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Knox LFS

Started by Thunderhead, November 21, 2021, 08:43:49 AM

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A modified version of the Knox class to replace the USS Cannonade in the fire support role, as described by Friedman in his book on US Amphibs. The ship will mount the Mk-71 gun system and a digital fire control system, either a Mk-86 or Mk-92 GFC. Other plans involved fitting either a 155mm vertically loaded gun with 600 rounds, or a 9-in rocket launcher with 350 rounds. Nothing more could be done, because it was important that the Knox class retain the ASW capability represented by ASROC, which occupied the only other available launcher position.

Not seen on the model, but otherwise included in the backstory will be new munitions for the ASROC launcher. These will include SMARTROC (a Mk-82 laser-guided bomb fired from an ASROC), and Shrike On Board (SOB). Both may be added to the model if I can either find some suitable munitions in 1/700 scale (unlikely) or find some 3D models that I can print off in 1/700 scale. The Mk-86 or 92 will be added depending on what I can find in the bits box.

But just to make sure that I have actually presented something to the GB, and to give a very good idea about what I'm going for, here's a shipbucket build of an LFS Knox.

Edit: Not sure if the link is working, so here's the raw link.


This sounds interesting, I am a fan of the OHP, and I've wanted to do a FF version of the class, and the USN mucked up when they did their version, by placing a 25mm bushmaster on the bow, instead of using another MK. 75 OTO 76mm or upgunning to a MK.45 Mod 4 Lightweight 5"/62 cal. At least I can do it in paint, lol
"Mind that bus." "What bus?" *SPLAT!*

Joe C-P

Alas, the 8" gun proved too much for the Knox hull.  Perhaps the vertical launch 155, or as I did on a whiff the 155mm turret from a US Army M109 SPG.

Take a look at the Taiwanese "Chi Yang" updates to see what is possible with those ships.
You might also review the Spanish edition, which had a single-arm launcher instead of the flight deck.
Possibly replace the hangar and flight deck with, say, another gun.

The ASROC box launcher was provided with either 8 or 16 reloads, plus you can have land-attack Harpoons.

But it's yours, not mine, so do as you please!
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.


Quote from: JoeP on November 29, 2021, 01:16:18 PM
Alas, the 8" gun proved too much for the Knox hull.  Perhaps the vertical launch 155, or as I did on a whiff the 155mm turret from a US Army M109 SPG.

Take a look at the Taiwanese "Chi Yang" updates to see what is possible with those ships.
You might also review the Spanish edition, which had a single-arm launcher instead of the flight deck.
Possibly replace the hangar and flight deck with, say, another gun.

The ASROC box launcher was provided with either 8 or 16 reloads, plus you can have land-attack Harpoons.

But it's yours, not mine, so do as you please!

Unfortunately, I have no leads on a 1/700 scale 155mm gun, either as a regular turret or as VGS turret. And I can't find any good leads on the dimensions of the turret, so I can't really kitbash one either. Meanwhile, I have a 1/700 scale Mk71 that I can use, so that's gonna be my best bet. Could you tell me specifically why the 8" gun was too much for the Knox hull? My current idea is just to handwave it as "extra structural reinforcement" but if there was a specific issue I can mention it.

Back to the actual build. The kit has finally arrived, so prep and build will start this evening.