Rockwell FB-115 "Dagger"

Started by K5054NZ, February 16, 2006, 07:22:57 PM

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Yup, here it is. At long last. A scant few lines in an old paperback have inspired a model. By a New Zealander. Who's 18.

B) Zac strikes again.

"......and a large aircraft that looked a lot like a smaller version of the B-1, with its wings pulled back to its fully swept high-speed setting......"
"The unusual B-1 lookalike had moved its wings up from its full aft-sweep position to a forward-swept position like the XF-29 fighter's high-manoeuvrability wings. The amazing hybrid plane then pulled up out of the formation, lit its twin afterburners with a rolling boom and did a spectacular climbing roll, accelerating quickly out of sight.
"'The new XFB-5 tracer,' Elliot said in a low voice. 'First generation, designed for strategic escort-duties like the Megafortress. We combined the technology of the F-29 and the B-1 and came up with a plane that's twice as good as the sum of its parts. It's as fast and agile as a fighter, but with almost the same payload and power as a supersonic bomber.'"*

If there was ever a better use for a $5 bomber then I'm yet to find it. I'll be adding a few components Mr Brown "conveniently" forgot to mention.......V-tail, retractable canard foreplanes, and ECM spine near the tail.

Comments please! Much appreciated. I'd like to say this model was the very first I have done in our new place. Consider my very first dedicated model room christened. B)

*Day Of The Cheetah by Dale Brown, Grafton Books 1990



Sweet looking plane Zac!
So I got that going for me...which is nice....


^_^ It'll be sweeter when it's done, Nick, just you watch!

Brian da Basher

Those forward swept wings really make that one eye-catching Zac!

Watching with interest,
Brian da Basher


Hmm interesting.......(Scooterman says while comparing Zacs pics and his 1/48 Revellogram kit)


Screw 48th!

Great job Zac!

Shas B)  
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.

Eddie M.

I REALLY like this concept. I'll be watching this with anticipation. Good job!
For your sig, how 'bout," Why settle for a McDonald Douglas Phantom when you can have a Malcolm McDowell Phantom" ;)  
Look behind you!

The Rat






"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives." Hedley Lamarr, Blazing Saddles

Life is too short to worry about perfection

Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/46dpfdpr


:wub:  :wub: Dave, I think so too!

Great idea Ed, I'll do that! BTW, I'll be posting a coupla more pics in a minute or two - canards, tails and engines are on!


Well, it's all over bar the exhausts and paint, but here's some more pics of the Dagger. Enjoy.

1:48? YOU'RE INSANE! But good luck! ^_^  

Brian da Basher

Wow Zac what you've done with that is simply fantastic! I love the V-tail, the forward swept wings and the canards! I can't wait to see the paintjob!

I'm not much of a jet guy, but the things I see on this forum could almost make me reconsider.
Brian da Basher

P.S. Ooh I just noticed I've been "targeted for assasination by JMNs". That'll make the friend of mine who's on my life insurance happy. Actually, I'm rather surprised he hasn't taken out a contract on me himself so he can collect.  :lol:

The Rat

Zac, this is beeeeeyooooootiful!  :wub:  :party:  :cheers:  
"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives." Hedley Lamarr, Blazing Saddles

Life is too short to worry about perfection

Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/46dpfdpr


Nice Zac, very very nice. Well done young Hobbit.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Thanks guys. No idea yet on the paintwork, but, well, no idea at all actually. At all. I'm open to suggestions though.

Brian da Basher

Classic black is nice. Actually here's something I'm thinking of using on my radial-engined He-112 since the plastic is dark green like on your Dagger: Tamiya Dark Green and Tamiya Sky (which is dark enough to compliment it nicely) and possibly a third color yet to be named...maybe VVS green or something similar. I usually choose a camo pattern after I've decided on decals. Just seems to make things easier for me.

Brian da Basher