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Started by Eddie M., June 18, 2005, 11:28:18 AM

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That is so flipping cool! Man that has me so juiced to conceive a UAV and build it. What inspiration!

Group Build!

Group Build!

Group Build!
Getting back into modeling

Eddie M.

Thank you everyone for the kind words about this build. Believe me, I'm gonna finish this for you guys, because this one is being very subborn and won't talk to me about the direction it wants to go. :blink:  :angry:  :ph34r:  :wacko:  <_<  ;)
Yes, I would like some cheese with that whine. :lol: This weekend I hope to get some work done. Cheers!
Look behind you!

Eddie M.

Now that I've got the final primer coat on, I want to hear from ya'll on what would be the best color for this modern marvel. :lol:
Look behind you!

Captain Canada

Geez...I guess I missed the boat on this one !

Wicked !

I'd say grey like operational USN fighters......

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Ahem...To quote myself, "I need a tissue....."

But seriously, I agree with the good Captain. I'd say all-over two-tone gray with lo-vis markings. Of course, if you couldn't see this thing coming, you seriously need glasses. :P


John Howling Mouse

Yep, anyone got a Kleenex ™?

Eddie, here was a previous thread about computer-automated camo painting systems of the future:

I wonder if that could be incorporated into your ultra-futuristic design?  Not my "thatched" camo idea but a two or three-shade grey pixellated scheme applied by computer-automated and designed system.  Like the pixellated camo you see on modern US BDU garments.

Some Hornets have displayed this kind of pixellated schemes already.

Make it seem even that much more impersonal and removed from the hand of man...
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Eddie M.

Thank you Rat and Hobbes for the help find my original thread on this creation.I'll delete the new one.

Hopefully some paint will be on this thing soon. My only problem is can't decide. I'm thinking of a black bottom with some sort of black to grey camo. I kind of see the being stationed somewhere it's always cold and overcast. Believe it or not, my image that I want to create is from the mountains in Canada I flew over on my way to Japan. Very striking in it's contrasts from 30K+ feet. B).

Look behind you!

Eddie M.

Okay, now I have a mission for this little piece of work. I plan for it to be the advance threat warning and destructor of any hostiles who attempt to engage my F-61F Archangel III. Anything on the ground or in the air is neutralized (computers determine threat priority and deal with them accordingly) so that the Archangel can proceed to it target unmolested. I call it the Super Weasel. :)

Also a what if I made this a piggy back. Carry your own into battle. :P

Look behind you!


MY GAWD! Would you look at the size of that thing!

I love it!

Ves B)  
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.

John Howling Mouse

Sorry for continual gushing praise but I'll explode if I don't let it out:

Man, that UAV is cool!
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Eddie M.

Thanks guys! John Howling Mouse had a couple tips for me about the color black and how to jazz it up a bit. The color for the bottom is black and Looks blue from some angles and black from others. Thanks JHM.  :)  B)

I've also started monkeyin' around with weapons and making my own. Some will end up on my Hornet/Mirage.

Look behind you!


That looks fantastic! She's crying out for a sharkmouth IMO.

Nick B)  

John Howling Mouse

Wow, just like that!  Did you use your Aztec on this one?????

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Eddie M.

QuoteWow, just like that!  Did you use your Aztec on this one?????

Not this time. After I looked at all the little recessed areas that would be hard to mask, I decided to try a FSM on the approach to brushing. Not too bad. That and not getting too close when taking photos. :lol:  :lol:
Look behind you!


Eddie, the more I look at this the more I like it and I liked it a lot the first time :)

I really like the shape on this, very believable and just plain cool!

Jeff G.
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.