A-4 Skyhawk

Started by Davey B, October 25, 2005, 12:59:08 PM

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SkyHawk as a proper fighter with a propos radar missils etc... Being tested by US Marines but intended to equip any south american second class carrier, hence the generic "MARINA". Carlos.
Keep up the great work Carlos. Your artwork is amazing.


Can  we please see a supersonic fighter version of A-4M Skyhawk for USAF? It very important to see what it would've looked like.



Thank you Zero-sen for showing us the Skyhawk designs especially the A-4Y which is the supersonic Skyhawk design I'm looking for. Thank you & keep up the amazingly awesome work & great effort on all 3 designs.


Zero-Sen you've done amazing with your artwork. I'm proud of you & your efforts in designing aircraft.
Here's my designs of a fighter version of the A-4 Skyhawk both with a 360 degree bubble canopy 2 30mm guns heat seeking & radar seeking air to air missiles canard foreplanes 2 small engines twin vertical tails armor & self sealing fuel tanks along with non electromagnetic electronic countermeasures IRST etc.





Keep up the great work & amazing effort.


Hi Zero Sen, I love you Skyhawks  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :thumbsup:
Will die without understanding this world.


1 of my favorite what ifs is Eddie M Air Superiority Scooter however due to Photobucket covering the imagine I can't see the beautiful model in its full detail & also it was an inspiration of the F-19 Pulverizer.


A supersonic Skyhawk would need a thinner wing. Model-wise, an F-16 wing should be a good-ish match, but it begs the question "where do the wheels go?". The Skyhawk retracted it's main wheels to lie flat inside the wings with the legs in external fairings to avoid cutting into the wing spars. Even if the external fairings didn't screw up the aerodynamics of the thin, supersonic wing, there still wouldn't be room for the wheels inside it.

A-4SU Super Skyhawks were powered by dry F-404s, so by the time you'd finished supersonicifying the A-4 you'd pretty much have reinvented the F-20 Tigershark.
"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."
 - Sandman: A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Neil Gaiman

"I dunno, I'm making this up as I go."
 - Indiana Jones


You wil also ask: where would the fuel go, because it was carried in the thick wings, too.  ;)


Plus area rule the fuselage. I remember how the prototype F-102 just wouldn't go supersonic because the fuselage wasn't designed using the area rule principle.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


A supersonic Skyhawk designed for excellent handling & manuvering characteristics while being able to operate at Mach 2 speeds along with a bubble canopy a low mounted tailplane twin vertical tails armor conformal self sealing fuel tanks & for the primary armament a pair of twin nose mounted GIAT 30 30mm cannons &heat seeking & radar seeking air to air missiles please


A-4 Spey got mentioned earlier in the thread, but I don't think the drawing has been put up before. Largely the same as the A-4E with a few increases in dimensions.

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The Spey A-4 is based on the proposed CA-4E airframe which
was a single-seat development of the TA-4E, incorporating many
of the latter's improvements plus new features of its own. Like
the TA-4E, the CA-4E has a 9,300 lb st (4220 kgp) Pratt &
Whitney J52-P-8A turbojet, lift dumpers, steerable nose-wheel,
zero-zero ejection seat and modernized electronics. In addition.
the wing and fuselage store positions have been strengthened, to
permit maximum loads of 4,600 lb (2086 kg) on the fuselage,
2,600 Ib (1180 kg) on each inner wing position and 1,000 Ib
(454 kg) loads on the outer pylons. The maximum weight is
increased by 2,920 lb (1325 kg) to 27,420 lb (12440 kg), and low
pressure tyres are introduced for operations from unprepared
All these features are offered in the Spey A-4, but use of the
Rolls-Royce turbofan offers 41 per cent more thrust and 17-24
per cent lower cruising sfc compared with the J52-P-6A in the
standard Navy A-4E, with consequent performance improvement.
The Spey version in the Skyhawk is the RB.168-20, rated
at 12,000 lb st (5443 kgp) and specified also for the HS 801
(maritime Comet); it is essentially an unreheated version of the
RB. 168-25R specified for the F-4K Phantom II and is a military
version of the RB.163-25 in the later Tridents and One-Elevens.
The Spey weighs some 470 lb (213 kg) more than the J52 and
has a frame diameter 3.5 in (8.9 cm) greater. To accommodate
this larger engine, the fuselage of the Skyhawk is deepened by
5 in (12.7 cm) aft of the self-sealing fuel tank behind the cockpit,
and is lengthened by a 10 in (25.4 cm) section just aft of the
cockpit. The engine air intakes are enlarged to match the greater
air mass flow requirement, the minimum cross-section of the
inlet duct being increased from 3.3 sq ft to 5 sq ft (0.31 to 0.46
m'). The changes to the fuselage involve a small increase in fin
area by increasing the chord and the overall height of the fin.
Approximately one-third of the bare airframe (less engine) by
weight is modified for the Spey installation. Materials and
construction methods are unchanged, but the changes in the
fuselage shape require some re-arrangement of the equipment in
the centre and rear fuselage and some re-routing of control
cables. Other items needing modification in the Spey installation
include the cockpit environment control system (for compatibility
with the higher pressures and temperatures of bleed air
from the 152; the pneumatic system which pressurizes the fuel
system; and the hydraulic system (because of larger-displacement,
lower-speed pumps used on the Spey).

The Spey A-4 has an empty weight of 10,739 lb (4871 kg),
compared with 9,853 lb (4470 kg) for the standard A-4E. As
already noted, there is a 2,920 Ib (1325 kg) difference in maximum
weights and the maximum ordnance load is increased to 12,000 lb
(5443 kg). Key points of the Spey A-4's performance are its
ability to take-off in 3,840 ft (1170 m) at max weight: its 2,750
naut mile (5 095 km) ferry range without refuelling and its Mach
0.92 max speed (590 knots-1093 km/h) at 35,000 ft (10670 m).
Douglas estimate that there is currently a market for about
2,000 low-cost ground attack aircraft, to replace F-84s, F-86s and
other obsolescent aircraft. The competition for this market is
growing, not only from other US manufacturers (primarily
Northrop with the F-5A and Ling-Temco-Vought with the A-7A)
but also from the European industry, primarily with the BAC/
Breguet Jaguar (see Vol 21 No 6 p 371). At $764,000 (£272,000)
complete with all-weather navigation equipment. the Spey A-4 is
among the lowest priced of the available types, and is offered in
quantity in less than two years from go-ahead.
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.