
M3 Half track ,,PE to the extreme .

Started by Wardukw, April 11, 2023, 05:44:54 PM

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Quote from: zenrat on April 16, 2023, 05:11:08 AMYou have to explain what you did and what you used or, unless they are very schooled in the subject and the kits used they will not realise how much work you put in.

Which is what I see as part of my "job" when I'm stationed behind the SIG's table at a model show. Before the bottle of red kicks in anyway  :angel:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Steel Penguin

Narses   part of our amuse, confuse and bemuse programme  :thumbsup:     and i will again say that the SIG table is brilliant in that folks are always happy to engage punters  :unsure:    some of the tables at show trying to get any info at all is worse that trying to pull teeth  :banghead:
the things you learn, give your mind the wings to fly, and the chains to hold yourself steady
take off and nuke the site form orbit, nope, time for the real thing, CAM and gridfire, call special circumstances. 
wow, its like freefalling into the Geofront
Not a member of the Hufflepuff conspiracy!


That's not the first time I've heard that about some shows..it's like if you don't know what your looking at don't talk to us sort of thing which for trying to get more people into our hobby is not the way to do it .
That makes no sense to me at all.
If it aint broke ,,fix it until it is .
Over kill is often very understated .
I know the voices in my head ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas.
Theres few of lifes problems that can't be solved with the proper application of a high explosive projectile .


You always get people who want to show they know more than the other person, but not in order to educate them.

Of course, sometimes it's an uphill battle either way. I remember being at a model show as an exhibitor on the stand of a model club, and some visitor pointed to a model of mine. "I drove one of those when I was a conscript!" he told his friend. He didn't seem to want to understand that he would not have driven an M132 flamethrower in the Netherlands Army, and that he probably meant he was an M113 driver ...
... I know all this and more ...


Vehicles misidentified in our world is very common especially when used by militaries who never used the vehicles.
It's like one model I built which was a M-48 upgraded to what I called the M-48 A7 ..which was never made..had a new turret built from a M-60..well started as a M-60 but changed quite alot in its shape and layout and the 120mm main gun was a big change.
Some folks knew it wasn't real which was the whole idea of course but some others swore it was which confused me to no end  ;D
I was turning another M-48 by making it longer with a extra road wheel and lowering the drive spocket..turret was to have two 120mm guns .
I was going to widen it too..that never got finished which is avoiding but what can ya do .
I wonder what the know it alls would have had  to say about that...some US design not yet of the drawing board 😉 😏
If it aint broke ,,fix it until it is .
Over kill is often very understated .
I know the voices in my head ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas.
Theres few of lifes problems that can't be solved with the proper application of a high explosive projectile .

Rick Lowe

Didn't the US sell the Koreans an M-48 upgraded with an M-60 turret IRL?  :unsure:


I well yes and no..the Koreans did get M48s and they were upgraded to A5  standard with better armour and the L7/M68 105mm gun which replaced the 90mm.
The first turret which the M60 used looked a heap like the turret of a M48 but you cant fit a M60 turret to a M48 hull....the M60s turret ring is wider.
If I remember right the M60 had the M48 style turret and the M60A1 had the new turret .
The first M60 turret was so much alike with the M48 that it could easily be mistaken for one but the 60s turret was wider.
If it aint broke ,,fix it until it is .
Over kill is often very understated .
I know the voices in my head ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas.
Theres few of lifes problems that can't be solved with the proper application of a high explosive projectile .


Quote from: Rick Lowe on April 18, 2023, 10:12:49 PMDidn't the US sell the Koreans an M-48 upgraded with an M-60 turret IRL?  :unsure:
Other way around: M60A1 or -A3 (not sure) hulls with M48A5 turrets, basically.

Quote from: Wardukw-NZ on April 18, 2023, 11:10:56 PMbut you cant fit a M60 turret to a M48 hull....the M60s turret ring is wider.
The ring is the same diameter, but IIRC, the M60's turret basket extends a little deeper into the tank than is possible on the M48. There were plans to put M60"A0" turrets onto M48A3 hulls (the turrets would be surplus after converting the M60s to M60A2s, which never happened) and that required a spacer to be put on the hull top to give the necessary clearance. There are photos of a prototype, but I can't find them at the moment.

Quote from: Wardukw-NZ on April 18, 2023, 11:10:56 PMIf I remember right the M60 had the M48 style turret and the M60A1 had the new turret .
The first M60 turret was so much alike with the M48 that it could easily be mistaken for one but the 60s turret was wider.
They're the same size: the major difference is that on the M48, the rear of the turret curves down in an arc like on the front and sides, while the original M60 turret has a near-vertical rear and the roof extends rearward to meet it. There are all kinds of detail changes, but the easiest way to tell the two apart is that way.
... I know all this and more ...

Rick Lowe

Quote from: Jakko on April 19, 2023, 01:46:20 AM
Quote from: Rick Lowe on April 18, 2023, 10:12:49 PMDidn't the US sell the Koreans an M-48 upgraded with an M-60 turret IRL?  :unsure:
Other way around: M60A1 or -A3 (not sure) hulls with M48A5 turrets, basically.

Yeah, that's the one I was thinking of.  :thumbsup:


It's called the CM-11 Brave Tiger. And I confused South Korea with Taiwan ... South Korea uses M48A5s with a few modifications the American versions don't have (like side skirts on the early tanks, later removed again), Taiwan has the CM-11.
... I know all this and more ...