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Started by K5054NZ, January 26, 2006, 02:30:02 PM

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This was the ancient Airfix bagged kit, only $5 from an antiques shop. I'm dreaming up a close-to-reality backstory involving anti-whaling ops in the Southern Ocean.....and hand-painting a certain worded logo.....

Unfortunately, sometime after this photo was taken Lana accidentally knocked it off the desk, but luckily the top wing broke the fall....and the strut joins....I'll reglue it later today probably.

The model in the background is a remnant from Lawndart, a Skunk Works project and my first diorama (probably)....

The Rat

?! A walrus in the southern oceans? They're strictly northern hemisphere!  :lol:

Actually, I would go with Sea Shepherd over Greenpeace, they do better work without a lot of phony showmanship about it. And Paul Watson kicks donkey! But then, if it was him he would rather have the Brilliant Buzzard in the background.  ;)  
"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives." Hedley Lamarr, Blazing Saddles

Life is too short to worry about perfection



Well this whole Walrus project started with suggestion of OffendORama. I just had this mental image of a dove with a Sidewinder in its beak, rather than an olive branch.....


I like the pacification through violence theme! I also LOVE that "black" bird in the background! Awesome!!
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.

Brian da Basher

Those are some nice looking birds there Zac! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the Walrus and how you approach the rigging. Please keep us posted!

I built that Airfix Walrus years ago. I wish I had it back to do all over again.
Brian da Basher


Yikes !  Cool green plane !


The Walrus is two tone, you sure it ani't the matchbok kit??? Anyway niggles aside, both are looking extremely good, and I had a seriously mad idea...

MISTEL the pair. Walrus on the black jet at the back. It'd give the Walrus a hell of a lot more range... :wacko:  :wacko:  :wacko:  :wacko:  :P  :ph34r:  
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


How and where did you find the XR-7?!  I've got an old one in storage, built with gear up, but I've been looking for another for a looooong time.  Not so much the SR-75 "Mothership," as that's almost too big, but I needs me another XR-7!

Oh, you got a flying boat in that pic too  :P

Go nuts, put torps on it, and a couple Exocets!
I exist to pi$$ others off!!!
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"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


Cool! A Fuji Film Seaplane :)   I like you remnant project a bunch too!!!

Jeff G.
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


I found the XR7 and SR75 combo on TradeMe, our eBay clone., yeah, not brave enough. Sorry Bri. :(

I'm beginning to doubt having weapons, but I am keeping my options open. I found a new way to try out paint schemes.....I repainted a Walrus on Flight Simulator! I can't wait to get this bird done. Anyone up for printing some Greenpeace logos for me?

Lawndart is gonna be fun.....not gonna attempt the SR75 for a while tho...


GAA = Greenpeace Air Arm. Probably not going to keep that name though - Southern Dove (for that is her name) will be for mainly patrol duties and buzzing whaling ships.


The rigging is really alot simpler than people make out...and it sure makes the plane look better.  All you need is a small set of drafting calipers, the kind with points, and some stretched sprue or steel wire...use the calipers to measure the length of the rig, then cut the wire or sprue, place with a pair of hemostats, two dabs of c/a glue, and viola! Rigging!


I'll try my best then, thanks a bunch Greg! But should I paint before or after rigging? I'm guessing before.


QuotePaul Watson kicks donkey!
He's a nutcase <_<  


QuoteI'll try my best then, thanks a bunch Greg! But should I paint before or after rigging? I'm guessing before.

For the basic wings and such, paint before...for the rigging:
Paint is much easier than you might think!