NZ6631: A Kiwi Hunter

Started by K5054NZ, January 11, 2006, 03:17:53 PM

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G'day all
Well thanks to an anonymous benefactor, I came into possession of a copy of the new What If SIG newsletter (top marks to you Martin H!), and, shock horror - RNZAF Hunters :wub:  :wub: !

:o Why was I not told?

I immediately repainted my Singaporean warbird-to-be Hunter and used the Mtchbox Strikemaster decals I received from France yesterday.


NZ6631 is one of two Hunters flown by the RNZAF's Historic Flight at Ohakea Air Base, the other being T.7 NZ6620. Both are regular participants at airshows across the country, and are famed for their pairs displays.

NZ6631 suffered a hard landing in January 1972 but was repaired soon after. The aircraft has worn the post-upgrade colours styled along the US "SEA Camo" since its restoration in 1982 for the Historic Flight.

Currently '31 is in the paintshop at Ohakea to be repainted for the next show season as NZ6634, one of six aircraft from the "All Blacks" display team of the summer '79/'80 display season.

This is the classic Airfix 1:72 FGA.9 I got in 1999. I had repainted it to represent the sole airworthy example in NZ, but as soon as I saw the article in the newsletter I grabbed the model, paints and decals, and set to work. I'm pleased - jeez the Hunter looks mighty fine as a Kiwi!

IF I can get my hands on a T.7 Hunter and some more RNZAF decals I'll model '20. Or maybe one of the All Blacks a/c. Congrats to whoever dreamed the Kiwi Hunters up, and thanks a million! :cheers:  :cheers:  


Looking good.

But why is there a honkin' huge can of hairspray right next to it?




That's Lana's nice-smelling nice stuff. Lady things. AND that's her perfumey-shampooey-loitioney stuff below the Hunter. AND her soft toy puppy (my Xmas pressie to her  :wub:  :wub: ) AND her soft toy shark behind. This side of the desk is pretty much jam-packed with her stuff.


That has to be the messiest work area I've ever seen!

An old work college used to say to me a tidy desk is the sign of a sick mind.

Nice hunter though!
Get this Cheese to sick bay!


Zac, your girlfriend uses an X-Acto to smell nice?




QuoteAND her soft toy puppy (my Xmas pressie to her  :wub:  :wub: )

^_^ I'm just yanking your chain, Zac. Good looking Hunter, too. I like that camo, and of course its the Great Airfix FGA9. Got one o' them in my stash for the Airfix GB.



Nice looking camo job there Zac, even if you do sound like Emily Howard with your "Lady things"...   :lol:  
So I got that going for me...which is nice....


Dude, why is there female stuff in "manland" (no offense to our female moldelers :D )

Zac, lemme help you out here.
*Ahem*  Ya see, Now that we are in the 21st century, Man no longer has the things that he can take pride in like he use too. Guys dont go out anymore and wrestle bears and lions, slay dragons, build homesteads on the frontier, go on crusaids and the such. Today Man has only a few *Great* things to look forward too in life: If you're an American, then Who wins the Superbowl/World series/NBA playoffs. Canadians have their Hockey, Brits the FA, ect. Mowing the lawn, a good beer (Cola for us non-drinkers), a porcelain throne for a health dump, and a slight chance that his life will not be boring. (before he croakes on that 64oz T-bone he got at Outback curbside.)

Man only has a few possesions in life (since the significant other in Man's life {hopefully a chick ;) } has deem that everything should be *Joint*ly owned {Guess where that Joint BS the Pentagon came from? :lol: }), Except for the TV remote, that thone I mentioned before, the Garage, and his modeling bench.

You see lad, a Man's modeling bench is his shrine, his modernday castle
(although, if you want to make it authintic, I suggest you get a copy of that white throne I talked about, along with a cepter & associated media that goes along with being a King), The one place where he can do Manly things and, connect with those of his ancestory. Here he can shape and mold his imagination in his choice medium, whether it's wood, styrene, resin ect. This is the one place where he can actualy be a man and not get arrested for it (unlike going hunting w/a so-called "illegal" gun <_< ). The modeling bench (like the garage, his favorate recliner in fron of the TV, and that white throne), is the sacred "holy grail" of Mandom.


:o  :o

(The above was written in the style of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour {A big American Comedy show}, it was meant as a informative lecture, not as effin rant!)

Gee, that tops the whole "Only *real* men can wear Pink" conversation I had w/my GF' dad a few months ago. Gosh! :o

:lol:  Nice job on that Hunter mate, and I like that pseudo Ching-Kuo lookin' Superbug too, keep 'em coming! And I hope the future Misses enjoys CA & paint fumes  ;)  :P

Shas B)

Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Shas - she does! She doesn't mind it all!

The Superbug is going to be the long-awaited F/A-18L, used as the next generation of Wild Weasel.

*sigh* Don't ya just love it when a simple thread about your latest whif repaint becomes a forum for everyone to discuss your private life? Hmmm...... -_-




Could have been worse. could have been....ah well, let's leave that alone.

  Cool jets, sir !

Brian da Basher

That's a very good loking Kiwi hunter there Zac! Never mind about your lady's stuff being in the shot. Do what I did when requested by my old live-in girlfriend to pick up femine products for her at the store...take it as a point of pride!

Brian da Basher


nothing better than picking up a twelve pack and a box of tampons.  sigh.

The Rat

QuoteAND her soft toy shark behind.
What does she want with a shark's behind?  :blink:  
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Patrick H

great Hunter, lovely camo


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The engines spit out fire, I'm pushed back in my chair
The pressure gives me thrills as we climb in the air