
Polar Wars - Finished Entries

Started by NARSES2, October 12, 2024, 05:47:26 AM

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This will be the board for your finished entries
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


What, I am once more the first one to post a finished entry here? Well, here's the Saab ASH 90B,'32 Grey (s/n 90232)' of the Swedish Air Force Blekinge Flygflottilj (F17); deployed to Kalixfors Airfield (Swedish Lapland) during joint NATO exercise 'Loyal Arrow', late 2010:

Background story and more infos here: https://www.whatifmodellers.com/index.php?topic=53385.msg1060099#msg1060099


Quote from: Dizzyfugu on November 21, 2024, 12:27:06 AMWhat, I am once more the first one to post a foinished entry here?...

Yes.  And we are all surprised it has taken you this long.   :unsure:


- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..



...and here's submission #2, an 1:72 Aero CS-102 (Mikoyan-Gurevich UTI-MiG-15; Nato code: 'Midget'); 'MU-5/Adam' of the Ilmavoimat (Finnish Air Force) Hävittäjälentolaivue 31/Karelia Wing; Rissala Air Base (Northern Savonia, Finland), 1972

More about this specific (yet fictional) aircraft and the UTI-MiG-15's (real) service in Finnland here: https://www.whatifmodellers.com/index.php?topic=53403.15


...and number three, the scary 1:72 Tupolev BBS-1 (бронированные боевые сани/'Armored Battle Sled') aerosan; vehicle "9-3" of the Soviet Armored Forces; Karelian Isthmus, winter 1944/45:

More pics and infos here: https://www.whatifmodellers.com/index.php?topic=53439.msg1062130#msg1062130

Joe C-P


The Wrangle at Wrangel Island

You cannot view this attachment.
You cannot view this attachment.
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.


Shackleton MR3 on Skis.

By the mid-1960's there was increasing worry that Soviet submarines, especially the latest ballistic and cruise missile types, would use ice fields to hide from NATO surface and aviation assets.  Nine Shackleton MR 3's were equipped with skis, a type 194 dipping sonar from the Wessex helicopter, a chain hoist system in the weapons bay to vertically deploy Mark 30 homing torpedoes, and an auger and gear to cut holes in the ice for sonar and weapons employment.   

1/72 Frog, by Sandiego89

build thread: https://www.whatifmodellers.com/index.php?topic=53406.0
Dave "Sandiego89"
Chesapeake, Virginia, USA

The Rat

Can We Just Finnish This Damned War?

"I thought we just got finished shooting these devils down, now we're painting them on our own aircraft?"
These ain't swastikas, mate, they're... harakists, or hakarstis, or summat. The Finns use 'em, and they're in need of aircraft to fight the bloody Russians."
"Same Russians we fought WITH to beat Jerry. Couple of years later and we're enemies. Don't know what this world is coming to."

The bell rang to signify it was time to down tools and have a cuppa, and the two workmen at de Havilland's plant in Hatfield wandered off to the cafeteria, their minds on relaxing for a few minutes and getting away from politics.

It was summer, 1947, barely two years since the end of WW2, and there was a new war in Europe. After consolidating their hold on the eastern part, Russia had turned north, to its old adversary; Finland. Almost seven years to the day that the Winter War ended, an invasion was launched. Finland was now in need of aircraft, and Britain, nearby and with some of the finest in the world, was able to supply them. The DH.98 Mosquito was still in production, and the factory in Hatfield was busy with reconditioning older airframes to supplement the new ones. Red white and blue RAF roundels were replaced with the light blue Hakaristi of the Finnish air force, and a two-tone green camouflage scheme was applied for operations over the fir tree forests of the north. No numbers were applied, this would be left up to the Finnish air force.

When the two workmen returned and finished their repainting, a Mosquito NF.30 awaited a crew to fly it to Rovaniemi Airport, so far north that the Arctic Circle actually crossed its runway. The crew arrived a few minutes later, in another Mosquito scheduled for refurbishment.

Another model, another fight. Matchbox DH Mosquito Mk.IX/NF.30. The model itself isn't bad, goes together easily, with the typical panel line trenches and sparse detail that Matchbox was known for. So of course I had to push my luck and try to make my own decals. Luck was on holiday. I really need a better printer, so research has started. But she's done, only because I wanted to finish a group build project after muffing so many others.
"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives." Hedley Lamarr, Blazing Saddles

Life is too short to worry about perfection

Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/46dpfdpr

Doug K

Convair Pouākai of A Flight VF003 Royal Aotearoa Navy

Aotearoa, having extensive holdings and claims in the Antarctic (and recently discovered oil fields) needs to ensure minimal interference from Soviet and People's Republic of Patagonia air assets. The stationing of a CAP-capable fighter on supply and survey vessels (like the old CAM-ships of the early Atlantic war) seemed like a good idea and the only VTOL fighter of the time is the Convair FY-1, renamed by the RAN after a Māori mythical bird of prey - Pouākai.

Build thread, such as it is, here: https://www.whatifmodellers.com/index.php?topic=53365.0

IMG_5028 by doug_alba, on Flickr



The LNRS Azruzôr, Antarctic rescue ship.

Rôthzagar-class Polar Rescue Ship

The Rôthzagar-class rescue ship came as a response to an increase in subantarctic and Antarctic tourism and the loss of MV Explorer in 2007 and her replacement, the MV Antarctic Explorer, in 202x with the loss of 150 passengers and crew.  Both ships were lost due to ice heavier than they were rated for penetrating the shell plating; the loss of MV Antarctic Explorer also resulted in extended delays in rescue due to severe weather, the drifting of Antarctic Explorer's lifeboats, and failure of Antarctic Explorer's owners to maintain emergency equipment on the lifeboats. 

The Londthyrian Navy, already operating the Airmed-class hospital ships and based on the US Navy's San Antonio-class LPD, sent out an RFP for a minimum Polar Class 4 rated design based on the Airmed-class hospital ship, and including the well deck at the stern.  Changes to the basic San Antonio design include armor plate along the bow and icebelt, thermal systems in the ballast tanks and well deck, and heated flightdeck.

While technically not a hospital ship, the Rôthzagar-class maintains a self-defense capability in line with the Geneva Convention that technically does not violate the Antarctic Treaty – RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile launchers, Mk44 Bushmaster II chain guns, two Mk 41 VLS 8-cell bays loaded with Enhanced Sea Sparrow Missiles, and .50 cal GAU-21 machine guns.
Search and rescue is carried out by a small airwing of two MH-53J(LC) Pave Low heavy and 3 MH-65C/D/E Dolphin light rescue helicopters; all MH-65C and D variants will be upgraded to E variants by the mid-2030s.  Two Severn and Arun-class motor lifeboats are carried in the well decks of the class.
The F-106- 26 December 1956 to 8 August 1988
Gone But Not Forgotten

QuoteOh are you from Wales ?? Do you know a fella named Jonah ?? He used to live in whales for a while.
— Groucho Marx

My dA page: Scooternjng


Star Trek:Amphitrite: The Naked Moment

The Amphitrite's transporter room dissolved into the golden shimmer of the transporter effect and was replaced by the howling winds and blowing snow of KL1-011's near permanent global blizzards, as the away team materialized on the science station's shuttle platform.  The three assigned shuttles were frosted and snowed over; the away team's Sno-cat had materialized in front of the platform, its engine idling and marker lights already running.  "You know, parts of Andoria make this place look like Honolulu," Ensign Th'evannek noted.

"Let's cut the chatter.  We've got 16 kilometers to go, its dark, and if the condition of the shuttles are any indication the trail between here and the outpost may not be maintained," Captain V'aerla remarked.  "Lt. Sh'vhaohrit, there'll be plenty of time for data collection when we get to the station."

Just over an hour later, the Sno-cat trundled to a halt just outside of the perimeter of the outpost.  As the away team climbed out of the snow tractor, Lt. Sh'vhaohrit pulled her tricorder back out and resumed scanning.  "That's not right," the Aenar science officer muttered to herself, even as she adjusted the scanner. 

Walking to the snow pile that was in front of their ground vehicle she knelt, running the tricorder over the pile.  "Doctor," she called, "can you come here for a moment?"

As Sh'vhaohrit and Dr. T'la started talking in hushed tones, V'aerla looked at her first officer.  "This is unusual.  Even if they weren't expecting us, there should have been someone to great us."

Sato nodded.  "A station devoted to material sciences and radio astronomy, at the very least, should have rolled out the welcome mat."

"Captain," T'la called, "can you and the Commander come over here."

"What have we got?"

"Human male, in his late 50's.  Cause of death, hypothermia with postmortem tissue freezing.  Preliminary scans, based on DNA records, indicate it's Captain Asquith.  The station commander."

V'aerla arched an eyebrow.  "Captain Asquith wasn't known for his...inhibitions.  I studied xeno-astronomy with him at the Academy.  Could foul play or mutiny be involved?"

"It's not necessarily that, Captain."  Lt. Sh'vhaohrit looked up from her tricorder.  "I'm also detecting polywater."

"And the resultant polywater intoxication," V'aerla noted.  She tapped her commbadge.  "Away team to Amphitrite."

"Go ahead, Captain."

"Mr. Long, scan the outpost on KL1-011 for lifesigns."

"Are you sure, Captain?  Starfleet has it listed as being a subspace and EMF noise free zone."

"On my authority, Commander.  If I'm wrong, then I'll take the blame at the inquiry."

"Aye Captain.  We're scanning...the only lifesigns we're detecting is the away team."

V'aerla sighed.  "Very well then.  Mr. Long, remote access the stations computers and download their databanks."

"Captain," Lt. Sh'vhaohrit said, "we've been breathing in the snow since we beamed in.  We're just as afflicted."

"Mr. Long, stand by to beam us up."

"Will you be returning to the beam in site?"

"From our current coordinates, Commander.  We'll also need quarantine precautions."

"Understood Captain.  Is there anything else we need to do?"

"Stand by photon torpedoes, and fire once we're aboard."


"Did I not make myself clear, Commander?"

"No sir.  Understood sir.  Torpedoes locked and standing by."

The F-106- 26 December 1956 to 8 August 1988
Gone But Not Forgotten

QuoteOh are you from Wales ?? Do you know a fella named Jonah ?? He used to live in whales for a while.
— Groucho Marx

My dA page: Scooternjng


OK..I enjoyed that Scoot but now I'm wanting more 😆
If it aint broke ,,fix it until it is .
Over kill is often very understated .
I know the voices in my head ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas.
Theres few of lifes problems that can't be solved with the proper application of a high explosive projectile .