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Stealtherized F-16

Started by Eddie M., July 21, 2005, 01:41:54 PM

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Eddie M.

I know, I know, I should at least finish one before starting ANOTHER one, but I just had a Falcon returned to me from certain destruction.( I had given it to a friend's little boy. He was going to use it for target practice) Now I'm going to attempt to add some stealthy qualities to a lawn dart. ;) Here are the subjects as they are today. Hopefully I'll have some progress later today. :D

Look behind you!

Martin H

if what u have done before this is anything to go by...this should be good
I always hope for the best.
experience has taught me to expect the worst.

Size (of the stash) matters.

IPMS (UK) What if? SIG Leader.
IPMS (UK) Project Cancelled SIG Member.

Eddie M.

The idea came pretty quick with this one, as you can see. ^_^  I want this to have it's basic Falcon lines(very basic :lol: ). This just going to be an extention of the airframe's life. B)

First pic is the orginal vert. stab. placement, but decided the second one was it. This one is going to be a big surprise to you and me. :lol:

Look behind you!


Ugh, that looks eerily similar to my russian stealth fighter built by combining an F16 with F117 tail, modded F15 wings and modded F14 canopy along with other mods. If I can get my neighbour to lend me his camera tomorrow I'll post pics of it =/
On the bench:

Post-apocalyptic Beaufighter

Eddie M.

QuoteUgh, that looks eerily similar to my russian stealth fighter built by combining an F16 with F117 tail, modded F15 wings and modded F14 canopy along with other mods. If I can get my neighbour to lend me his camera tomorrow I'll post pics of it =/
I hope I've stolen any ideas :blink: This will be fun to see how they progress. This is pretty much it for the outline. I'll be adding some body work, but I'm sure they will look very different. Can't wait to see your version. If anyone has an F-16 they'd like stealtherize, the more the merrier. ;)
Look behind you!


With that tail/wing setup, you should pay attention to the front end to make it look more "evil", obviously with a fitting paintscheme.
On the bench:

Post-apocalyptic Beaufighter


Great concept!  I prefer the tail surfaces on the sides of the engine hump, instead of the F-117 pure-V config.

Cant wait to see this thing!
So I got that going for me...which is nice....


I think the tail surfaces on the sides are better...

And what about the F-35 engine?? This one is more stealth that F-16's one ;)
"laissez mes armées être les rochers et les arbres et les oiseaux dans le ciel"

Coming Soon in Alternate History:
-Battlefleet Galactica
-Republic of Libertalia: a modern Pirate Story

Eddie M.

QuoteWith that tail/wing setup, you should pay attention to the front end to make it look more "evil", obviously with a fitting paintscheme.
I'm thinking of using the 117 intakes and closing off the 16 intake and adding the bomb bay of the 117. Adding details,of course B) . I'll be using other portions of the 117 body to give some more angles. I've got it all figured out in my head. Now, if I can make it work. :party:
Look behind you!


Ever seen the movie "Patlabor 2"?  They have a F-16X in there, it has F-22 stabs, all angular and stuff.


Good show buddy!



Should be one heck of a wicked looking dart !!!  I agree with putting the fins off to the side...looks much better than the 117's type...


Eddie M.

I had a stroke of inspiration and did a little more. Gotta strike when the iron's hot. :rolleyes:  :lol:

Look behind you!


use the two F-117 inlets to make one V-shaped shielded inlet for the F-16 with any wideness being faired in along the lower portion of the fuselage.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin

Eddie M.

Quoteuse the two F-117 inlets to make one V-shaped shielded inlet for the F-16 with any wideness being faired in along the lower portion of the fuselage.
Unfortunately, surgery has been made to the 16 and there no return. I'm mainly adding intakes topside so I can use the 117 bomb bay and maybe close off the some of the intake on the bottom. AOA would probably be a problem, but I don't think there's going to be any close ground support in this aircraft's future. ^_^
We'll see as this one rolls on.
Look behind you!


:wub: Great model...
That is a very original complement to Leigh's twin-fin F-16XL - presented in several topic, the easiest to find for me being http://www.whatifmodelers.com/forum//index...?showtopic=4987
Together on a same shelf :wub:  :wub: , they would make a tremendous squadron :) , with heart-attack  :( for any JMN  :angry: passing by...
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]