
Piccies of Allan's wooden MIG 17 and 109

Started by Allan, March 15, 2006, 09:26:30 PM

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Hi fellows,
Here're my finished wooden MIG 17 and winter scheme Hartmann 109.
Also my half done samurai swords and 109 cockpit.
Hope you like them. Comments welcome as usual. I'll Hyperscale em in a week or so, but you fellows come first.

Allan in Canberra


They look brilliant Allan. I especially like the diasho pair, they look exqusite.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Great Al - the Mig 17 looks like one of those real wooden desk display job's it's that good.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Brian da Basher

That MiG looks splendid! It really DOES look like wood! I'd say your brushing technique has paid handsome dividends! The decals compliment the wood tone nicely too. It's great to see the winterized 109 completed as well. I really like your work on that bird. Those Japanese swords look very realistic! Excellent work! Allan, pics from you are one of the things that make Thursdays fun around here.

Brian da Basher


QuoteThat MiG looks splendid! It really DOES look like wood! I'd say your brushing technique has paid handsome dividends! The decals compliment the wood tone nicely too. It's great to see the winterized 109 completed as well. I really like your work on that bird. Those Japanese swords look very realistic! Excellent work! Allan, pics from you are one of the things that make Thursdays fun around here.

Brian da Basher
I would say all the things I think about that set of pics, my trans-Tasman brother, but Master Bri has already said it all!

However, I love your wooden MiG. Fantastic execution, a brilliant model and such an imaginative concept! BTW, excuse my ignorance, but what kit did you use to build it?

Sentinel Chicken

I have to admit liking just about any model that's pictured that has beer in the background........(BURP!)...........

Excellent work on the 109!


Thanks very much fellows.

It's the Hasegawa 1/72 jobbie. An okay kit, but doesn't get your pulse racing, so I really had to do something wild with it.

I'll be doing another wooden wonder pretty soon and it's the Hasegawa 109 in 1/72 sale and Voss' markings. One of my fellow club members is a WW1 fan and has promised to give me some lozenge decals.

The Queen was in Canberra two days ago or so and my wife and I went to Parliamant House to see her and the Duke arrive in their Rolls to attend a State dinner. They passed right by where my wife and I were standing and we gave them a wave. Got one back.

Canberra Day on Monday so I won't be doing any posting. Every Monday when I open up this site to catch up on what's been happening on the weekend I get faced with upwards of 1000 posts!!! And we've got about 450 members.

I want to finish the swords next and then my 1/48 109. It won't be a whiffer, but the famous one with the yellow eyes on the nose. Something I've wanted to make for a long time.

But I'm going to do up the cockpit and so will probably write something on sprucing up a 109 cockpit on the cheap.

Allan in Canberra