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DREAM modeling shop

Started by John Howling Mouse, June 29, 2005, 06:33:05 PM

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John Howling Mouse

No, I don't have one but, if you were building a home and you could build virtually any lay-out (within reason) in, say a 25 by 25 foot ground-floor footing with windows at two opposite ends, what would YOU build?

What kind (and location) of lighting, airbrush station, windows, benches, etc. would you seek and why?

Sketches of floorplans, workbenches, etc. and all brainstorming ideas are more than welcome!
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Captain Canada

Mine would have a stealth cabinet so I could grow my own personal stash of modelling ambition.........

And any kind of airbrush station would rock !

Lots of storage for unbuilt kits as well, behind closed doors, so as to not clutter up the joint.

I would also like a glass shelf all the way around the ceiling, with glass bottom and sides, while the back and top would be mirrors........

I'd need a tv and cd player as well.

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Definitely an airbrush cabinet big enough to take a 1/24 F-15 and duct the spray, fumes, etc. to the outside.  In addition to the work area for building, a desk/table where I could lay instructions, drawings, etc. out of the way but have them readily accessible.  Also, lots of protected power outlets are a necessity.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin

Ian the Kiwi Herder

Yep I'd have exactly what Evan says with the following additions.

An 'L' shaped work bench about 18inch (45cms) deep and two spotlights - one with a daylight bulb (had this set-up before... just excellent).

Racks of model storage at the far end.

Covered racks for the reference books.

A separate rack for the CD Player, CD's and coffee machine (with appropriate sockets)

Magnetic strip over the workbench for the tools/knives/blades etc.

A multi pose office chair.

Plenty of room under the work bench for a couple of small nests of drawers.

Can't think of anything else at the moment - will be back to this thread later  ;)

"When the Carpet Monster tells you it's full....
....it's time to tidy the workbench"

Confuscious (maybe)

Patrick H

Just need to add a decent airbrush station to my modelroom and I pretty much have what I want. Or maybe some more shelfs would be nice also.
take a look here if you want to see how it looks like. These are pictures from a while back and I've added a few more glass shelfs, below the pictureframe and at the top of the beam to the right but running out of place again  :angry:


My webpage

The engines spit out fire, I'm pushed back in my chair
The pressure gives me thrills as we climb in the air


To be honest  a set up with the PC and refernence material in one corner, the Kit Stash and bit boxes in another, the workbench and tools in another and the paint shop in the last corner. Then get a nice wheelie chair to move from planning and research to extracting the bitys & pieces required, work on them and then paint them and back to reserch desk for photos and uploading so we can see the latest creation.  :D

G B)  


- a LARGE desk to work on (I've got a 1m80x90 desk as it is, and it's not big enough); two desks (one for sanding, one for painting) would be even better
- lots of shelf space for the stash, parked 'in progress' kits, reference material etc
- a separate 'clean room' for airbrushing (it currently takes me several hours to set up for airbrushing, mostly cleaning the room I do my airbrushing in, all this to prevent dust from getting onto the model)


I'll go with Thorvics ideas basically, but with the addition of Melissa :wub:  to mop my heated brow during those "I'll get this to fit, even if it kills me" sesions

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


I'm reading this with great interest, as our house is being built currently, and my lovely wife has given me quite a bit of space for the new studio...ideas, ideas, ideas...


Mike Wren

QuoteI'll go with Thorvics ideas basically, but with the addition of Melissa :wub:  to mop my heated brow during those "I'll get this to fit, even if it kills me" sesions

I'm not greedy, all I'd like is a room with a desk in it

at the moment all my modelling takes place on a board about 40cmx80cm sat on my lap while I'm sat on the sofa, it teaches you to be resourceful, I tells ya  ;)  


I have pretty much the setup I want except it is in the garage - high winter and summer can be a bit extreme - this is Australia so the next project is ceiling vents for there.
I have a large 4 door cupboard to store all my kits in as well as a tall narrow multi drawer cabinet for storing decals , odd parts etc. I also have a small 5 drawer cabinet under my workbench - this is mostly for paints and tools.

I don't have a spray booth - made my own many years back but didn't like it - it was too constricting and I couldn't suck the fumes away enough. I've since switched to acrylics and these are not nearly as bad so I just set up some newspaper over a bit of the bench and anything precious.

My workbench is quite high. I prefer the height as I can model both sitting down and standing up. I'm what my father referred to as "a shiny arse " I sit on my bum a lot as I am an accountant ( for which I deeply apologise :) so standing up to model is not so bad sometimes and please no jokes about 'roids as it's more due to a bad back. Lighting is the window in front as well as overhead spotloghts and a desk lamp. My desk is about 9 foot long so plenty of room.

Tried the TV gig but found I didn't get much modelling done - Charmed is just too good eye candy




Well for a start I'd like an apartment that was 25' X 25' let alone a workshop but if we're whiffing here.
Loooooooooooooooooooong bench underneath a window with a skylight above and tons of other lights around.
Nice adjustable height office chair on rollers.
High bench too, I like to model with my work surface just below my chest, saves neck and shoulder strain. An easel somewhere on the bench to prop up reference books. Computer at one end for reference. Shelves everywhere.
Lets say an 8' x 5' spray booth/room with tons of compressed air outlets.
And somewhere there would be a big donkey sink for all the clean up.

I invite all and any criticism, except about Eric The Dog, it's not his fault he's stupid

Leigh's Models


Mine would be about 25x25. PC and research material on one wall, the second wall would be all shelving for my stash and to display my efforts. I'd have a workbench covering the rest of the wall space with plenty of power points for stuff along with a couple of panoramic windows for good litgh. One side would be the construction area, with cutting mats, extractor fan and assorted tools with under bench draws for stroage. The final side would coontain my spray station and painting/finishing area, again with an extractor fan to get rid of paint fumes.  
If, however, I become single again in the near future, I#m gonna convert the front bedroom 13x8 feet into wy work room.  
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die

Bryan H.

OK, I'll play...
This is hyper-theoretical DREAM-land and any relationship to reality are strictly unintentional and coincidental!!!  Sort of like the Playboy mantion meets scale modeling! :)  

It'd have to be separate from the house; don't want the missus bustin'up the joint and stopping the hijinx!  The AC unit should have a stupendous filtration system + a dehumidifyer; I don't want a lot of water in the air brush or dust on the drying paint (it'll also be good for my sinuses).  The airbrush station should have some sort of vent (perhaps a vent-a-hood setup); there should also be windows for crossventilation and natural light.  It should have a computer work-station with printer for internet research & custom designing decals.  It should have lots of storage & pegboards for tools, paints, kits, aftermarket stuff etc.  Perhaps, some walk in closets would be good.  Of course, I'll want a sturdy work table with some sort of chemically resistant & scratch resistant surface; the black material used in high school chemistry labs would be good.  I'll want some nice lighted, display cases.  While, I'm at it I'd put in sturdy plywood or some other weight bearing material on the attic floor so that it would be useable space also.  Other, amenities I'll want are a fridge/freezer, a keg fridge (always good to have something on tap), running water (maybe I just need a small kitchen setup), a HDTV set with DVD/VCR, a good stereo, a bathroom, lots of bookshelves for reference material.  

And last but not least, some of those hot & cold running beautiful wimmens (blondes & brunettes) to fetch kits, tools, cold adult beverages and other (ahem) activities!

:cheers: Bryan

Miscellany (that effects modeling):
My son & daughter.
School - finishing my degree

Models (upcoming):
RCN A-4F+ ArcticHawk


And last but not least, some of those hot & cold running beautiful wimmens (blondes & brunettes) to fetch kits, tools, cold adult beverages and other (ahem) activities!
I call shenanigans! That wouldn't be a modeling room  :P