

Started by anthonyp, July 30, 2005, 03:20:45 PM

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Here's my F-11S Tiger from the US Naval Reserve, circa 1984.  I took elmayerle's suggestion from the Latin America contest for what to do with my F-11 and put an extra Hornet engine exhast I had laying around on it.  I also added wingtip rails for added weapons stores.  I know they wings folded down, but I figured the USN would have reveresed that when they put wingtip rails on it.  I also took a 500 Lbs bomb that I hadn't glued together yet, cut off the fins, and glued it onto the sides of the air inlets to make some sort of antennae or electronics blister similar to those on the F-4N and F-4S.  I added two AIM-7E's I had lying around, as well as two AIM-9L's.  I figure it'd make a nice half-a-modern-fighter.

This is a 1/72 Hasegawa F-11 I painted in colors similar to Italeri's F-4S that's currently out on the market (I just like that Ferris scheme).  I had some old decals for a USNR F-14 squadron based in Texas that went well on this little plane.
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"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


I exist to pi$$ others off!!!
My categorized models directory on my site.
My site (currently with no model links).
"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


Topside showing the scheme
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"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


Last one showing the underside with the dummy canopy painted on the forward fuselage.
I exist to pi$$ others off!!!
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"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


i REALLY like this - looks like an AMX, eh?

have always had a soft spot for the tiger - one of those planes where you might have sneezed ams missed it...not in service for a long time really, and didn't hang around for long after it was replaced.

great job - a model that would look great in anyone's collection.
"Computer games don't affect kids. I mean, if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." Kristin Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989.


Awesome, that is just too cool!  Love the Ferris scheme too...


John Howling Mouse

aaaaah, another one of those "I wish I had thought of that" ideas!!

Oh well, at least I've got your pics saved on my PC and can look at this great looking model anytime I want.

Great work, Anthony!

:wub:  :wub:  :wub:  
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Captain Canada

Wicked, Anthony !

Love the paint scheme, and it looks right at home with the modern weapons.

Great job !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


This thing is going to go into work to sit on my desk.  I've already got my German Navy and USAF Eurofighters there to confuse anyone from the company's home office, this should really send most people over the edge in confusion (I work at one of BAe's branch offices).  I really made people stop last week when I had my F-4J(Ar) and my USCG MH-72B on my desk.  I just had to remember they specialize in Bradleys and the FCS there, so most of them thought the planes were real.

This was a really fun build.  I'm thinking of finishing up the F-7 and F-9 on my bench in similar schemes and with similar modifications (already modified the F-7 quite a bit).

It does remind me alot of the AMX, especially after I put the wingtip rails on.  Also a little bit like an Alpha-jet on steroids.
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My site (currently with no model links).
"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


It remind me the funny movie "Hot Shot" !!  :P

Nice work !!!
"laissez mes armées être les rochers et les arbres et les oiseaux dans le ciel"

Coming Soon in Alternate History:
-Battlefleet Galactica
-Republic of Libertalia: a modern Pirate Story

Patrick H

Great job Anthony. I'm sure it will turn some heads at your work.


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The engines spit out fire, I'm pushed back in my chair
The pressure gives me thrills as we climb in the air


One of the nicest looking jets ever IMHO, looks even better the way you've done it.

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Gorgeous work, Anthony.  *grin* I'm glad to see my concept for re-engining the F-11 works nicely.  I've one I'll like do the same thing to for the engine, the rest will get a somewhat different treatment.

BTW, I love your choice of squadron since VF-201 is a close neighbor at JRB Fort Worth, Carswell Field.  They currently fly the hot F-18A+.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


Great camo scheme.

Lovely job!!!!!!!!! :wub:  :wub:  
Get this Cheese to sick bay!

Dork the kit slayer

How can anyone NOT like it.   Great subject.
Im pink therefore Im Spam...and not allowed out without an adult    
