
USMC F/A-24A Helldiver II

Started by SimonR, December 31, 2005, 04:06:53 PM

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From: CNO@navy.mil
Subject: USMC F/A-18D Wing Spars


Due to unforseen increased operational tempo and heavier than anticipated utilisation in lo-lo-lo mission profiles all USMC F/A-18Ds equipping VMFA(AW) squadrons have issues with fatigue cracks in wing spars A, B and C. All airframes are now grounded and have been assessed as beyond economic repair. Request urgent extra-ordinary funding in FY06 and FY07 to allow 1-for-1 airframe replacements with Foxtrot model Super Hornets soonest.


From: SECDEF@pentagon.gov
Subject: Re: USMC F/A-18D Wing Spars


Are you nuts? Don't you know we're spending 5 billion a month in Iraq? We've had to cancel the Big Gulp capable cup holders in the F-22 and replace the ejection seat in the JSF with a lawn chair and a fire extinguisher. There's no damn money for USMC Super Hornets, that's for darn sure. Son, I think you might be falling into the trap of old thinking. You've got to be more imaginative in this age of asymmetric, network centric information warfare. Isn't there something cheap and foreign you can buy? I've got my secretary Grace looking for my glasses right now and as soon as she finds them I'm going to cancel something unimportant like that HUMVEE armor to raise some cash for you. Armour only impedes mobility in this age of asymmetric, network centric information warfare. For God's sake get something cheap.

Semper Fi,


This is the curse of speed;  I have been a slave to it all my life. On my gravestone they will carve 'It never got fast enough for me'.
Hunter S. Thompson


But sir! The committee is already working on a 64oz capable cup holder for the raptor. Today's fighting men dont drink "thirsty-two" ouncers anymore.

Very nice fla....helldiver btw :wub:  
"How about this for a headline for tomorrows paper? French fries." ~~ James French, d. 1966 Executed in electric chair in Oklahoma.

The Rat

:o   :D   :lol:

And a damned fine model too!  :cheers:  
"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives." Hedley Lamarr, Blazing Saddles

Life is too short to worry about perfection

Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/46dpfdpr

John Howling Mouse

Sure I thought the post was hilarious but what a shock to scroll down: I nearly fell off my chair------fantastic model there, Simon!

I need a moment...

:wub:  :wub:  :wub:  
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


From: mbooger@bbc.ru
To: CNO@navy.mil
Subject: Re: Sukhoi Su-27SKA Purchase

Many thanks to you my friend for the DVD box set of American Idol season four. I hope you find the Sukhoi fighters satisfactory. My men are all big Carrie Underwood fans and much prefer her singing to flying. I am willing to part with a Tu-160 if you send her to my Cabin in siberia. I appreciate the case of Grey Goose Vodka, but my children prefer authentic russian vodka with extra ethanol.

Hope to hear from you soon,
Igor E. Boogervitch.
Chief Marshal of the Air Force of the Russian Federation
"How about this for a headline for tomorrows paper? French fries." ~~ James French, d. 1966 Executed in electric chair in Oklahoma.



I'm glad you all like it, but so far nobody has noticed that the USMC ticked a few option boxes when they placed their order with Rosboronexport/Sukhoi.

Look closely... B)  

This is the curse of speed;  I have been a slave to it all my life. On my gravestone they will carve 'It never got fast enough for me'.
Hunter S. Thompson


QuoteI'm glad you all like it, but so far nobody has noticed that the USMC ticked a few option boxes when they placed their order with Rosboronexport/Sukhoi.

Look closely... B)
Ok, yes or no

This bugger has 4 engines, right?



QuoteI'm glad you all like it, but so far nobody has noticed that the USMC ticked a few option boxes when they placed their order with Rosboronexport/Sukhoi.

Look closely... B)
Ok, yes or no

This bugger has 4 engines, right?

Effin A!


This is the curse of speed;  I have been a slave to it all my life. On my gravestone they will carve 'It never got fast enough for me'.
Hunter S. Thompson


"How about this for a headline for tomorrows paper? French fries." ~~ James French, d. 1966 Executed in electric chair in Oklahoma.


OK, the first post sent coffee through my nostrils!! thank the gods I have a spil proof keyboard!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  The Super Flanker is bleeding awsome!! I love the 4 engines on it. I'm assuming that it need to tank immediately after take off though, yes?
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Lovely. :lol:

Matt B)  

Eddie M.

Absolutely incredible! B) I love it! :wub: All around great looking monster :D
I built a 4 engine plane and it looks like a tank with wings. Yours look sleek and maneuverable. BRAVO ZULU!!!
Look behind you!


QuoteAbsolutely incredible! B) I love it! :wub: All around great looking monster :D
I built a 4 engine plane and it looks like a tank with wings. Yours look sleek and maneuverable. BRAVO ZULU!!!

That's praise indeed, because I wasn't in the kit chopping business and didn't own a razor saw or putty until I was inspired by your F14/F15 hybrid. Thanks...

This is the curse of speed;  I have been a slave to it all my life. On my gravestone they will carve 'It never got fast enough for me'.
Hunter S. Thompson


WhooooWheeeee!  That is a great jet, very slick !