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B-17/ KC-135 hybrid

Started by Eddie M., November 08, 2005, 05:03:21 PM

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Whoooooeeeee Doggeeee!!!  That is one great looking craft !!  A monster, by all accounts,too !
       Impressive stuff.

Brian da Basher

You know Eddie the more I look at this impressive monster, the more I think you were spot-on with the engine placement. It just looks sooo right!

Brian da Basher


Looks amazing Eddie!  Mack Maloney, eat your heart out!   :cheers:  



Brilliant, Eddie!

Looking at the fuselage/empennage you can see exactly where the B-47 came from.  Marvelous!


Eddie M.

Here's a test shot of this beast up on her legs. I needed to get an idea of how it would stand. Had to make sure the 20 grams (pretty close) or so of nose weight would keep the nose down. :lol:  ;) Also, a size comparison to a 1:48 Corsair. :)

Look behind you!

Jeffry Fontaine

(movie sound track from "Heavy Metal" playing in the background) as the light bulb brightens up once again to ask; Hey Eddie, is that weapons bay big enough for a 1/43rd scale Corvette?...  
Unaffiliated Independent Subversive
"Every day we hear about new studies 'revealing' what should have been obvious to sentient beings for generations; 'Research shows wolverines don't like to be teased" -- Jonah Goldberg

Eddie M.

Quote(movie sound track from "Heavy Metal" playing in the background) as the light bulb brightens up once again to ask; Hey Eddie, is that weapons bay big enough for a 1/43rd scale Corvette?...
As long as the 'Vette is white and there's an astronaut driving. B) The bomb bay is 4.5" long, 1.5"wide and 1" deep. I think I can fit a big anything, including a nuke with a little Slim Pickens riding on it. :lol:  ;)
Look behind you!

Eddie M.

Opinion time :). I'm thinking that the prop blades are bit short. Should I create more work for myself and lengthen them or not?
Look behind you!

Brian da Basher

Eddie this fantastic beast just looks better with each pic! I love seeing it on the landing gear! I think the prop blades look great the way they are!  

Brian da Basher

Jeffry Fontaine

QuoteOpinion time :). I'm thinking that the prop blades are bit short. Should I create more work for myself and lengthen them or not?
More BIGGER = More Better!  

I have a friend of mine that casts nose weights for model aircarft that is currently in the process of making some resin C-130J propellers with individual blades and spinner to fit the Italeri C-130J, if you want to place your order for four or five or six of them, now would be a good time to let me (him) know.  He does frequent WHIF on occasion and I have not been nagging him too much lately since I know he has a real job but if there is some money to be made, I am sure he could put this on the top of the to do list.  

All I have riding on this is the expenditure of two each of my C-130J propellers with spinners from the 1/72nd and 1/48th scale kits.  I also submitted two sets of the three blade Curtiss propellers for the "cause" and hopefully will see some nice replications returned to me soon.  

If you are interested, let me know,

IRT the Corvette, of course it would have to be white and the astronaut is without question required as part of the scene.  The question is can you find the right model year Corvette?  I have a couple of astronauts from the old Monogram LEM lunar lander kit that would be perfect for standing next to the Corvette on the ground...
Unaffiliated Independent Subversive
"Every day we hear about new studies 'revealing' what should have been obvious to sentient beings for generations; 'Research shows wolverines don't like to be teased" -- Jonah Goldberg


Oh nice!

I'd be interested in those propellers to modernize my Atlantic...

;)  :wub:  


At last we see the Eddieteer beastie on her feet. Excellent stuff! Keep it up! I wana see her done.

Eddie M.

I really do appreciate the offer, but I'm going to try to keep the old blade look. What I'll probably do is add a 1/4" extension made out of styrene just behind the tip. My mind was made up for me about 5 minutes ago when my son, EVAN, came though here swinging a rubber blow up baseball bat and knocked one of my props to the ground, sending blades in several directions.  <_< After a man to little man conversion, I don't think he'll be as careless in the future. Again, thank you very much for the offer. I am now in the hunt to find a late 50's(???) Corvette, be it die cast or not, to fullfil the Heavy Metal scenerio. Thanks for the idea! B)
Look behind you!


Looking marvellous eddie - i've been a big fan of this build, and it keeps getting better and better with every new photo!

"Computer games don't affect kids. I mean, if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." Kristin Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989.