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B-17/ KC-135 hybrid

Started by Eddie M., November 08, 2005, 05:03:21 PM

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Eddie M.

I got some interior work done in the bomb bay done tonight. The ribbing ( for her pleasure :lol: ) was cut individually, piece by piece, from some plastic stock that is corragated looking( forgot the name). The other interior pieces were from my expansive parts boxes. Next is the nose section that I have to block out all the windows to give it a more modern look, :), then I can start putting it back together again for the final time. B)

Look behind you!


Cool....can't wait to see the bigger picture Ed.

Captain Canada

I hope it's a good pissed off.
It's more of a jealous kind of pissed off....which seems to grow after each tin of beer is finished !


Glad you're going with spinners....just doesn't look right, with the wing sweep and all to have those blunt noses on there. Good idea with the bomb ends. I've used fuel tanks before as well.

Cheers !
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

Eddie M.

While I was closing up all the windows in the nose, I was wondering how I was going to fill the huge gap on the bottom of the fuselege next to the bomb bay. I finall y came up with using a part of the KC's fuselage and off I went. I ended up extending the B-17 fuselage by about one inch. I wanted to show the train wreak as it sits right now, so when it look all smooth and shiny, I can appreciate how much trouble I put myself though! :wacko:  ;)

Look behind you!


Man I always get to the good parties late. That is a really cool concept and a hell of alot of work you're nuts!

I invite all and any criticism, except about Eric The Dog, it's not his fault he's stupid

Leigh's Models

Captain Canada

that is reaaly starting to look cool.........and it's nice to see these in-progress pics, to better appreciate all your work. It also reconfirms how utterly crazy yoo really are, Eddie !


Funny, tho, now I really want to build a B-17 !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

John Howling Mouse

Cool.  Very inspiring...makes one want to try a multi-engine what if.  But then, I come back to my senses.

You are such a radical, Eddie!!!

Thank God for that!
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


:wub: Awesome. The only word for it. That, and "inspiring".

Eddie M.

Thanks to all for your words of encouragement. :)  Tonight's installment is small, but I am moving forward. ;) I have access to used stainless tubing( it's from an air driven syringe we use at work to fill our parts with epoxy) that I've cut and made in to the Gatling tail defense. I'll put a shroud around it later. I'll also probably bring the dia. of the stablizing ring down a bit too. This was just the rough draft.

Look behind you!


B) I like....good to see some more progress.

John Howling Mouse

I get my used needles from my wife (she's an addict) but I would never have attempted to build a rotary cannon from them----the precision must be incredible for your predrilled holes!  Fantastic!  Now, make me six more!   :P

Hey, you never replied to my inquiry about your decals for this baby...

What era does this represent?
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Jeffry Fontaine

I have to admit that I was very skeptical about this when I first saw the thread and I guess it was the whole "Franken-Fortress" bomber thing that was making me scoff at your prpoosed modifications.  But as the new images appear and I see the progress being made and the final appearance being set I must say that the skepticism is now gone and I am looking forward to seeing this project finished.  

So keep up the good work there and make me a "believer!"
Unaffiliated Independent Subversive
"Every day we hear about new studies 'revealing' what should have been obvious to sentient beings for generations; 'Research shows wolverines don't like to be teased" -- Jonah Goldberg

Eddie M.

QuoteI get my used needles from my wife (she's an addict) but I would never have attempted to build a rotary cannon from them----the precision must be incredible for your predrilled holes!  Fantastic!  Now, make me six more!   :P

Hey, you never replied to my inquiry about your decals for this baby...

What era does this represent?
The cannon was done just by eyeballing the position and going for it. As for the time frame of this aircraft, I would have to say around the early to mid 50's, in the twilight zone! :lol:  ;)  I need to comission one of you guys to write a back story, cuz I just dont have the imagination.
Look behind you!

Eddie M.

QuoteI have to admit that I was very skeptical about this when I first saw the thread and I guess it was the whole "Franken-Fortress" bomber thing that was making me scoff at your prpoosed modifications.  But as the new images appear and I see the progress being made and the final appearance being set I must say that the skepticism is now gone and I am looking forward to seeing this project finished.  

So keep up the good work there and make me a "believer!"
I'm glad that you didn't think this would turn out to be anything more than a junkyard dog. Besides my own personal mission to complete this in a believable fashion, your doubt is the motivation I need to not cut corners. I guess I get a sense of satisfaction out of getting people to say, " I didn't think it would work." Thank you for lighting the fire, because with all the putty I'm going to have to use, I'm gonna need a kick in the donkey to stay motivated. :)
Look behind you!

John Howling Mouse

...kick...    ;)

[you can do it; will send you some decal scans later today for you to choose from]
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.