
My 1/48 F-8 and A-7

Started by Damian2, January 21, 2006, 04:01:23 PM

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Hi all!

Well after not posting my work for ages here's my two kits for the A-7/F-8 GB. They're both Hasegawa kits. I've done the pits so far (finnished today)

First up the F-8:

The A-7:

The F-8 is going to be in Kiwi Euro-1 markings while the A-7 is going to in Canadian markings with the decals comming from Toad (THANX TOAD!!!). The respective load outs are going to be the following:

F-8: adding outer pylons: L-laser designator R-ECM
      main pylons: 1000lb LGBs
      fuselage: Aim-9's

A-7: outer pylons: both TER's with 500lb iron bombs for a total of 6
      mid pylons: both MER's with 500lb iron bombs for a total of 12
      inner pylons: gas bags
      fuselage: Aim-9's

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


Looking good!

Cant wait to see them done.
So I got that going for me...which is nice....


QuoteLooking good!

Cant wait to see them done.
If they look ANYTHING as good as yours I'll be happy :)

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.

John Howling Mouse

KIWI markings?  Where are you, Zac?

Nice cockpit, keep the pics coming.

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


How can you paint such tiny details, Master? Are you human like us or do you have a bio-ionic zooming eye? Do you paint under microscope control? I am not jealous: I KNOW it is impossible to be that good... Congratulations for the Photoshop work getting on the same picture 1/24 cockpit (1/12?) and fingers like for 1/72... :P  
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


"Did someone say my name?"

Never fear, ZAC IS HERE! ;)

Mmmm.....Kiwi Crusader....looking fanbloodytastic matey! Absolutely brilliant!!


I take it that there is blamket approval then :D

Now I've got some fiddly closing up to to and to figure out how to get these planes mounted...

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


Quotefigure out how to get these planes mounted...
sicko! :o  
So I got that going for me...which is nice....


Quotefigure out how to get these planes mounted...
sicko! :o
yes...yes I am. Thats why I whiff
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


Oki doki its time for an update!

After a few flase starts at getting my intakes somewhat smoothed out I decided to go the whole hog so to speak and cut out the rear ends of the intakes so that I could putty and sand them..always fun! Once I'm done with both I'm going to cut blanking cards for the rear ends to prevent "see through"

Ok fisrt up is the A-7 intake I have to admit out of the box this intake had flash, blobs of plastic and HUGHE ejector pin marks to contend with, ver un-Hasegawa IMHO. But never fear my hand tool was near (no not that one perv). See as I got it for X-mas what better time to try it out! How I ever lived without one of those suckers I'll never know :wub:
Now to the pics:

And finally the F-8 intake, freshly puttied and awaiting drying and then a wet sand...hmmmm

Feel free to give an opinion or suggestion!

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.

Captain Canada

Quotenever fear my hand tool was near (no not that one perv).
How dare you speak to the Rat like that !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


OK I'll ask.........what's a hand tool? :blink:  

Brian da Basher

Nice intake there, Damian!

You said "intake" and "hand tool" in the same post...is this some sort of secret code for "dogging"?  :blink:

Brian da Basher


QuoteNice intake there, Damian!

You said "intake" and "hand tool" in the same post...is this some sort of secret code for "dogging"?  :blink:

Brian da Basher
No, no, not at all...yes..yes it is...


Hand tool = one of those little motoriesed scre driver/sander/buffer/drill thingymabobs...  (for Scooterman)
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


Ok on to markings...

This is what the Kiwi F-8 will be wearing...seductive!

But I'm at odds with what to do with the Canadian A-7. Does she fly for the navy or the airforce? Ya see I want to do a RCN Skyhawk too :D

If the navy then here's some of the markings I'll be using (thanx to Toad and Gary!)

I have to appologise for the blurry pic...basically lots of hi and lo-viz Canadian roundles and some navy insignia:

Close up with the carrier name:

And here's what I'll use if I go the airforce route:

Which is from this box, of yet another plane I want to do:

Need help...in markings not mentally...

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.