
My first ever order from HLJ

Started by SebastianP, November 24, 2005, 07:48:06 AM

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It's Hasegawa's VF-0A/S kit, with all the upgrade packs that were featured in episode 5 of Macross Zero - an utterly awesome find, since I was originally shopping for a regular A or S model, with the intent to maybe scratchbuild the rest....

Now, what paint scheme to use...?



F-ck me!

That is freakin' awesome!  How much shipping did you pay?

I really need to get Veritech kits, and put them all in VF-84 markings...

:wub:  :wub:  :)  


Yeah, I got two of those kits when they were first released. The Ghost alone would make an awesome WiF but the extra weapons pods and rocket launchers really set off the Valkyrie.

Ollie, seeing as most come with skull and crossbone markings in the kits, that wouldn't be a reach! The VF-0A/S with Ghost kit comes with the markings for sure. Shipping would be between $10 and $20 Canadian depending on the shipping option chosen. That is why I allway order multiples as the shipping on two or three kits is often the same as one.




Yes, I need them.

I have most the of Robotech series at homeon DVD, and I'd like to get the movies too...



Get the VF-0D as well. A kick donkey delta wing design.

I looked into just ordering the Ghost and weapon sprues to up-arm my VF-0A,B,D and S kits but the cost was actually more than just ordering the complete VF-0A/S kit with Ghost and you got a Valkyrie kit for free by doing that!




The VF-0D is temporarily out of stock - I'll get one one of these days. Can't afford more than one kit on this months' budget, looks like.

Does anyone remember the ORIGINAL Robotech kits - the Robotech Defenders and Changers lines - and the tie in comic from 1984?

Hmmm. Humbrol numbers 125, 127 and 144 would go nicely on that thing - 127 on the bottom, 144 on top, and an oval blot of 125 under the forward fuselage. And, then, the maple leafs, eh?



Yes, maple leaves, of course.



The Hasegawa Macross stash.

There are four kits missing from the picture. Two are at home in Oz (Max and Mirya two pack and the VF-1J "clear" kit) and two are "in progress" so not in the shot (VF-1D trainer and VF-1A "Low Viz").

Damm things are like peanuts when you start buying them......I have most of the "special" versions as well like the gunmetal plated VF-1S Strike Valkyrie, the three different clear coloured Valkyries and the Minmay Guard VF-1S Strike Battroid. Acertain board member would love that one as its markings are in shades of pink and lavender!

My retirement project is to build all of them...... :P




I was just at HLJ again, and clicked the "ship immediately" button. I'm guessing it'll be here in time for next weekend... I'm seriously having to consider cooking soup on the sprues, though, since my budget got a tad overextended. I hate quarterly bills, especially when they're all due the same month.

Dude, that stash is insane. I actually can't imagine anyone keeping that many unbuilt kits around - the longest any single kit has ever had to wait before I started clipping pieces off the sprues was six months, and that was a complete abberation - wrong scale (at the time), wrong genre (WWII, as opposed to modern), wrong type (bomber, and a prop at that, versus fast jets), etc etc. The vast majority of all kits I buy tend to end up on the workbench within half a day of coming in the door - which explains why I have twenty-five unfinished kits on my shelf at the moment....

Got myself a Hase F-14B at the shop today - I was really only there to get two tins of paint, but it jumped me and wouldn't let go. Set me back nearly $35 - would have been cheaper if I got it from HLJ... I'm still considering what to do with it - I've started constructing and painting the intakes and joined the fuselage halves, but I haven't decided on a scheme yet. I've got decals for 8 different real-world schemes, including 2 F-14Ds (have a spare chinpod from a busted Revell kit to go with them), and I'll probably end up using those...



Macross and Sci-Fi are the only things I'll build in scales which aren't 1/48 :D

I've got myself the YF-19, VF-19A and VF-0B to build, I just whish they didn't cost the same as a 1/48 Skyhawk or more!

I know my VF-0B is going to end up as a "Black Ace" as soon as I can find donor decals!

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


Hasegawqa has a Superhornet with VFA-41 decals, somewhere. And I know Twobobs has a VFA-41 sheet, unless it's sold out...

I'm liking the paint scheme on the display model at HLJ, and I'm having to restrain myself in order to keep froom painting what should be a serious model in something similar...


Captain Canada

QuoteThe Hasegawa Macross stash.
This hobby is a disease, I tells ya. A disease !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


It comes from having a decent disposable income from working in the Middle East for seven years combined with wanting to have a model stash when I can't afford to buy the kits in a few years time when I go home to Oz for good. I have yet to find a shop that even sells these at home.

Most of the smaller box kits were $14-16 at HLJ when I bought them, but quite a few were snaffled off e-bay for less than that. The most I paid for one was my first VE-1 ELINT Valkyrie kit on e-bay after they were last discontinued but of course Hasegawa have now re-released the model.

The closest to real insanity was buying 6 of the VF-1A "Angel Birds" kits so that I can do the entire team display ( the decal sheet gives you all the numbers for 1-5 plus 6 for the VF-1D two seater).




Awsome collection my lil stash in the loft pales in comparsion... and yes for my retirement too. There are some original Robotech ones up there too umm I'll have to go up for a bit of quiet comtemplation...