What's the Kiwi doing?

Started by K5054NZ, December 19, 2005, 06:16:02 PM

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I never dated a girl named Allison...

There was Annie, Marie, Julie, and Lily...   :(  


Had the hot's for an Allison who I worked with once.  
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Okay, that's it, this thread is now an Allison/Alison-free zone!


QuoteOkay, that's it, this thread is now an Allison/Alison-free zone!
So, who else can we talk about now?
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die

John Howling Mouse

First of all, Zac, don't worry about timelines.  That's only one way to approach What If's.  The other is re-write a bit of the history for your timeline, anyhow.

Now, as for props, yadda-yadda-yadda, I can donate you the props from one of those horrid little Wyvern kits (I think they were Frog reboxings?) on one condition:

You build it as a T-Tail!!!!!!!!!!!!

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Thanks Bazza - check your inbox!

Concentrating more on the 500 at the mo, but the HS1410 shall fly!

Okay, the cockpit won't be up to THAT standard, but it'll be close! Mmm...glass cockpit contraprop Sea Fury... :wub:  


RIGHT - investigating T-tail (with Mr JHMs help), glass cockpit, possibly trike undercarriage, rewriting backstory (god I love writing a good backstory), still want/need white rego letters (please PM or email if you have spares, G-SCSF). If you've got a spare, well-fitting canopy drop me a line also.

No pics cos concentrating on ZK-HUT. And I'm at work. Mmmm money :party:  

John Howling Mouse

PM's been answered.  No pressure but I triple-dog-dare you to make it a T-tail!!
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


How's this, Bazza me old mate?

You can see roughly how the horiz stabs will look.

This shows the vertical fin etc trim I've carried out.

Preliminary loadout. Note wingtip tanks patterned after the Piper Enforcer.

Triple-dog-dare accepted! HAHA! T-TAIL IT IS!!! :ar:  

John Howling Mouse

Ah, the dreaded Triple-Dog-Dare: works everytime!   ;)

I think the T-tail will modernize it just enough, not to mention make it truly a unique, original beastie.

Don't forget to block the former ("regular") stabilizer/tailplane slots from the inside of each fuselage with some thin styrene sheet.  Makes puttying the void a whole lot easier.

Unless, of course, you're simply going to fill in the slot with a single slab of styrene in the proper thickness after the fuselage is together and sand it all down to be uniform.  One of the joys of 1:72 is that most mod's are actually more forgiving than the same mod's would be in a bigger scale.

You'd be surprised how easy it will be to throw the two horizontal stabs into a single structure.  You may want to attach them each to a central strip of styrene.  The little triangular voids fore and aft (where the stabs don't quite mate up with the central strip) can easily be filled with little wedges of styrene.   This is gonna look sooooo cool!

I'll drag out the boxes tomorrow for that Wyvern kit's props for you!   ^_^  
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Cheers Baz.

Sheet styrene...um...have to track down and buy some first...maybe if I use some excess from the upcoming Vacform GB?

John Howling Mouse

QuoteCheers Baz.

Sheet styrene...um...have to track down and buy some first...maybe if I use some excess from the upcoming Vacform GB?
I can send you some bits and pieces of Evergreen ™ stock with the Wyvern props, too.
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Preliminary loadout.
Are those SNEB's I see? Nice! Can't wait to see some more progress on this one. Keep up the good work.



Cheers Jon - of course they're SNEBS! Your P-40 with SNEBS was the whole inspiration for this project! Them and the bombs are from the Airfix Harrier GR.5 kit. Dunno where that disappeared to....

Baz - yes please! That'd be a great help.

Well I'm planning to copy my work with the failed Enforcer and use cut-down A-10 exausts. I'll fill in the old ones and smooth em down, lengthen the nose, go for a Wyverny look.

Not lookin forward to sanding the damn radiator inlet on the left wing. I've filled it to make the job "easier" :lol:  :lol:


Well ZK-HUT may be nearly complete but still has a way to go, and now I've got my Russian stars I can finish the Lavochkin and Yak.

So the poor ole' turbo-Fury must wait. I have big plans for this, just hope a taildragging T-tail looks okay, so work on her will not recommence until the Hawker Siddeley NZ crew are back. So just wanted to say, see ya later, this brid'll return to the whif coop come January.

Fingers crossed  ;) .