
Allan's new work slightly modified

Started by Allan, December 22, 2005, 07:06:21 PM

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Hi fellows,

Yes I know Hartmann's plane has been done to death, but I haven't had a crack at it yet, so here it is as a work in progress.

The markings and so on will not be completely accurate, but will appear in the way that I think looks coolest.

I like the low-viz look on the upperwing decals

So there!

Best Christmas greetings from,

Allan in Canberra


One question - why on Earth are all your pics done at your local? :huh:

Can't wait to see her done, BTW.

Brian da Basher

Niiiicee low viz luftkite there Allan! Looks like you dressed formal for the occaision too. I can't wait to see this one finished!

Brian da Basher


Good Heaven's. I feel like a real shab, wearing a sweatshirt.  Nice 109 !

Dork the kit slayer

You Sir are one class act...formal attire for a 109 build....you da man. B)  B)  B)

The planes comming on well. :cheers:  
Im pink therefore Im Spam...and not allowed out without an adult    



That looks good from here!

What kit are you building that from and what paints are you using?

BTW, We should all dress in formal attire when displaying a Bf 109, after all it is King of the modeling world. :rolleyes:



Hi fellows,
Just a brief note to you all on 24 Dec.
It's the Fujimi kit one of my favs. Many people have criticized it, but I think it goes well together and have always enjoyed making it. 1/48 scale.
The paint is Tamiya canned RLM 76 under followed by drybrushing charcoal and other shades of blue with Humbrol brushed yellow.
Upper surfaces was some el cheapo canned white followed by brushing on charcoal.
I hae a mate who has a dig camera and he always brings it along to our red wine session after work on Wed.
He Hotmails the shots to me the next day, I Photobuckets them and then present them to you!
Best wishes to all.
Allan in Canberra