Scorpion Chilean Marines Done!

Started by dexter059, January 31, 2006, 10:52:38 AM

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Here you go, I decided not to do anything else, last thing done was a little work in the paint of the figures and a little drybrush again all around. Also decided no to weather it, I think the job on the drybrush and the oils will be lost....Hope you like it, comments welcome


Backstory...here´s some advance on it:

Alternative History, UN Military Intervention in Haiti.

After the fall of the stablished government in Haiti in 2003?, caos took over the
streets and a state of anarchy pretty much like Somalia and its consequences savage the country. Warlords, ex military and Drug Zsars fought for control, and the population suffered hunger. UN decided to take part in this, but not in the regular Peacekeeping mission, because Blue Helmets where not respected and often became itself victims of the violence, being unable to fulfil their mission. For first time in a long time, the UN responde in force, starting a mission to bring peace and stability once and for all to Haiti, to avoid a major humanitarian disaster in the western hemisphere

A resolution was made by the Security Council with wide powers to react after any agression to UN troops. The first countries that answer to the UN petition for troops for the mission were Brazil, Portugal, Spain, France and Chile. Each one of the previously mentioned deployed by air an Airborne batallion, while seaborne forces were assembling.  The UN resolution aproved a force for up to 40.000 troops, to be deployed in all territories..... (to be continued)

Captain Canada

Looks like the boys on the turret are doing 'the monkey'....cool !
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


QuoteLooks like the boys on the turret are doing 'the monkey'....cool !
LOL!!!  First the drunk guys in the jeep, now these dancing fools.  Seriously, I think Dexter is messing with us now.  He's building these really impressive ground pounding machines, and then, to see if we're paying attention to details, is making the crew do something out of the ordinary.

Hey, you got any more pics of your Chilean Bradley?  I can't seem to find the thread at the moment.

Another great one, Dexter!  Keep 'em coming!

:cheers:  :cheers:  
I exist to pi$$ others off!!!
My categorized models directory on my site.
My site (currently with no model links).
"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


QuoteLooks like the boys on the turret are doing 'the monkey'....cool !
LOL!!!  First the drunk guys in the jeep, now these dancing fools.  Seriously, I think Dexter is messing with us now.  He's building these really impressive ground pounding machines, and then, to see if we're paying attention to details, is making the crew do something out of the ordinary.

Hey, you got any more pics of your Chilean Bradley?  I can't seem to find the thread at the moment.

Another great one, Dexter!  Keep 'em coming!

:cheers:  :cheers:
Thanks Antonyp, that´s the idea (or it´s just that I build bad figures :lol:  :lol: )...wait to see them in the dio with the truck, then you´ll understand ;)

BTW, the link to the Bradley was lost, have to reorganize my Photobucket account
lets keep with the ORBAT, I´ll open a new thread to got them organized (maybe in the Latin-o-rama group)



BTW Thanks Captain Canada :) ,

keeping the pace with the backstory:

Deployment of UN HFOR (United Nations Haiti Intervention Forces )

The country was divided in 3 areas of responsability:

Multinational Division North (HQ Cap Haitien):

Divisional Troops:
HQ 6th Army Division (Chile)
6th Communications Regiment (Chile)
3rd Logistics Divisional Batallion (Chile)
2nd Armored Artillery Batallion (Argentina)
2nd Combat Engineer Batallion (Argentina)
1st Mobile Military Hospital (Chile)
Combined Aviation Batallion (Chile-USA)

1st Brigade
22nd Reinforced Regiment (Chile) (Mech.)
7th Reinforced Regiment (Chile) (Mech.)
4th Reinforced Regiment (Chile) (Mech.)

2nd Marine Brigade (Marines)
1/7 Marine Batallion (USA)
2/7 Marine Batallion (USA)
1st Tank Batallion (USA)
2nd Marine Infantry Regiment (Chile) (Inf.)
3nd Marine Infantry Regiment (Chile) (Inf.)

3rd Brigade
2nd Airborne Regiment (Argentina) (Light Inf.)
14th Airborne Regiment (Argentina) (Light Inf.)
10th Mechanized Regiment (Uruguay) (Mech.)

Multinational Division East (HQ Fort Liberte)

Divisional Troops:
HQ Military Command North East (Brazil)
Communications Batallion Intervention Light Brigade (Portugal)
Combined Logistics Batallion (Brazil-Portugal)
2nd Armored Artillery Batallion (Brazil)
2nd Combat Engeneering Batallion (Brazil)
2nd Mobile Military Hospital (Brazil)
Combined Aviation Batallion (Brazil-Portugal)

1st Brigade
2nd Mechanized Batallion (Portugal) (Mech.)
28th Mechanized Infantry Batallion (Brazil) (Mech.)
37th Motorized Infantry Batallion (Brazil) (Mot. Inf.)

2nd Brigade
15th Motorized Infantry Batallion (Brazil) (Mech.)
24th Mechanized Infantry Batallion (Brazil) (Mech.)
6th Cavalry Regiment (Portugal) (Armor)

Spanish Brigade
7th Airborne Light Infantry Brigade (Light Infantry)
Spanish Expeditionary Army Aviation Group

Multinational Division South (HQ Port au Prince)

Divisional Troops
HQ 5th Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group HQ
5th Régiment d'Artillerie Légere du Canada
5th Combat Engineer Regiment
5th Field Ambulance
5th Service Battalion
Combined Aviation Batallion (Canada-France)

Canadian Brigade (The Royal 22e Regiment)
1st Battalion
2nd Battalion
3rd Battalion

French Brigade
1er Regiment Hussars Parachutistes
9e Regiment de Chasseurs Parachutistes
2e Regiment Etranger de Parachutiste
17e Regiment du Genie Parachutiste

Italian Brigade
Mechanized Brigade "Sassari"
Italian Expeditionary Army Aviation Group

More of the history soon



Anthonyp, try in this link Bradley, Abrams, Hummer Chilean What If´s....


Brian da Basher

Love it Dexter and your backstory rocks too! If I ever take up AFV modelling, you'd be one of the main folks I'd ask for tips!

Brian da Basher


Thanks Brian, and it´s only the beginning



Oh, sweet!!  Thanks, Dexter!

:cheers:  :cheers:  
I exist to pi$$ others off!!!
My categorized models directory on my site.
My site (currently with no model links).
"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


made a little modification, repainted the commanders beret, added 2 MP5 to the crew and 2 small chilean roundels, I guess it looks better....

cheers and thanks for looking

Brian da Basher

Nice mods there Dexter! They really add to an already great build!

Brian da Basher


Thanks Brian, your comments really encourage me to keep on whatiffery...

cheers :cheers:  

Brian da Basher

Whiffery is good! The only problem is that now I'm so addicted to it, I want to make a whif out of every model I get, no matter how venerable the kit or subject! It gets in you Dex, and doesn't let go!

Brian da Basher
