Something for Tophe (2)

Started by K5054NZ, February 16, 2006, 07:28:41 PM

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Well, you can guess from the title alone that I am about to zwilling something. I only hope he, or someone else here, hasn;t done it already.

It;s by no means finished, but I wanted to share and whet the collective appetite anyway.


I'll do some more once I've softened my filler, til then, any suggestions or comments?


In my book "Supplement 1 to Forked Ghosts" were drawn 3 Me 262Z, from models by 2 members here (Zuid99, MartinH) and a kit provider (Igor of Unicraft). Then, I have mentioned in "The end of Forked Ghosts" the Me 462 of another member (Myr), adding the Me 362 and 262Z-3 that were drawings without plastic achievement.
The new one is very welcome, I would just say, as far as I am concerned: please try to have a different shape not only different colours... :unsure:  :D  
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]



If you're interested, PM me and I'll send front, top, and bottom views of a Me262Z concept I did sometime back for the German Projects Group (Luft'46) on Yahoo.  It's got a twinned engine nacelle in the center.

"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


This'll be wicked Zac boy...



Nice work, Zac! I think it would look cool if you stacked the two centre engines vertically, one below the wing and one above.

This is the curse of speed;  I have been a slave to it all my life. On my gravestone they will carve 'It never got fast enough for me'.
Hunter S. Thompson


Tophe, I'll try to make mine stand out, but not having seen anyone else's efforts I don't know how similar (or otherwise) it will be. But I'm beginning to look elsewhere for the colour scheme.....goodbye Luftwaffe, hello allies.......


First, here is the Me 462 Kormoran from our friend Myr at http://home.wanadoo.nl/thraex/wings/axis.html
I will bring back the 5 others in a few minutes or hours.
SimonR's idea is confirmed brand new: this layout has never been built yet, and the separation between tailplanes would be explained by a free space for the jet exhaust above... ^_^
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


QuoteIn my book "Supplement 1 to Forked Ghosts" were drawn 3 Me 262Z, from models by 2 members here (Zuid99, MartinH) and a kit provider (Igor of Unicraft). Then, I have mentioned in "The end of Forked Ghosts" the Me 462 of another member (Myr), adding the Me 362 and 262Z-3 that were drawings without plastic achievement.
Here is an overview of the ones drawn in my books, the Me 462 missing as well as Elmayerle's, slightly different:
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


PS. The Me 262Z-3 of mine is not the temporary Me 262 Mistel* (picture below) but a vertical Zwilling biplane, with no struts in between and the 2 airplanes are "glued" to one another, the jets above laying over the wing below
* (Dragon 1/48 see http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/Gal3...nce/gal2370.htm or http://kits.kitreview.com/me262mistelpreviewbg_1.htm ,
nor MPM 1/72 see http://www.48specialmodels.com/48pics/M4/m.../m4-4cseite.jpg or )
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Whew! Mine is rather different to those you've posted, Tophe, thank goodness. I don't have enough filler to work on it right now, but when I do it'll be completed quickly (hopefully).

Brian da Basher

Wow these are all great pics which lead me to an idea...how about a four-engined Me-262? Vrrrrrooooooommmmm!!!!

Brian da Basher


A 4-engined Me 262V (V for Vroom...) is very easy to get from my past drawings, more difficult to build, wasting a complete kit (to be used to build a Me 262 glider?).
Anyway, there is at http://www.unicraftmodels.com/ (Available Kits part) a cheap conversion set for the 8-engined (!) Me 262W... Even if this was an actual project, JMNs would not dare to take it seriously, leaving it to us... Me 262 Wwrroomm... :wacko:  :D
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


QuoteWhew! Mine is rather different to those you've posted, Tophe, thank goodness. I don't have enough filler to work on it right now, but when I do it'll be completed quickly (hopefully).
Whew, Zac, another shape!? Great addition!
And will it be different from SimonR's suggestion?
I will wait to see yours to build mine: I have the MPM kit...

I consider building in plastic the Z-3, or else another, after presenting many more drawn possibilities to decide which one to build... The whole will make a great gallery!
Just an extra question: why didn't you post this topic in the twin-tail forum?: do you plan to discard one tail? replaced by a rear canopy with wonderful view backwards? :wacko:  :D
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


From our dear engineer Evan, smiling but too shy to teach us: "my particular variant is close to the Me-262Z-1 you show, but differs in a few significant ways.  :)  I took care of the nasty interference drag problems (from those two separate center engine nacelles being so close together) by putting the center engines in a twin-engined nacelle."

Thanks for the lesson, dear engineer... We will improve while dreaming, we will try...
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]