
Westland tilt-jet AEW.2 Kite with photos ++FINISHED ++

Started by McColm, April 04, 2023, 05:03:12 PM

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This is based on the 1/72 Italeri Boeing V-22 Osprey kit but I have replaced the two turboprops with turbofan engines from an A-10A. I'm planning to put some missiles on pylons under the wings but I haven't decided on what version to build.
The kit does come with three different sets of decals which includes the prototype and I do have a reference book that covers speculative variants with concept artwork.

Everything was going well until the tail end, I couldn't get it to fit so I turned it upside down.

Filed the surfaces flat and added the tail fins.


Something similar to this,  BAe artwork for a AEW version of the Osprey.

To this


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Paper Kosmonaut

Planes with dishes on top always have my attention! I like the looks!
dei t dut mout t waiten!


A different rotodome mount. Project Blue Tack.


Without the dish it has a certain Razor Crest look to it.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Changes have made the avionics and the rotating arm from the Westland Sea King ASaC.7 along with the inflatable AEW radome has been installed. Additional stores carried on two pylons fitted above the main landing gear. A retractable in-flight refuelling probe installed above the cockpit canopy.
As I have been using white acrylic paint on my other builds I used the remainder in the wheel wells. There's a few sensors from the Westland Sea King ASaC.7 and the Sea King AEW.2.


Not a new concept the idea  has been touted before but not with tilt-jet engines, it seems that the Boeing Osprey lacks the endurance of the Grumman Hawkeye but is slightly longer than the Sea King or Merlin helicopters.
I have gone with over the cockpit canopy in-flight refuelling and the drop fuel tanks from the
F-14 Tomcat aren't intrusive so I will be fitting them at a later stage. I have gone for the side rather than the rear with the inflatable radome.
Still a work in progress.


Been experimenting with acrylic paint, some angles it looks two-tone others it's where I missed a bit.
I will be adding a door to the other side.


Medium gunship acrylic paint looks much better.


It's last paint scheme.
Calling this build finished.