F-35 Lightning II (aka JSF)

Started by Geoff_B, September 03, 2004, 10:28:06 AM

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Jeffry Fontaine

I found some images of the F-35 mockup displayed at the Paris Airshow.  Thought it would be fitting to add them to the thread that Evan started on display model colors.  I am only providing the links to the images out of consideration to the source and the possibility that they are copyrighted.  So enjoy:

F-35 mockup at the Paris Air Show - 001

F-35 and F-135 engine mockup at the Paris Air Show - 002

F-35 mockup at the Paris Air Show - front view - 003

F-35 mockup at the Paris Air Show - gold colored windows associated with the F-35 EOTS and EO DAS systems - 004

F-35 mockup at the Paris Air Show - gold colored windows associated with the F-35 EOTS and EO DAS systems - 005

It is interesting to see that the weapons bays are now configured for vertical release now instead of that side opening arrangement that was first offered up.  The addition of the EO/Targeting windows on the underside of the fuselage is also a new feature that will be another feature that has to be added on to the model now to attempt to bring it closer to a production aircaft.  

I noticed that one of the other weapons that was displayed on that page was a much modified Paveway II LGB with a shorter tail section which leads me to believe that this is an attempt to get it cleared for use on the F-35.  Will be interesting to see what actually will be available for use with this thing when it is all over and done with and actually taking up space on the flight line in squadron strength.  
Unaffiliated Independent Subversive
"Every day we hear about new studies 'revealing' what should have been obvious to sentient beings for generations; 'Research shows wolverines don't like to be teased" -- Jonah Goldberg


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I rather suspect the two-seater is somewhere in the AD/PD area awaiting a requirement for it.  As to tip-mounted Sidewinder rails, there're some features of the design that render right on the tip rails unsuitable.  The outboard-most hardpoints on each side, though, do carry them with two more hardpoints 'tween there and the fuselage for other stores.  If there's not a need for low observables, she can carry quite a warload.
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I know RN examples can carry two AMRAAMs and two ASRAAMs internally.  Can weapon bay hardpoints used for ASRAAMs be used for AMRAAM instead?
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QuoteI know RN examples can carry two AMRAAMs and two ASRAAMs internally.  Can weapon bay hardpoints used for ASRAAMs be used for AMRAAM instead?
I'm not sure there's sufficient internal volume for that, it's a remarkably compact and dense aircraft (trust me, I've run into some real fun trying to fit everything in).

I can say that the "grapevine" has both two-seat and UCAV versions, at the very least, being schemed.  I've heard the two-seater uses the F-35C wings to keep the wingloading as low as possible.  Really, considering the modular nature of the aircraft, derivatives aren't as difficult as with some aircraft.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


hey shouldnt the F-35B be the FV-35B as in the AV-8?



The whole designation system went out the window with the JSF (why isn't it the F-25 with the Boeing contender being the YF-24), so I don't see why. 


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Quote from: Blacklion213 on February 22, 2008, 06:24:54 AM
hey shouldnt the F-35B be the FV-35B as in the AV-8?

I think it'd be VF-35(or -25).
"How about this for a headline for tomorrows paper? French fries." ~~ James French, d. 1966 Executed in electric chair in Oklahoma.


the V is a modifier so it would be FV-35, like the MV-22 or AV-8



Well, if there is no V-33 and no V-34, I can't see why a V-35 (even e FV-35 ;) ) had to be.

I think the USMC JSF is above all a fight (F-), while the STOVL is a "secondary" capability (VF-)... But well, it's very difficult to say that.
I mean, I suppose that when the V- designation was created, nobody thought that a VTOL could be a simpler sub-variant of a joint program!

Of course, if we take the AV-8 as a reference, it had to be FV-35 (as the "8" of the Harrier stands for the "A-8", not the "V-8"; I read somewhere that its real designation should have been "AV-16 Harrier", something like that). But the Harrier designation is also a exception, so is the F-35 or the AB-1 for example.
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In actuality, the CTOL and CV variants ought to be numbered in the F- (fighter) series, as F-24 or F-25. No 'A' required as that's implicit in the 'F', believe it or not.

'V' is a vehicle type symbol, which isn't present in conventional aircraft (F_-15, B_-1, C_-130) but is in helicopters (CH-47, AH-64) or V/STOL types (AV-8*, MV-22). So, the STOVL JSF ought to be FV-24 or FV-25, these being the next two free numbers in the V- series, conveniently.

* The AV-8 just doesn't make sense, actually. The '8' probably comes from the A- series, not the V- series, as V-8 was already taken then. AV-6B was the original designation, following on from the V-6 Kestrel, then A-8, which was free but didn't cover the V/STOL capabilities. So someone just added on the 'V'. And so begins the abuse of the MDS designation system.

I don't believe that there is a satisfactory way to tell the difference between an ASW aircraft designated in the 'S' basic mission series, and a spaceplane designated in the 'S' vehicle type series. Fortunately, the problem hasn't occurred as yet, and probably never will.


Thanks for the info!

So, after what I just red, a F-24 or F-25 designation was much more logical, as it just fit (that's a good coincidence!) the V-24 and V-25 designations!

The Boeing X-32 could have been the XF-24 while the X-32B could have been the XV-24.
The Lockheed X-35 became the XF-25 with the X-35B becoming the XV-35.

In operationnal service (for the Lockheed design), the right designation would have been F-25A for the USAF JSF, F-25B for the US Navy variant, and FV-25A for the USMC JSF.
But I suppose that a F-25A/B/C designation would have been chosen. That's better for commercial purposes ;)
"laissez mes armées être les rochers et les arbres et les oiseaux dans le ciel"

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If you look through the X-Plane set of numbers, these X-32 & X-35 are slotted into it (they were originally X-Planes afterall).  The number 35 has just been carried over from this as it is now mostly known by this number, it should be an F-24 or 25 as you say
If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike

Jeffry Fontaine

Dana "Smudge" Potts has provided a series of twelve images for the Hyperscale reference library showing the STOVL F-35 in flight.  There is one image showing the IFR Probe deployed. 

There were some comments made on another forum recently about the not so stealthy engine exhaust section of the F-35 JSF and it got me to thinking about what could be done to adapt a two dimensional exhaust nozzle from the F-22 cRaptor to the back end of the F-35.  The exhaust parts from the F-22 cRaptor could be adapted to fit the F-35 without too much effort.

Has anyone considered this for one of their WHIF JSF projects?
Unaffiliated Independent Subversive
"Every day we hear about new studies 'revealing' what should have been obvious to sentient beings for generations; 'Research shows wolverines don't like to be teased" -- Jonah Goldberg


Does anyone have any artist's impression of a F-35B/C carrying their gunpods?

Not just the gunpod itself, but the aircraft carrying the gunpod...... let's just say that I'm looking for inspiration......

Thanks very much in advance.
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