

Started by matrixone, July 31, 2005, 05:36:37 PM

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QuoteThanks very much John, dragon, Allen, Tophe, NARSES2, lancer, Madoc, Patrick, and Ian!
Some people really dislike my models, I get hate E-mail from time to time, the Zero is really getting lots of negative comments!
This may be my last what-if model for a while. Maybe the nasty E-mails will slow or die off.
Don't leave us Matrixone, especially with sadness... You know, hateful people need a gentle unobtrusive individual to hate, so much more easy to fight then bad guilty ones. Please forgive them, and their blindness. By building and displaying 'planes of the bad', you are celebrating their winner Allied opponents, somehow, not approving the bad ones automatically - I think most of us have a problem with Luftwaffe 1945-46 subject. You are a more 'easy target' than armed new Nazis secretly preparing attacks, so you become a 'perfect target'. This is not Justice, this is just a psychological trend towards feeling good through finding some 'bad' ones to hate, gentle ones rather than dangerous ones - shouts covering explanations. That just 'helps' avoiding to find guilt in everyone including oneself. Too bad.
Don't cry, you are not the only victim of dishonnesty in the World, even if this is so sad...
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Repeat after me:

"The angry people should clutch their latest Falcon or Hornet to their chest and jump off a tall cliff"

"The angry people should clutch their latest Falcon or Hornet to their chest and jump off a tall cliff"

"The angry people should clutch their latest Falcon or Hornet to their chest and jump off a tall cliff"

"The angry people should clutch their latest Falcon or Hornet to their chest and jump off a tall cliff"

It's a dang nice looking couple of models.  Please don't go away, and don't stop making these beauties.  I, for one, really like them.

Oh, and watch your language around the kiddies. ;)  


Hi Matrix,

Just you forget about all those nasty E-mail-senders. They'll never understand or tame us!

I'm still applauding from Canberra at your wonderful Zero and hope you can hear my clapping.

Isn't Whiffing interesting? Sometime all it takes to make a great Whif is to slap on the markings and camo of another, completely unrelated country, just like your great Zero and that MIG I saw here the other day in US markings.

What do you think of a MIG 17 in Tuskegee camo and markings?

With a pat on the back and a hope that you make more of these models,

Allan in Canberra


QuoteThanks very much John, dragon, Allen, Tophe, NARSES2, lancer, Madoc, Patrick, and Ian!
Some people really dislike my models, I get hate E-mail from time to time, the Zero is really getting lots of negative comments!
This may be my last what-if model for a while. Maybe the nasty E-mails will slow or die off.
Don't leave us Matrixone, especially with sadness... You know, hateful people need a gentle unobtrusive individual to hate, so much more easy to fight then bad guilty ones. Please forgive them, and their blindness. By building and displaying 'planes of the bad', you are celebrating their winner Allied opponents, somehow, not approving the bad ones automatically - I think most of us have a problem with Luftwaffe 1945-46 subject. You are a more 'easy target' than armed new Nazis secretly preparing attacks, so you become a 'perfect target'. This is not Justice, this is just a psychological trend towards feeling good through finding some 'bad' ones to hate, gentle ones rather than dangerous ones - shouts covering explanations. That just 'helps' avoiding to find guilt in everyone including oneself. Too bad.
Don't cry, you are not the only victim of dishonnesty in the World, even if this is so sad...
I see us "What-Iffers" like the DADA, Surrealists, Cubists and Impressionists compared to the "old school" that are the JMNs.  This web site could be called the "salon des refusees" (given that you remember that term from your art appreciation class) of the modelling world- remember or at least Google that term and how far they went.  Da Vinci and Gainsborough are fine, but think on how much Dali and Picasso were hated in their day.  Now paintings by all four are considered priceless.

I say, quoting from the FANTASTIC FOUR- "FLAME ON!"

"As long as people are going to call you a lunatic anyway, why not get the benefits of it?  It liberates you from convention."- from the novel WICKED by Gregory Maguire.
"I must really be crazy to be in a looney bin like this" - Jack Nicholson in the movie ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST


Don't go Matrix - just ignore the so-and so's, if you can. Your work is an inspiration it's not your fault if people can't understand this hobby is about FUN
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


I hear ya Max...I have even had death threats, and threats against my wife made too...some people are just ridiculous...

  get angry, and then start modeling again...your stuff rocks, and I really look forward to seeing every new project you have !!!!   If possible, submit some "in-progress" pics... would love to see the master at work !



You've more absolutely gorgeous work there, Matrix.  'Bout all I can add to what's been said is this bit of bastardized Latin, "Illigetimi non carborundum sunt!!".  Loosely translated, "Don't let the bastards grind you down!!".

"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


I'll add my voice to the rest as well. Don't you dare go Matrix
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Thanks everybody for the support!

I don't know why some people can't remember this is a hobby and not a history class, when I get comments like ''hey you idiot, can't you read the instructions?'' I really wonder what all the fuss is about.

No JMN is going to run me off but I will make a ''real'' airplane model to show them I can do this.

I am in no way stopping building my ''what-ifs'' and will be back in a few months.
No JMN's will stop me.

My message to the JMN's,  ''bring it on!''


Alvis 3.1

Nasty emails? Why..why..why...congratulations! You've really made an impression when the hate mail arrives! As a recipient of some myself, they can be discouraging, but eventually I began to appreciate the context. In your case, I am tempted to send you a nasty email only because your models and photgraphy FAR surpass my abilities!
So far, I've found the best response to an angry email is none, second best is "it's my money, it's my hobby, and let's see YOU do it better!"

Once again...FANTASTIC work! :wub:  :wub:

Alvis 3.1



You made a "poor choice" in depicting your Zero as a frontline fighter?  Really?  Who the hell said that?

That Zero looks great.  Period.  Its livery is perfect.  So the aircraft would've fared poorly up against the professionals and their mounts then ruling the European skies.  So what?  How in the world would that make your markings a poor choice?

I think it's great and want to see more like it.

On other discussion boards I've followed threads which speculated how superior the Japanese _naval_ aircraft would've been in Kriegsmarine service when compared to what the Germans had been able to field.  So, in true What If spirit, depicting some Jills and Kates in full on WWII Kriegsmarine regulation camo as deployed aboard the Graf Zeppelin would be perfect!

Wherever you go, there you are!

Ian the Kiwi Herder

Some people really dislike my models, I get hate E-mail from time to time, the Zero is really getting lots of negative comments! Much more than my big tailed Fw 190A-9 did.

This may be my last what-if model for a while, my next model will likely be the 1/32 scale Bf 109K-4 in ''real'' markings. Maybe the nasty E-mails will slow or die off.

You get 'Hate mail' for building a 'What If'..... I despair, I really do....  :(  :(  
"When the Carpet Monster tells you it's full....
....it's time to tidy the workbench"

Confuscious (maybe)

Martin H

Hmmm some people will never learn...Its amazing how quickly they forget this is a hobby we do, and we do it because we enjoy it.

At the end of the day i use a repoly that Wookster came up with. MFM (My F....ing model). I paid for it there for i do as I please with it.

Matrix ignore the bloody assholes, I would lay money on it that your getting far more out of the hobby than they could dream posible.
I always hope for the best.
experience has taught me to expect the worst.

Size (of the stash) matters.

IPMS (UK) What if? SIG Leader.
IPMS (UK) Project Cancelled SIG Member.


Again, Thanks for the show of support.

I have always wondered if anybody else gets hate mail for building ''what-ifs'', at least now I know I am not alone!

To be called names and my modeling efforts trashed is a risk we all take when we post pics on modeling forums. So far I have been silent about this hate mail because it was very rare but this new model seems to have stirred up a few people into a rage. Maybe they are bored or something? What the f**k!

Anyway, has this sort of thing happened to very many of you and what did you do about it?



Most of my hate mail has come from reviews on MM, and the odd bit here and there on other forums...none from our grand bunch of whiffers !!!
 The personal insults were laughable, but the ones putting down my wife kind of ticked me off a bit...she just shrugged and deleted the messages. A coward to strike out at a woman they don't even know !!!  Lowly knaves, the lot of them !!!

  Some I respond to with anger, some with sarcasm...ie:
  One person wrote that I was a "jew loving communist"...I did reply "you are correct sir, my wife is indeed jewish, and I do love her...but I have no particular political affliction."

   Best to just delete the bastards and move on...and hope they actually get a life somewhere down the road !!!  'till then, I expect to see some more japanese/german planes coming off of your workbench !
