deserves IMHO attention:
Devilfish's F.111 K Merlin GR 1
Sandiego89`s F-102, Stealth Fighter "cover"
Dizzyfugu`s Saab 39A Griphean F.1
dizzyfugu`s North American F-1F "Fury Dog"
comrade harps' Bahraini GlobalFighter Typhoon FGR.4.
Chris's Aeronavale Skyray.
CammNuts Seamasters
Dizzy's Lockheed F2V
Martin H's Fleet Air Arm A-4 Skyhawk
AeroplaneDriver  Irish Air Corps BAE Hawk 
Nev's F-23A Black Widow
Wacek85's Me 1099P
TheChronicOne`s P-4 Pluto
PR19_Kit's Vulcan trainer (the Jet Provost T6)
Jalles' F-117N
TomZ's Convair B-46A Conqueror
Zenrat's Jaguar GR1 RAAF.
PR19_Kit's Gloster Lance FAW3
sandiego89[/b]'s Prototype XB-58 Hustler with "Siamese" engines
Dizzyfugu`s  He-162 C-0 (P.1073)
TheChronicOne's Indian Sabre
Zenrat's Mig 25 Happy
Dizzies "Grey Lady" IA-96A "Quique"
Dogfighterzen's Mirage 5PL(M)
Zenrat`s H P Victomic?
Dizzy's "F-104G "26+40" in "Alberich" cammo, JG 71, Deutsche Luftwaffe, 1986"
AeroplaneDriver's Raam Tank Buster
Dizzy's SLAF Super Mystere SMB.2
Far148s Hunter / Killer drones
Gengriz's P.1121
Andrewj's 1939 Sea Harrier
Devilfish's Douglas/Shorts Skyray F.1 
AeroplaneDriver's Aeronvale A4
The Rat `s "Flygvapnet Lockheed P-80C, interned"
Nils Christmas Viggen

And the winner is,

Far148s Hunter / Killer drones

74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


........... and that my friends concludes the 2021 Whiffie Awards show for another year.

As always we hope you enjoyed the show and a hearty congrats to all of this year's winners. Also a huge well done and pat on the back goes to those members nominated and to you members that took an hour or three out of your day and voted. 

The Academy would like to ask the winners to PM me (tc2324), a relevant email address so that your winner's certificates can be sent on to you.

And so finally, as most of you will know, this is going to be my last year hosting the Awards. Since 2017 I`ve dedicated most of my free time Project Managing the restoration of Phantom F-4J(UK) ZE360 here in the UK and then earlier this year, I took on the role of Secretary to the British Phantom Aviation Group. I`m now part of a team taking on the task of restoring three British Phantom aircraft all in glorious 1.1 scale and that's not to mention other side projects related to the group.


Taking this into account, work and being a father to my boys, it meant that some things needed to be dropped and unfortunately hosting the Whiffie Awards ended up being one of those. It`s been a fantastic nine years or so and I have very much enjoyed the journey, carrying on the dream that Philip my predecessor had started and hopefully improving the experience for you all along the way.

However not all is lost ......

I`m very pleased to announce that going forward TomZ will be your new Whiffie Award organizer, co-ordinator and Toast Master. Tom is obviously no stranger to the forum and will in my opinion do an excellent job taking the Awards into the future. Please join me in welcoming Tom to the fold and wishing him the best of luck going forward.

So that's it...., the end of the show, an end of an era, but the start of a bright new future for the Awards show going into 2022. Thank you all.

74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


Fantastic, standing ovation! 

Great entries and winners, top-notch show!

thank you so much tc2324, all your work over these years is much appreciated!

Dave "Sandiego89"
Chesapeake, Virginia, USA



I'm sure everyone here will join me in my appreciation for all your effort over the past 9 years running the whiffies.
Thank you very much for all your work!

I can only hope that as your successor I can carry on the tradition and achieve the same high quality.

That "other" award show will take place at the end of March next year so I will come back with the nominations and the polls somewhere early that month.

Reality is an illusion caused by an alcohol deficiency