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1/72 Boeing F-4B in Navy Wargames Camo

Started by Brian da Basher, January 31, 2006, 08:44:13 PM

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Brian da Basher

This one's a little ho-hum for me as What-Ifs go. It's the venerable 1/72 Matchbox Boeing P-12E/F-4B I built for a GB over on Alpha-Romeo-Charlie painted up in a speculative Naval wargames camo scheme. The U.S. Army Air Corps' wargames camo of the 1920s & 1930s is legendary, but the Navy never did the same to their birds. What if?....

Brian da Basher

Brian da Basher

Here's another pic. The decals are from Eagle Strike (codes from goodness-knows-where) and the tailstripes are hand-painted. The tailhook is scratched from a paperclip and the rigging is courtesy of my sewing box. The entire model is brush painted.

Brian da Basher

Brian da Basher

The paints used for the camo are Testor's Dark Gull Gray and Light Gull Gray and White but for some reason they photographed with a bluish tint to them. Must be my sucky digicam or my sucky photography skills. Still, I hope you enjoy the pics!

Brian da Basher

Brian da Basher

Here's another pic. I enjoyed this simple little build, but the What-If bug has bitten me bad. I found I got bored not trying to turn this into something it isn't supposed to be. I'm sure the rest of you can relate.

Brian da Basher

Brian da Basher

Here's the next-to-last pic. I used Poly Scale Red and Blue for the tailstripes and man was I impressed! They're fantastic for brush painting and I think I'll be trying to restock my entire paint supply with them. They are a perfect consistency and cover beautifully! They have an opaqueness that belies how easily they brush on the model. I highly reccomend them!

Brian da Basher

Brian da Basher

Here's the final pic. This project was a test-run for the Naval wargames camo scheme I hope to use on my pending twin-engined Douglas D2T I'll be kitbashing from the 1/72 Williams' Bros. Douglas World Cruiser. My next couple of projects will be monoplanes though. I need to take a break from all that rigging!

Brian da Basher

The Rat

You've got another winner there Basher!

Quote... for some reason they photographed with a bluish tint to them. Must be my sucky digicam or my sucky photography skills.

Might be the lighting in the room, but that's usually an orange tinge if incandescant or greenish if flourescant. If you have a simple program like MS Photoeditor you can adjust the colours. You might want to look at a free download called Irfanview (just Google that name). It's an excellent photo editing utility that allows you to do quite a bit, it's main value for me is its ability to reduce picture size without getting those annoying bubbly bits that other programs often conjure up. That's all I've used it for up to now, but it probably lets you adjust colours too.  ;)
"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives." Hedley Lamarr, Blazing Saddles

Life is too short to worry about perfection

Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/46dpfdpr




There were some Devastator profiles in SAMI a month or so back which showed some Navy Experimental camoflage schemes


Nice model by the way

Edited - May have ben Vindicator's - I'll try and find them
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Brian da Basher

Thanks for the info Narses2! I'd love to see those profiles! I'm very keen on experimental/wargames camo schemes and am always looking for new information.

Brian da Basher


I'll check which issue they were in when I get home Brian
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Dork the kit slayer


There were some Devastator profiles in SAMI a month or so back which showed some Navy Experimental camoflage schemes


Nice model by the way

Edited - May have ben Vindicator's - I'll try and find them
Try the US Navy History site...it has Devestators and those Buffalo barrel things.

Between the Norwegian Arctic schemes and this cool looking bi-plane Im thinking you guys have bought a"job" lot of these colours B)  B)  B)  
Im pink therefore Im Spam...and not allowed out without an adult    



NICE plane !!!!  That looks really great in those colours !   By the way, Irfanview does have colour correction, under the "image" toggle...I use it all the time, unless I have to do serious tweaking with the Gimp or Photoshop.


Wasn't the F-4B I was expecting...  <_<

Shoulda realised when I saw who started the thread!  :dum:  
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May

Alvis 3.1

Nice nice! I've always liked the lil Boeings! :)

As for the colour tint..you may have had it set to "indoor" or "incandescant" setting (Usually a stylised light bulb shape) but had the camera on flash. This biases the camera blueish to counteract the orangeish hue of regular bulbs, but since flashes are daylight balanced, it merely pooched the colour balance for those shots.
Don't ya LOVE modern contrivances..in MY day I'd have had to wait almost a week to find out I screwed up the pics!

Easiest way to fix em...convert to greyscale/black n white: it's the right time frame anyhow....:)

Alvis 3.1, f22, 1/15 sec, ISO 400