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Hornet / Mirage Hybrid #5

Started by Eddie M., July 01, 2005, 09:20:46 PM

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Eddie M.

QuoteHmm, I'm not sure what version I like better, winglets or 'Winders. The winglets do have a very sci-fi Captain Scarlet look to them, almost too much to look just right. The Sidewinders do give it more of a utilitarian feel, but it seems more like the, "I ran out of time and couldn't think of anything better." option. No offence, Eddie. Those tips do need something. Hey, here's a thought. Go REALLY outside the box and put some SNEB pods or something like that on the tips. Or, meet in the middle and put the Sidewinders inside of the winglets. :P


EDIT: Eddie, you post faster than I do.
Great mind think alike. ;)  :)
You edit posted faster than I do. :lol:
Look behind you!


QuoteHmm, I'm not sure what version I like better, winglets or 'Winders. The winglets do have a very sci-fi Captain Scarlet look to them, almost too much to look just right. The Sidewinders do give it more of a utilitarian feel, but it seems more like the, "I ran out of time and couldn't think of anything better." option. No offence, Eddie. Those tips do need something. Hey, here's a thought. Go REALLY outside the box and put some SNEB pods or something like that on the tips. Or, meet in the middle and put the Sidewinders inside of the winglets. :P


EDIT: Eddie, you post faster than I do.
Great mind think alike. ;)  :)
You edit posted faster than I do. :lol:
Why, thank you. I take that as a compliment. The great minds part and the editing faster part. B)  :wacko:



found this:

Quote86:  To remove, end usage, or take something out or away. Despite ALL other posts suggestion the origion of this phrase there is only one true answer:

Chumley's, a famous and OLD New York speakeasy, is located at 86 Bedford St. During Prohibition, an enterance through an interior adjoing courtyard was used, as it provided privacy and discretion for customers.

As was (and is) a New York tradition, the cops were on the payroll of the bar and would give a ring to the bar that they were coming for a raid. The bartender would then give the command "86 everybody!", which meant that everyone should hightail it out the 86 Bedford enterance because the cops were coming in through the courtyard door.
"Computer games don't affect kids. I mean, if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." Kristin Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989.

Eddie M.

QuoteIt still looks like it needs a wee bit more in the weapons department added to it.  With all of that undeveloped real estate under the intake trunks and between the landing gear it is begging for a couple more small pylons for a jammer pod and targeting pod as well or another pair of missiles.  
Thanks for the instigation to add a bit more "character" to this one. I does look better now. B)

Look behind you!

Eddie M.

Here's what the decals are shaping up to be. I figure the Marines got tired of depending on the Navy for forward deployed airbase CAP, so I gave them an all weather, air superiority platform.
Look behind you!


:o What is that thing? Amazing!


Air Superiority....Hmmm, Yep that pretty much sums it up!  Lookin' good Eddie...would have liked to see several versions of this...how long would it take to whip up a few more...Ducking for cover!

LOL! If you go back a few pics it looks like Santa is flying this bad boy...had to do a double take!

Jeff G.
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.

Eddie M.

QuoteAir Superiority....Hmmm, Yep that pretty much sums it up!  Lookin' good Eddie...would have liked to see several versions of this...how long would it take to whip up a few more...Ducking for cover!

LOL! If you go back a few pics it looks like Santa is flying this bad boy...had to do a double take!

Jeff G.
I'm willing to do about anything for money. ;)  :lol:

Here's the cockpit before I close it up. It's pretty much a stock Hornet office except I had to move the instrument panel up. I added the seat out of my Blue Angel( it's more than 15 years old), the HUD is from my Prowler extras and I added the black boxes and wiring behind the seat.  :)

Look behind you!

John Howling Mouse

mmmm....this paint scheme would look good on a Viggen or a Gripen, too....


Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Brian da Basher

Yowsa Eddie that is one stupendous air superiority fighter! Love the camo and the decals!

Brian da Basher

Eddie M.

QuoteIt still looks like it needs a wee bit more in the weapons department added to it.  With all of that undeveloped real estate under the intake trunks and between the landing gear it is begging for a couple more small pylons for a jammer pod and targeting pod as well or another pair of missiles.  

I was going to do the rollout today, but just wasn't happy with the jammer pod. I took it off and modified a bit. It's now a FLIR. It might work out pretty good. I used a piece of sprue to carve the camera head and added bit of old cockpit panel. The clear cover is part of a clear blister pack. This will be much better than the one I was going to settle for. :)
Look behind you!

Patrick H

amazing Eddie, great build and a wonderfull paintjob, shows what can be achieved with a little piece of houshold equipement.

My webpage

The engines spit out fire, I'm pushed back in my chair
The pressure gives me thrills as we climb in the air


Rollout please! I'd love to see a dio of that, actually......

PICS! PROGRESS! Or risk the eggs! :mellow:  

Eddie M.

Aside from a couple of small details( didn't finish a pod I was working on), this is the finished product. This was a learning model and it's satisfing. One leason learn;
don't make a major design change in the middle of a build. <_<. when i start one know, I've got a good mind's idea of the finished product. Any way, it's good to have a new addition to the menagerie. :party:

Look behind you!

Brian da Basher

Holy cats Eddie another masterpiece! You're a freaking machine cranking them out like that! I envy your skill and production level sir.

Brian da Basher