Started by SinUnNombre, November 12, 2005, 06:34:56 PM

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:lol: Awesome, this is gonna be sooo cool! Way to go Jonny Boy!


Quote:lol: Awesome, this is gonna be sooo cool! Way to go Jonny Boy!
Glad to see someone's excited about it.... <_<

On a side note, I got the green paint on the centerline bomb and the base coats of white on the SNEBs. Also, I took a piece of 1000 to a couple of the gaps that didn't set down well. Still looking for my tube of putty though. More updates and pics in the next couple of days. I'm on Christmas break after tomorrow and I get out of school at 1:30, so lots of build time for this and my Aussie Skyraider.



Aussie Skyraider? I love Spads...I love Aussie...please show me pics! That sounds fun. :wub:  :wub:  


Quote:lol: Awesome, this is gonna be sooo cool! Way to go Jonny Boy!
Glad to see someone's excited about it.... <_<
In the words of the gangsters in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: "Forget about it, Mario!"

Just wait til you've got the paint on....the "pros" will come in droves...you'll just have to start a new topic without the un-whiffy "SAAF P-40E" title. Come up with something else a little more whif, pizzazy, basically NOT REAL WORLD. Besides, this is just the sort of thing these guys love, putting rocket pods on a P-40.

Have fun after school ends...how old are you BTW? I'm 18. No more school for me!  :lol:  :lol:  


Quoteyou'll just have to start a new topic without the un-whiffy "SAAF P-40E" title. Come up with something else a little more whif, pizzazy, basically NOT REAL WORLD. Besides, this is just the sort of thing these guys love, putting rocket pods on a P-40.

Have fun after school ends...how old are you BTW? I'm 18. No more school for me!  :lol:  :lol:

Yea. Once I get the gray undercoat and the tan topcoat on, I'll probably start a new thread for the rest of the pics. I'll need to break out the digicam for those pics, since this webcam ain't the greatest little thing ever. Oh, and I'm 16 BTW. Junior in HS, so I still got a year and a half. Eh, could be worse.


Edit: P.S. Not much worth reporting on the Skyraider. I've got the interior, bomb, and engine painted so far. I'll post a thread when I get it further along.


Hey Jon, looks like a cool project...always liked the lines on the P-40...good choice for a Whif :)

Jeff G.
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


That's the spirit, encourage the young man's talent!

That's The Whif Way! B)

Hey...a new Whiffer slogan..."Start Em Young".


No new progress to report tonight. I went over to a friemd's house and we hung out all evening. Since I've got a whole day tomorrow, I'll hopefully be on a building marathon. On this, the Skyraider, and the Phillipino F6F.  B)



Got the SNEB's done!

What do ya think?



QuoteWhat do ya think?
That's a rhetorical question, right? Can't wait to see them on the P-40! Cool.


"Start Em Young".
Uhhh...make sure they are 17, first.   :D
    Seriously, this looks to be a cool build. Intense, as it were.


QuoteWhat do ya think?
That's a rhetorical question, right? Can't wait to see them on the P-40! Cool.
No, its was a serious question. How do you guys think the SNEB's look? I think they're alright, and they could've been better if I had spent more time on them. But, they're plenty good enough.



They are great! Only complaint I have (no offence intended matey) is the quality of the pics. Otherwise it's great!

Brian da Basher

Hi my name is Brian and I suffer from poor quality pics too...

Maybe we can start a support group Jon.

Love the SNEBs! That's gonna be one mean P-40E!

Brian da Basher


Nudge. Pics please! ^_^