
Heinkel He-362

Started by Tophe, August 04, 2005, 11:07:10 PM

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LOL...14 or 15 ???  I shudder at the ones built into my twenties...yucch !!  Keep a few of them in a cabinet, gives one a sense of proportion !!!



I had found again the 1/32 Me 262A I built when I was 14 years old. Today what-ifed softly by truncating the tail: hey no need of tail, the Horten planes had demonstrated it in Germany before the Me 262 was even designed...

I must explain: like with the He 362, my goal was to get rid of the swastika: I heard last week on TV news that a criminal's house has been combed, and the French Police found "swastikas" there, what a monster!!! Hey, if they ever comb mine, journalists would shout the same – while, yes: US, British, Japanese and German markings, yes that include swastika, without meaning at all I am a Nazi supporter! I have tried to scratch the old decal off, 28 years after, and the result was awful, so I have truncated...
I plan to include a rocket pipe in the hole, to be serious a little...
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


That He 162 of yours looks sad of having lost its tail.

I know I would be!

:D  :D  


Uh... trying to understand: in French "perdre sa queue" (loose one's tail) is for a man a huge trauma I suppose (I have no experience, being circumcised being different), but I am not sure the slang is the same for that virile part in Ollie's Québec... and I did not know it was the same in English (the Oxford dictionary just saying as second meaning: tail=thing suggesting animal tail in shape or position)... Well I remember mysterious jokes about twin-tails inside twin-sisters, and not waiting for confirmation, I smile :D imagining I had somehow castrated these evil Nazi planes, as punishment, a little softer than death/garbage model penalty... ^_^

PS. Discarding swastikas to avoid Nazism accusations against myself, of course I do not accuse at all the ones of us featuring them to be Nazi! :angry:  :huh:  I simply think this is a logical blindness expectable from journalists. :(  In my wife's Philippines, TV Channels and Newspapers are practising auctions on bomb outrages she told me: "15 dead ones!" – "No, 20 on my channel, all details at 8:00pm, immediately after the advertisement!" – "Wrong, 25 in my pages, read all inside, buy and you'll know the hidden facts!"... Journalism may reach the highest audience success discarding honesty... :(  I just tried to protect myself from this dishonesty, not practising the same at all. :mellow:
Well, I know a leading journalist could argue: "Hey, you are even more dishonest than us: how dare you pretending only Truth and Reality do matter, as you are those very What-if Modellers, lying and inventing everyday as well, protesting against Realist Modellers claiming only Truth is allowed!". Gasp... :(  We could answer: "It is very different: we are smiling, sir, not pretending at all to depict The Truth and The only World, we say we are dreaming or are gently crazy, writing it down, and not getting advertisement dollars from public abuse." :huh:
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


QuoteLooks cool, I especialy like the wingtips bent down. Nice touch



The downturned tips were standard on He-162s or so i thought???


Great idea!!
Love it....thinking Revell 1/32nd kit as I have several. :)  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


its not one of my favourite aircrafts but yours looks more interesting as the normal version  :cheers:
greetings! :cheers:  


Now the Ho 262A prototype is complete: the rocket engine is installed (yet to be switched on, however)...
Note the perfect camo flying unseen low over typical Chinese landscape...
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Wonder what the yaw would have been like with that one!  Yipes!


PS. If you wonder where I got a 1/32 rocket exhaust, well, I should explain: this comes from my spare box, it is a resin part of Rutan Proteus fuselage (Unicraft 1/72) that I had shortened... :wacko:  
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Last weekend I saw a DVD with the US film "American History X": young hateful killers wearing swastikas :angry: , having Hitler posters on the wall :angry:  and having in their bedroom: Messershmitt models hanging from the ceiling :(  - yes, this was presented as a further proof of guilt! :(  :(
I went upstairs to look again in my old models collection, built in my youth when model magazines told me, JMN-way, that each model (that I was appreciating as silhouette) MUST be an accurate copy, wearing the decals provided in the kit. And there was still a Bf 109E 1/32 wearing the forbidden sign... :(
So, yesterday I have sawed away the 109 fin upper part, breaking alas one tailplane and my holding finger broke the tail wheel... The result was very ugly, and I considered the garbage can. :(
Well, as I had not thrown away the 1/32 Me 262 tail yet, I glued on the 109 truncated fin the Me 262 tailplanes (the area of them equalling the 109's fin+tailplanes, so this is almost balanced). Also, I removed the wing guns (the nose machine guns being less easy, because putty & sanding would require a new painting). Now this is no more a Nazi winner but a ridiculous plane that cannot do any harm to my overwhelming RAF Spitfire I 1/32 (wearing no Swastika, even as kills count...). :)

Will this be enough to avoid journalist dishonest anger? I fear not :( : I still have in my home "several Messerschmitts, you know: the Nazi leading weapons celebrated by all the Neo-Nazi"... :angry:  I just hope there are not much aviation enthusiasts among journalists and they will not recognise the Bf/Me, without the swastika. :huh:
PS. for JHM :unsure: : I do not mean a T-tail Bf 109 is ridiculous :D , I just mean: a T without rudder and with a so short unusable fin :wacko: . I could have made a butterfly V-tail  :) while this is less what-if, as actually considered (for a bad use) :( ...
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Well, after my 1/32 Me262 & Bf 109 have been butchered, I still have one 1/32 model from Evil... :(  J2M Raiden Jack (the US Mustang and UK Spitfire being acceptable :) ). Moreover, my family in law in the Philippines has suffered much of the Japanese occupation, and I don't want to celebrate this power. :(
In the 1970s I did not know that, and now my bright J2M is painful for me to face: :(

I have cut away the wing guns but this is not enough... -_-  I plan to remove propellers and have instead of the spinner air intake: putty & sanding & yellow paint into a beautiful nose, for an innocent glider (single-seat) that would not do any harm... :)
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Tophe, instead of chopping off the tail, just paint over the swastika with black, to make it look like a captured plane.  


:) You are very right, as far as my Messerscmitts were concerned. Maybe this would have been the realist JMN's :angry:  shelter :huh: , but you know what: I am a crazy WHAT-IF modeller, and not even ashamed of it... :wacko:  :blink:  :(

Well, you were very right in another way also: without painting all again, a change is possible in markings. See the result below: the Japanese aggressive gunfull J2M-3 has turned into the quiet gunless RAF Jack Mk.3... :D

Thanks again, B777LR, you saved my model dear... ^_^  I consider sending you a MiG 37 Ferret kit (we already talked about it in another topic) as reward, maybe next month – this month I send a T-2 kit to Archibald near here and I should not spend too much).
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


QuoteI consider sending you a MiG 37 Ferret kit
yayyyy, hope that i will get mre than a computer during my confirmation next sunday! Just PM me and ill send tell you where to send it ^_^

An idea you might try instead of making captured planes, was making planes of the non-nazi germany after the nazists where thrown out of the goverment. The non-nazi goverment decided to ban all swastikas, but continue the war!

:cheers:  :cheers: