
BI-1 Missile

Started by Robomog, July 02, 2024, 02:59:41 PM

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Hi All

I finished one of these recently and posted on BTS ........

Which left me one of these........

Without a canopy and a nice set of ramjets which I am setting aside for a possible future project.

It came close to going into the Draw of Possibilities, ..................then the brain cells collided.

What if the Russians got the rocket plane to work reliably and started production, then....

What if the factory gets overrun by the Germans including a large number of stored  aircraft,  and........

What if the Germans decide that the aircraft is still too dangerous to fly safely (this is before the Me163 and before Germany became exceedingly  desperate for wonder weapons) , also.......

What if some clever guy suggests turning them into unguided missiles by removing the cockpit, undercarriage and weaponry,  then adding a warhead, stabilising Gyro and some rudimentary timers and cutoffs like the V1. But........

What if they decide it needs to be mobile to reduce the chances of it getting destroyed on the ground.

A very tenuous string of events which I'm sure is fatally flawed but this was the basis for this build.

Here's the finished unit with an adapted Kfz7 half track as tractor unit and command car pulling the launch trailer based on an 88mm gun carriage

Apologies for the iffy background this only just fitted in the photo booth  ;D

I will follow up with pics of the separate components in further posts, there is quite a few photos so doing it this way is a bit will stop things getting unweildy


Mostly harmless ...............


Let's start with the tractor unit.........

Lots of stuff in the roof rack...

Tools and jerrycans on the side

Missile coming next ..........


Mostly harmless ...............


And now the missile

Next the launch carriage.......

Mostly harmless ...............


And now the launch rail

At this point Titch decides to do her routine inspection.....

Dude do you think that camoflage is correct ?

Titch, you do not make a very good window !!!

With missile in launch position.......

Hmmmm   Thinking about it you could probably launch the missile with the wheels still attached to the carriage.

That all folks......

All comments and criticisms gratefully accepted, as always

Mostly harmless ...............

Rick Lowe

Until the tyres exploded... ;D

Nice rework of all the components.  :thumbsup:

The launcher is especially logical, methinks.
The RW halftrack vehicle always looked a bit strange to me, but I understand why it was shaped that way.

What did you use as the rear box? Modified kit or scratch?

Cats. Always have to be in the picture somewhere (pun intended!)  ;D


That's a neat idea!  :thumbsup:


Thanks guys.

Rick :-  the rear doors are scratch built

Mostly harmless ...............


That is really good  :wub:
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


That works well, very nice piece of work  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Thanks chaps, much appreciated

Mostly harmless ...............