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JHM's Leigh-Build

Started by John Howling Mouse, April 15, 2005, 07:43:42 AM

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John Howling Mouse


I think the tidy bench is just a sign that JMN has to share his workroom with Mrs Hitler and as a result has to keep it tidy for fear of being banished to the Garage or similar cold dark place most blokes get exiled to when attempting to do a hobby that may effect the aura of neatness that surrounds a womans home....

Youch---watch the JMN versus JHM!!!    :o
I can prove I DO NOT KNOW how many rivets are on an FW-190 type blab-blab-blab in 194X which served in squadron blab-blab-blab!!!  

And here is Ms. Hitler's side of the room------and this is as CLEAN as her side ever gets!


Okay, back to Phantom Phiasco (painting on the sprues has taken waaaaay longer than I thought but the glue's gonna hit plastic today finally).
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

John Howling Mouse

Have ordnance, will travel.

Well, pieces of ordnance, anyhow!  This represents some three hours' worth of snipping, filing and scraping.

Since I took this pic, I've assembled all halves from one of the two batches together.

I've also noticed that, in addition to the different radomes, the tailfins on each kit are different.  Now, if each kit was supposed to have all optional parts required to make either the M or the K version as depicted on the box cover, I'd understand.

But, since the old versus newer kit release each have only the parts for one version, I'm confused.
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

John Howling Mouse

Well, my hat's truly off to all you 1:72 guys!

Forgot just how hard it is to work with fiddley bits at this scale.

And what a challenge to make something with virtually no features look, ah, "detailed" in this scale!

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

John Howling Mouse

Here's that fin comparison.  One must be some kind of ECW box atop the tail?
Just weird that the two kits are actually not from the same mold, even though the box says they're both the same bi-model type...
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

John Howling Mouse

There are differences in the center canopy framing and the leading part of the fuselage, too.  

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

John Howling Mouse

The differences include the contrasting radomes, too.
Wish each kit had come with both variants.  

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

John Howling Mouse

Second kit's cockpit (no pilots; handpainted harness straps with painted silver lanyards).

Man, 1:72 is a tough scale to play in.  I mean, for us older guys, anyhow...

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Just a thought, could one of those kits be the old Frog/Hasegawa mold?
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


the box on top of the fin is for the RWR that was added to RAF birds from the early 80s.

No idea why the radomes would be different though...
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May

John Howling Mouse

QuoteJust a thought, could one of those kits be the old Frog/Hasegawa mold?

I believe both are original Matchbox molds, judging by the engraved panel lines.  Really, the sprues are nearly identical except for the radomes, the tailfins, canopy's central framing (and respective glazing supplied or not) and the subtle difference of the fwd fuselage.

I have the first release Hasegawa Phantom and it actually had raised rivets throughout.  Just seems weird that the same kit would have been re-tooled to be nearly identical yet...not...even though it's shown as being the same type...
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

John Howling Mouse

Hey, did somebody say PHANTOMS????


You can practically fit a dime in the wing-root joints but, that's what filler is for, after all.
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

John Howling Mouse

Did I mention one will be gear up (for living room attacks on the wife, kid, and cats) and the unoccupied one will be on the tarmac?  Now, displaying the canopies in the "open" position is going to be fun as there's really no provision for that with the kit...
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Captain Canada

Sweet, Baz...I just love Phanotms !

The perfect balance between grace, power and beauty......

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


QuoteDid I mention one will be gear up (for living room attacks on the wife, kid, and cats) and the unoccupied one will be on the tarmac?  Now, displaying the canopies in the "open" position is going to be fun as there's really no provision for that with the kit...
Yeap that the only pain really with the Matchbox kit is that the canopy frames are moulded into the airframe with just the glass area provided - so major surgery if you wish to open the canopies. Bit of a pain really as they actually provide the crew ladders !!!.

Matchbox revised the mould in the early 80's when they added the fin RWR, they also refined the nose and added the windows. Alot better representation than the Revell or Frog F-4K's but blown away by the Fujimi versions.

Looking good JHM, any ideas on schemes & markings yet ?.


John Howling Mouse

QuoteDid I mention one will be gear up (for living room attacks on the wife, kid, and cats) and the unoccupied one will be on the tarmac?  Now, displaying the canopies in the "open" position is going to be fun as there's really no provision for that with the kit...
Yeap that the only pain really with the Matchbox kit is that the canopy frames are moulded into the airframe with just the glass area provided - so major surgery if you wish to open the canopies. Bit of a pain really as they actually provide the crew ladders !!!.

Matchbox revised the mould in the early 80's when they added the fin RWR, they also refined the nose and added the windows. Alot better representation than the Revell or Frog F-4K's but blown away by the Fujimi versions.

Looking good JHM, any ideas on schemes & markings yet ?.

Thanks for clearing up the history of the molds.  Was weirding me out.  That's big bucks even to make apparently "minor" changes to any mold.  Never pictured Matchbox doing that, though.

For scheme: I want to do something I've never seen on a Phantom (wait for it...here come 14 photos of existing real-life schemes I should have known about but didn't):

multi-tone tan/earth brown desert version.  

And you thought I was going to say "T-Tail"  (silly humans, that's coming up later!).

For markings, if I can find my Matchbox BAC Strikemaster kits, I would use their Saudi markings or something similar.
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.