
B-26 Marauder

Started by Sisko, March 21, 2005, 01:22:14 PM

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Since I had thoroughly poisoned myself with a batch of SNJ metalizer, my brain wasn't working properly.  I was going to post a general question about what I should do with this 1/48 B-26, but it just hit me.  Why not an OSS bird, maybe immediately post D-Day?  Possibly even postwar?

It's the Revellogram marauder kit.  It looks pretty sharp with the blue bottom and silver top.  I might have to change my mind again, but I'll wait until I have the paint job done to decide where to go with the markings.

I had wanted to do a JM-1 or PBJ-1, but I just didn't do it this time.

The scheme will probably be NMF on top (since I already did it), and very dark blue or black on bottom.  It will have only minimal markings--probably just period stars and bars and maybe a number.  Maybe even dark blue D-day bands on top of the wings.


Why not build it as part of the Alt, Korean thing in alternative history...

OR a WW II OSS plane involved in the south European theater?
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.

Jeffry Fontaine

Unaffiliated Independent Subversive
"Every day we hear about new studies 'revealing' what should have been obvious to sentient beings for generations; 'Research shows wolverines don't like to be teased" -- Jonah Goldberg


How about supporting Ho Chi Min in fighting the Japanese.

It could later go on to be used by the United Rpublic of Vietnam against Chinese backed communist rebels in the mountains. B)  
Get this Cheese to sick bay!

Daryl J.

With the advent of the Hasegawa B-26 Marauder, shouldn't it get whiffed a bit?   :P

Idea 1:

Antisubmarine Patrol---->  Radar in the bomb bay with requisite Large Lump underneath between the MLG.  Boom out the back.   Sonobouy tubes in stead of the rear turret and gun positions.    Tip tanks

X-dark sea grey over white with thin red trim here and there.   Gloss white leading edges.

Idea 2:
SEA Cammo, solid nose filled with appropriate rifled armaments, tip tanks, napalm and rockets under wing.

Idea 3:

Rapid Fire Attack in the Rocky Mountain Region.  Red/White/Black of course.

:party:  :party:  :party: ,
Daryl J., all ideas above for public use if wanted


There was a nightfighter version proposed with a radar dish in the nose and gunpacks in the bomb-bay. IIRC a single one was built.

Like the gunship idea. B)  

Eddie M.

There's a guy at FSM doing one as a USN SAR, if the B-26 and A-26 are the same thing :blink: . It's got the big radar in the belly and everything. I'll see if I can find the link.....and here it is

Look behind you!

Daryl J.

The Invader (A-26) was also called B-26 but Marauder B-26 was a different rig altogether.   The Invader is well worth whiffing too given its long, multi-role life.

Daryl J.

Eddie M.

QuoteThe Invader (A-26) was also called B-26 but Marauder B-26 was a different rig altogether.   The Invader is well worth whiffing too given its long, multi-role life.

Daryl J.
I thought it looked like an A-20. I guess I should do some research next time. ;)  :dum:
Look behind you!


I was in the LHS Friday, and there was a new-tool Italeri A-26 there, in Korean War markings, with the solid gun nose.
"Life isn't divided into genres. It's a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical, science-fiction cowboy detective novel. You know, with a bit of pornography if you're lucky."-Alan Moore

Iranian F-14A

QuoteThere was a nightfighter version proposed with a radar dish in the nose and gunpacks in the bomb-bay. IIRC a single one was built.

Like the gunship idea. B)
There was more then one nightfighter A-20 built.They were called P-70s.They came before the Blackwidow and once the P-61 had taken over,the P-70s were used to train nightfighter crews.The was a single prototype of the  A-26B Invader nightfighter built.It had a longer nose,with radar and an under belly cannon pack.

Love the SEA idea.Say the Frnce decided to leave some of their B-26s in Vietnam then,later,the US upgraded them for use in the night intruder role for the South Vietnamese AF.

Or,heres an off the wall idea.Replace the straight wings with swept ones.Add a swept tail.Add podded jets or keep the props and add counter rotating engines.Add an undernose radome.Might make for a nice Russian bomber.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever-1984
Current projects:
OH-58F Kiowa Warrior
S-70C Civilian Hawk
HAL Light Combat Helicopter
S-64 Skycrane Firefighter


I ment a nightfighter Marauder not Invader or P-70.

Alvis 3.1

I've taken a Monogram Martin Marauder B-26 (So as to not confuse it with the Douglas A/B/A-26 Invader) cut off all the wings and tail surfaces, puttied over the canopy, and am adding a bubble canopy to the nose gear bay and three swept back fins to the tail section. Protruding from where the tail gun position used to be are several rocket tubes. The whole thing will stand on it's tail and be part of the 1940s Manned Space Program, based out of New Mexico at Goddard Base. Think "Buck Rogers meets USAF, 1948"


"Band of Brothers, marching together, heads held high in all kinds of weather...."

Oh sorry...thats from Rocket Robin Hood! :lol:

Alvis 3.1

Son of Damian

Lets say after WW2 a number of surplus Baltimore Whores (B-26 Marauder) where picked up by mercs/CIA, modified, and used in some of the bush wars in Africa, Asia, Centeral and South America.

Replace the glazed nose with a solid nose that has a forest of guns sticking out of it. And I'm not just talking about 50 Cals I talking BFG's like the 75mm on the B-25H, add cannons of various calibers for increased Kick A$$ness. B)  Add a few more guns to the sides of the fuselage, if you want to be totally Bad A$$ replace the bomb bay with a bunch of oblique firring guns. :D

IIRC the later models of the B-26 had slightly longer wings that the early models, because the shorter wings made a fighter type landing necessacary and this caused a lot of crashes on landing. I don't know if this is reflected in models but if it is go with the longer winger version. Add some wing tip tanks for coolness.

I would put as many stores as you could under the wings, don't forget there is a little bit of space between the fuselage and the engine.  ;) To add the last little bit of coolness I would add contra-rotating props.

You can never go wrong with SEA, but the pattern in which it is applied has gotten kinda boring. There are hundereds of camouflage patterns out there to chose from, and a good place to look for the one you likes is www.kamouflage.net (yes with a K)

Another thing you can never go wrong with is a little bit of nose art, such as a shark mouth or a pin-up.  
"They stand in the unbroken line of patriots who have dared to die that freedom might live, and grow, and increase its blessings. Freedom lives, and through it, they live–
in a way that humbles the undertakings of most men."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt


Instead of taking the agressive route, how about a "command transport" Marauder with weather radar in the nose, faired over tail gun position, and an "executive" interior?  It'd be a fast and classy ship - say, done in a paint scheme similar to what C-20s or C-21s later wore?
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