Something for Tophe (2)

Started by K5054NZ, February 16, 2006, 07:28:41 PM

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John Howling Mouse

Wow, I have enough problems with ONE fuselage per aircraft model.
You guys are gutsy!

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Thanks Baz, we try! Just wait til you see how much trouble one of my recent single fuselage builds is giving me.......


There seems to one possibility missing, I reckon a four engines 262 would look great with superimposed engines, like the Short Sperrin. :D  


Yes, yes... SimonR told us, now Waynos... This will be drawn, at least, maybe built... We will see...
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


I didn't think to post it in the Twin-Tail forum......will do as soon as updates are done. My design is similar to the right one in Evan's drawings.........SIMILAR, not the same. I jut hope you like it, Tophe. I'm doing this build in thanks for your kind donation of decals.


Thanks back, dear! This is full reward, and I feel I am the lucky one!
Please don't create another topic in the twin-tail forum, it would be better to ask if this one could be moved into there (this way, I could direct to it, single, in my update site to Forked Ghosts, and I would add my own Me 262Z plastic model after yours... happy!) Thanks again... :)
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


QuoteThere seems to one possibility missing, I reckon a four engines 262 would look great with superimposed engines, like the Short Sperrin.
You know, I can see several options for this configuration, depending on just how close you mount the engines to each other and how you do the inlet(s).  There could easily be a variety of sub-variants here.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


QuoteMy design is similar to the right one in Evan's drawings
Ups, I should have explained that Evan's right one and left one were exactly the same, seen from above then from below... Mea culpa ("shame on me", if nobody speaks Latin).
Well, if your one is closer to Evan's than to SimonR/Waynos', I think I will draw this one, and Evan will explain which variants could we add... :)
(as background for your model than to mine)...
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Here are the SimonRmitt Me 262Z-4 Hermit & Waynossmitt Me 262A-4 Sturmsperrin...

This has been done in a few minutes, while a scale model requires weeks... BUT the merit is related to the effort, and I will not give up modellism, being rather proud of my imperfect little plastic/resin/glue/putty/paint objects, result of pleasant "hard" work...
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Sorry Tophe, I created a new topic just before I read your post.....sorry  :( .


QuoteSorry Tophe, I created a new topic just before I read your post.....sorry  :( .
Don't feel sorry: I am not disappointed, I am happy reading your gentle words there. Just post your pictures (when this will be the moment) where you want, and I will update this topic if it is not. This is just handling links and pictures, the most important is your feeling comfortable to create and build with an easy mind, I mean it, there is enough hard work in modelling not to be disturbed by computer/web procedures...
[Just to understand the way I will handle it, one may go on my site http://cmeunier.chez-alice.fr/Free_EoFG_MV.htm then Edit menu/Find then type 262Z then click Next then click on the underlined link there, bringing here - directing with 2 separate links would be less user-friendly]
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


QuoteHere are the SimonRmitt Me 262Z-4 Hermit & Waynossmitt Me 262A-4 Sturmsperrin...

This has been done in a few minutes, while a scale model requires weeks... BUT the merit is related to the effort, and I will not give up modellism, being rather proud of my imperfect little plastic/resin/glue/putty/paint objects, result of pleasant "hard" work...
Very nice ideas, there.  There would obviously have to be some careful fairing work done around the engines, but that's true no matter what.  Time permitting, I'll try and print up copies of that one to mark up with some of the variations that occur to me.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


Thanks dear, this will enrich again the gallery. With some believable other ones completing your previous one. Thanks! :P
(then Zac and myself will show innocent dreams, proudly on shelves but not to be flight-tested... ^_^ )
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Bizjet? Grand idea!

Okay, first coat of paint is on, doing the camo will be fun, hopefully she'll look okay. I just need the national markings (see my "Looking for......(2)" post in the Swap Shop) and she'd be done by Sunday.


Ups! I had forgotten in "The end of Forked Ghosts" the Me 462Z-2, still different, and I add another 4-engined, inspired by the vertical twin-engine layout while introducing asymmetry for a good reason: fun... (no: preventing the tailplanes burning) ^_^
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]