What's the Kiwi doing?

Started by K5054NZ, December 19, 2005, 06:16:02 PM

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G'day all
Well my real-world Hughes 500C is coming along...I think...and I'm starting a new project.

A whif project.  B)

I'm sure most of you know about Piper's efforts remanufacturing the Mustang as the PA-48 Enforcer, and the Cavalier Co's Cavalier Mustang II (or whatever). But one similar project along the same lines has sadly slipped out of the public consciousness, despite its relative success.

The Hawker Sea Fury was the final piston-engined fighter produced by Hawker, and served with distinction in many air forces. In 1976 the Hawker Siddeley company looked at the design in response to a call for a close-support and ground attack aircraft, essentially a piston-engined counterpart of the Cessna A-37. HS bought back a privately owned Sea Fury (G-SCSF) and proceeded to upgrade it with stronger wings, an American Wright R3350 engine of greater horsepower than the original Bristol Centaurus (but retaining the original five-bladed prop), and a modernized cockpit.

The resulting HS1410 "Fury II", bearing its original registration, took to the skies in April 1977.

This is my build of the HS1410, using the Frog/Air Lines Sea Fury X I received from Rick my forum friend from over at Modeling Madness.

This pic was taken yesterday - today the outer wing sections have been cemented to the inners. I am currently mustering up enough interest in the project to paint the interior and put the fuse together. Really it will appear stock, but with more weapons pylons and a demonstrator scheme (yet to be decided on, but probably SEA camo or a derivative).


Hum.  So a clockwise turning engine with a counter-clockwise turning prop.

That thing is sure to take-off backwards!

:D  :D

Looking good, but I'd put a big thirsty turboprop in that thing...  ;)

:wub:  :wub:  :wub:  


Oh...um....yeah....DAMN YOU OLLIE!!!

Well if I can find a way to scratchbuild a turbo- HEY! PT6A SEA FURY!!!!

Excellent.....someone get me a King Air kit.... :blink:

Oh, and ollie.... :cheers: you can be my wingman anytime!


Quotean American Wright R3350 engine of greater horsepower than the original Bristol Centaurus (but retaining the original five-bladed prop)
...should be replaced with "a Pratt and Whitney PT6A Turboprop with three-bladed prop".

*sheepishly hurries off to hide behind miniscule stash*


What about an Allison T56 putting out 4 000SHP?

Now that's power!

The PT-6A will only give you 1 500SHP max...  No where near enough!


Roger, lead the way, Rabbit Leader!


Aww, come on Ollie, what kind of Canadian wants an Allison!?

I know it's a few years ahead of Zac's project, but what he needs is a PW150-The ULTIMATE PT-6!  

5000shp should be enough
So I got that going for me...which is nice....


Timeline is interfering in the project Nick...

Hence the next best thing, a T56...



:lol:  :lol: I had thought T56 (a la Hercules, Orion etc)....but i wanted to make you Canadian folk happy.  ^_^

Get me a cowl and I'll do it!


Do you have some spare RAN or Iraqi decals so I can model a warbird? Also, I seem to have...lost...an aileron. Very unfortunate - you wouldn't happen to have a spare would you Lee?

The Rat

QuoteHum.  So a clockwise turning engine with a counter-clockwise turning prop.
Well, one of them would be...

If you put contra-props on it!  ;)  
"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives." Hedley Lamarr, Blazing Saddles

Life is too short to worry about perfection

Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/46dpfdpr


Even better! Just get me a pair of Wyvern props....excellent...


QuoteAww, come on Ollie, what kind of Canadian wants an Allison!?
When I was a cadet, too many years ago, there was this chick, Allison, and while we only smooched I seriously wanted to drive her.
Getting back into modeling


.......our school's Head Girl, my counterpart, was Allison....


i dated an alison once.

actually, two of them now i come to think of it - not at the same time, mind.

"Computer games don't affect kids. I mean, if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." Kristin Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989.


I "dated" an Allison also...nice little bit of strawberry blond action back in the college days....ahhh, the 80's.