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Sth Vietnamese F-51D Mustang

Started by comrade harps, April 19, 2023, 02:01:16 AM

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comrade harps

North American F-51D Mustang 
a/c 10560/E, 1st Fighter Squadron, Republic of Vietnam Air Force (RVNAF)
Early 1958, Da Nang, Republic of Vietnam 

IndoChina was in a precarious position in mid-1950 when France was liberated in a Red Revolution. The anti-colonial Viet Minh was increasingly effective in their guerilla campaign for independence against the French, who were now losing large areas of the countryside to liberated zones. Upping the international stakes, Red China had just started supplying arms to the Viet Minh and substantial American aid to the French was being accompanied by US military and civilian advisors. As the effects of the French August Red Revolution flowed into its colonial possessions, some units mutinied and many personnel went AWOL or joined the Reds. As chaos ensued, France's non-European UN allies were forced to intervene in places like Algeria and IndoChina to stabilise French authority. Inevitably, this involved sending military forces to replace France's ailing power and the placing of Free French forces under UN command.

By 1951, part of the UN's plan for IndoChina was the establishment of a Vietnamese military that was independent of the Free French. Recruitment multiplied and training for land, maritime and air warfare organizations along US lines of structure and doctrine began in earnest. The Vietnam Air Corps was established under UN authority on 1 July 1952, but it was still a training organisation commanded by foreign officers. A month later, after a significant Free French defeat on the battlefield, the colonists agreed to withdraw south of the 17th parallel. Although the UN wasn't a party to the negotiations, they followed the Free French and repositioned south of a Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) that effectively became the border between the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) and the soon to be established state of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam).

The Republic of Vietnam Air Force (RNVAF) stood up on 1 January 1954. Equipped with trainers, Bird Dog observation aircraft and C-47 transports, a plan was already in place to form a combat force. The RNVAF's first combat aircraft was the North American F-51D Mustang. Equipping 1 Fighter Squadron from March 1954, the Mustangs were supplied by New Zealand. New Zealand had ordered 130 Mustangs in early 1945 for use against Japan. Shipped to the island nation in crates, they were assembled in batches as they gradually replaced Corsairs and Kittyhawks in frontline squadrons. When the war ended, 30 still crated aircraft were placed in long-term storage. It was these stored aircraft that were supplied to the RNVAF in 1954, having been assembled and modestly upgraded by Lockheed Air Services (LAS) in Singapore. A further 15 used RNZAF Mustangs were later supplied, being zero-houred and similarly upgraded by LAS. Serving in the fighter-bomber role, the Mustangs of the 1st Fighter Squadron were replaced by CAC CA-27 Sabre Mk.32s in 1959. The 2nd Fighter Squadron, established with Mustangs in 1955, replaced them with ex-US Navy Douglas AD-6 Skyraiders in 1957. The selection of the Mustang owed much to the influence of the New Zealand personnel involved in guiding the growth of the RNVAF.

When delivered, the F-51Ds were painted in an overall neutral grey scheme. From February 1958, as they began a series of offensive missions across the DMZ, a camouflage of two greens and tan was applied. These missions were part of Operation Lightning Strike, a UN authorised campaign conducted by SEATO that involved attacks against North Vietnamese targets as "timely, proportionate responses to Communist aggression in South Vietnam." Deployed forward to Da Nang as required, the Mustangs were often tasked with target marking and flak suppression for the RVNAF's 2nd Fighter Squadron's AD-6s. RAAF and RNZAF CAC Sabres gave top cover to engage North Vietnamese Shenyang F-5 Fresco interceptors. 

This aircraft, with the US serial 45-10560 and the RNZAF serial NZ2423, was one of the used RNZAF Mustangs prepared by LAS. Assembled in New Zealand at the Aircraft Assembly Depot Hobsonville, it was subsequently issued to No. 18 Squadron in January 1946 for operations over the Netherlands East Indies. In August 1946 it was ferried back to New Zealand, cocooned and placed into storage. Returned to service in 1952, it flew with No.42 Squadron at Ohakea on fighter affiliation, continuation training and target towing duties. In late 1956 the plane was shipped to LAS and delivered to the RVNAF in November 1957. Given the tactical code E, the Mustang flew with the 1st Fighter Squadron RVNAF until 15 April 1958, when it crashed short of the Da Nang runway returning from a Lightning Strike mission, killing the pilot Lt. Châu Ngọc Quang. Photographs prior to this event show the aircraft in South Vietnamese service armed with either LAU-3 rocket pods or 500lb AN-M64 bombs. 


Another excellent addition to your ATL  ;D  :thumbsup:
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PS: Not my art, not very good at drawning :P

comrade harps

Quote from: Dizzyfugu on April 19, 2023, 03:16:25 AMNeat idea.  :thumbsup:

Well, l got the kit for the HVARs l used on the Ethiopian Kittyhawk and have long wanted to do something with Sth Vietnam markings, which l got as part of the Italeri F-5A kit l'm currently building, so all the parts alligned over Easter as l isolated with the Covids.


Looks really nice in that scheme  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

comrade harps

Quote from: NARSES2 on April 19, 2023, 06:45:49 AMLooks really nice in that scheme  :thumbsup:

The camo was inspired by a mix of USAF/Sth Vietnam A-1 Skyraider and a bit of Dominican Republic Mustang.


Very nice indeed - you're on a roll at the moment!


" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise

comrade harps



IIRC South Vietnam did have Bearcats probably from the French and then T-28 Trojans. Let me check if the Bearcats stayed blue.

It seems there was at least one in NMF or silver paint.


Many others in blue with just a painted on white letter. The Mustang looks really cool and perfectly possible.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


I like it !!  ;D
Very cool idea mate  :thumbsup:
If it aint broke ,,fix it until it is .
Over kill is often very understated .
I know the voices in my head ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas.
Theres few of lifes problems that can't be solved with the proper application of a high explosive projectile .

comrade harps

Quote from: SPINNERS on April 19, 2023, 08:05:48 AMVery nice indeed - you're on a roll at the moment!

l've been building but not posting. My antidepressants haven't been working as advertised and l just didn't have the oomph or confidence to photograph and post. New meds now, so the l've got my photo and posting mojo back. Hence the rolling flurry of posts.

The Rat

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Life is too short to worry about perfection

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Quote from: comrade harps on April 19, 2023, 09:10:29 PMNew meds now, so the l've got my photo and posting mojo back. Hence the rolling flurry of posts.

Great to hear  :thumbsup:  Stay well.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


I know the feeling.
I'll be glad to see your builds at any time! :thumbsup:
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise