
Boeing-X Sensor-Y (finished part 2 page 5+5, part1 page3)

Started by Tophe, January 13, 2022, 07:12:44 AM

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1/48 is 1/4 inch = 1 foot (12 inches) which can also be
written as 1 inch = 4 feet (48 inches) and it is an old
standard architectural drafting scale.
The same applies to 1/12th (1" = 1'), 1/24th (1/2" = 1')

1/96th (1/8" = 1' or 1" = 8'(96") is also one if the most
commonly seen in architecture and is generally used for
drawings of the site where the building is or will be
located, with the building drawings in 1/4" scale (1/48th).
1/8"(1/96th) was long the most common scale in large ship

When Monogram first started producing 1/48th scale kits they
were marketed as 1/4" scale, some old time plastic modellers
will still sometimes refer to 1/48th kits as "quarter scale".

1/32nd (3/8" = 1') is also an architectural scale.  ;)


Thanks a lot for this explanation, simple (for Imperial spirits, not decimal).
What I read was different, saying the source was little soldiers 6'=1" so 1/72.
Then for an unknown reason (and you answered, yes, thanks) 1/72*3/2=1/48 and 1/48*3/2=1/32
while 1/72*1./2=1/144 and 1/48*2/1=1/24. Covering all the scales I know in aviation.
1/350 is not explained but more for ships than aircraft.
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Quote from: joncarrfarrelly on January 21, 2022, 10:59:28 AM

When Monogram first started producing 1/48th scale kits they
were marketed as 1/4" scale, some old time plastic modellers
will still sometimes refer to 1/48th kits as "quarter scale".

A few of us over here still say "quarter scale", slips off the tongue easier that "one forty eighth scale"  ;D
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


The model is on her way to become the P-51S-5...: <_<

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/IMG_5338_sens.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Thistle dew, Pig - thistle dew!

Where am I going?  And why am I in a handbasket?

It's dark in the dark when it's dark. Ancient Ogre Proverb

"All right, boyz - the plan iz 'Win.'  And if ya lose, it's yer own fault 'coz ya didn't follow the plan."


And a little extra things I did: cutting the (old) wing chord away, adding putty instead of exhaust pipes (to have more room to install the canard foreplanes): <_<

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/IMG_5345_sens.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


When I made an X-wing out of a Messerschmitt Bf-109, I put the tail planes where the exhausts would have gone.  Here's a picture:

Thistle dew, Pig - thistle dew!

Where am I going?  And why am I in a handbasket?

It's dark in the dark when it's dark. Ancient Ogre Proverb

"All right, boyz - the plan iz 'Win.'  And if ya lose, it's yer own fault 'coz ya didn't follow the plan."


The X-Wing 109 looks very cool, is there a thread or any other pics of it?
"I'm a precisional instrument of speed and aromatics." - Tow Mater.

"People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing all day." - A. A. Milne.


Quote from: Scotaidh on January 23, 2022, 04:13:24 AM
When I made an X-wing out of a Messerschmitt Bf-109, I put the tail planes where the exhausts would have gone.  Here's a picture:
Great model! :wub:
I will be very happy if my model is ten times less good (rather than one million times less good)... :-\ ;) ;D
To borrow the tailplane location, is the price less than $50 per second? ($ 4,320,000 per day) :unsure: ;)
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


My friends, if you see anything I've done that you would like to do yourselves, please do!  It's nothing special, I assure you!  :)

Flyer, that was built for a challenge on StarShipModeler http://www.starshipmodeler.com  - the challenge was to build something, anything SciFi from a Bf-109.  We could use any scale or several different ones, any number of 'donor' models - the only thing was to use at least parts of one Bf-109, and we had to be able to ID at least some of the parts when the build was complete.

I used two Matchbox kits to get the vertical fins and the four wings.  I robbed the podded engines off some wind-up toy airliners and greeblied them up a bit; the R2 unit was made from a Lite Brite peg I swiped from my daughter; most everything else came from the spares bin, particularly the underwing stores.  One of them is scratchbuilt - the port upper inboard missile; the recon pod on the upper stbd wing was a drop-tank with the end cut off and a piece of clear sprue glued in.  Once the glue was set, I applied a bit of heat (Bic lighter flame) to the clear sprue, and it obligingly turned into a ball.  Any impurities within the clear plastic is now the gubbins of the sensor.  ;)

This was my concept drawing; no pictures exist of the process because that was before I had a digital camera, but I promise - it wasn't anything ground-breaking.  :)  I do have more pictures of it, if you'd like to see them.

Going away:

Belly of the beast:

Dorsal view:

Close-up of the Port Wing:

Close-up of the Starboard Wing:

I built a bit of brass tubing into the tail - it replaces the aft marker light at the base of the vertical stabilizer - as a receptacle for the wire and I was going to have it in low orbit over a world, but couldn't find a plate or bowl that pleased me, so I made the cube.  That's a 6" cube of solid lumber under the cork - I wanted a solid base.  It was a bit heavier than I'd reckoned, but it works - that model isn't going anywhere!  :) 

I thought it'd be a cute SciFi pun to make it a previously un-encountered species of Borg - the Cork Borg.  I should have made it kelly green, of course, with shamrocks all over it and Shillelagh missiles and all ... maybe next time.  ;)  The sticky note says "A tack!  A tack!" (I think Mars Attacks is hysterical) with a push pin to give it credence ...  ;)

Thistle dew, Pig - thistle dew!

Where am I going?  And why am I in a handbasket?

It's dark in the dark when it's dark. Ancient Ogre Proverb

"All right, boyz - the plan iz 'Win.'  And if ya lose, it's yer own fault 'coz ya didn't follow the plan."


[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


With the second Helller P-51D canopy, and remaining parts of the Unicraft Boeing Sensor, there will of course be a second model:

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/IMG_5348_sens.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Nice one Scotaidh :thumbsup:

Not into Star trek through so I don't get the Borg reference, I do however like Star wars and the Bf-109 so I find the model absolutely brilliant and may have to 'borrow' the idea sometime.  :thumbsup:
"I'm a precisional instrument of speed and aromatics." - Tow Mater.

"People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing all day." - A. A. Milne.


Sorry, Tophe, for my tactless distraction from your thread.  I didn't think my answer would be so ... long. 

I think what you're doing is brilliant - and I love the fact that you're a peaceful man amidst all of us 'orrible war- & weapons-mongers ... 
Thistle dew, Pig - thistle dew!

Where am I going?  And why am I in a handbasket?

It's dark in the dark when it's dark. Ancient Ogre Proverb

"All right, boyz - the plan iz 'Win.'  And if ya lose, it's yer own fault 'coz ya didn't follow the plan."


 <_< Your X-Wing-109 is very welcome here, my models feel they are "in good company", thanks! sincerely. <_<
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]