Spit Vb - DONE!

Started by Ollie, January 11, 2006, 06:36:14 PM

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Thanks again guys.

The story is that they took over Spits from another squadron that were already in the standard desert scheme of Middstone and Dark Earth over Azure Blue, and simply repainted the top colours with blue.  Now, there goes the controversy.

Allow me to quote from my review (for those too lazy to go up and read it themselves  :P ) :

As I am modeling an aircraft with a very controversial paint scheme, I decided to go full on and be as controversial as I could be. Beurling's aircraft used to be in 601 Sqn., and the top surfaces were repainted from the standard Middstone/Dark Earth to Light and Dark Mediterranean Blue (The blue colour could have been just one that faded in certain area to give the impression of two different colours.) . It gets better. A small patch on the fuselage was left in the original colours, as it was where the serial number was applied, and the rudder was either a replacement one still in the original colours or perhaps all the control surfaces where left in their original shades. So here's the plan : I'm painting all the control surfaces with Middstone and Dark Earth, and I'm using the two different blues.




I've read somewhere that the Spit's that flew from the carriers to Malta may have been painted in an assortment of navy blues from the ships paint locker for the over water part of their transit flight - guess it's something we'll never know for sure

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.