
My 1/48 F-8 and A-7

Started by Damian2, January 21, 2006, 04:01:23 PM

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QuoteNeed help...in markings not mentally...
You need help mentally too mate :lol:

Looking good! (the models, git-dangit!)
That Kiwi Crouze will be the cats own arse when it's done!

Canadian SLUF :wub:

More pictures! (>sigh< of the model &lt;_&lt; Although your wife isn't bad looking either :D )



Damn straight, Hatchet! GO KIWI!

Damian, are you using the RNZAF roundels with or without white? If you're using the high viz then would you consider sending me the leftover roundels, finflash etc? I could really do with them for my RNZAF Eagle series.

Pretty please. Seriously, I'd really love them. Please.

BTW, I can't wait to see your F8 complete!


QuoteDamn straight, Hatchet! GO KIWI!

Damian, are you using the RNZAF roundels with or without white? If you're using the high viz then would you consider sending me the leftover roundels, finflash etc? I could really do with them for my RNZAF Eagle series.

Pretty please. Seriously, I'd really love them. Please.

BTW, I can't wait to see your F8 complete!
Lo-viz is going to the F-8 and Hi-viz is going on another RNZAF project yet to be named...but it starts with "Retro" and ends with "camo'ed F-16"

But I have a secon sheet if you REALLY EALLY need some lo-viz markings :D Afterall I do want to get a Gekko Graphics stuff for my RNZAF F-16, A-4s and F-4 (possibly)

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


Styrene seduction there mate!



More updates!! :D

Got the F-8 intake sanded out, on both of them its not JMN smooth but it will do AND I didn't cop out with intake covers :D

First up is the A-7's intake, got the white sprayed on quite easily! Damn this new dible action AB is working its charm!!!

Here's the F-8's sucker:

Also got the IP's painted and I may apply the decals over them, the first one is the F-8's IP

And the A-7's...I think I did this one too worn...

Next stage will be building the 18 500lb bombs that will go on the CAF (CN?)  A-7 :S a task I'm not really looking forward to...
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


Is that Canadian or Commemorative Air Force? ^_^  


QuoteIs that Canadian or Commemorative Air Force? ^_^
I still don't know :(....

But it will look awesome loaded with all those boom things!
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


Yet another update, and its going to be kinda long :D

I got to work on the ordinance that will be gracing my two Super Suckers. On the A-7 I've gone for 2 gasbags, 2 Aim-9s and 18 Mk.82's. On the F-8, well thats another story. You see I can't seem to make my mind up so I'm asking for what you think is the best of the best below.

Keep in mind that for some of the less familar stuff I'll be comming up with a story for them, all I need you guys (and gals) to do is tell me what you think looks best :) (please note A2A Sidewinders will also be carried)

First up are four AGM-65's loaded in a slant two config, two per wing:

Next, a simple pair of 1000lb Mk.83s

A pair of GBU-24s ( big boom :D )

Here's some WW II/ Korean era 1000lb bombs...they really set me in the mind chemical/biological carrying units. Possibly riot gas to control Green Peace protestors? :P

Or how about some naplam?

Or finally a ferry load with two modified F/A-18 gasbags

There ya go please help Damian choose :D
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.



This is the curse of speed;  I have been a slave to it all my life. On my gravestone they will carve 'It never got fast enough for me'.
Hunter S. Thompson


Ok guys because you're so cool and ACTUALLY look and LEAVE comments unlike ARC at the moment (maybe I should be building a 1/32 F-16 or be called Phantomphixer or something... &lt;_&lt; )

I'd like to show you the final cockpit shots, added some more colour and whatnot to the pits...well see for yourself! :D

First up the F-8

The A-7:

And finally side by side with the seats in (temp only)

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.

Bryan H.

You could do a (late 1990's F-16 style) Fast CAS load with two 500 lb. LGB's under one wing and two rocket pods under the other.

:cheers: Bryan

Miscellany (that effects modeling):
My son & daughter.
School - finishing my degree

Models (upcoming):
RCN A-4F+ ArcticHawk


QuoteYou could do a (late 1990's F-16 style) Fast CAS load with two 500 lb. LGB's under one wing and two rocket pods under the other.

:cheers: Bryan
OMG MORE CHOICES!!!!!!!  :dum:

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


That looks bloody good mate :wub:

I'm kinda partial to the Mavs in slant-two :ph34r:



The twin Mav's looks good.  If you wanted a whiffy aramament fit, how about trimming down a pair of AIM-54s into AGM-76Bs (ground attack version of AIM-47B)?
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


QuoteThe twin Mav's looks good.  If you wanted a whiffy aramament fit, how about trimming down a pair of AIM-54s into AGM-76Bs (ground attack version of AIM-47B)?
Ahh, but D have invented the SOAP! (Stand Off Attack Phoenix) :lol:
