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Started by Eddie M., March 25, 2006, 02:06:56 PM

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I love the fact that when you are done all these parts look like they were made for the kit.
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.

Daryl J.


Killer.  This gives me all kinds of bad ideas.

So, when is the Dale Brown GB going to fly???

Eddie M.

Alright, The cockpit Baz did for me (though I changed the back cushion color a tad :) ) is put together. :D

Look behind you!

Eddie M.

Just a quick update. I've started moving on this one again. Not much to show, but I've learned a lesson or two.

1. If you're going to have the bay doors closed, reinforce them from the inside. Helps during painting.

2. If injuries during construction mean anything, this one will turn out okay. The Styrene Gods now have there blood sacrifice courtesy of a brand new #11 blade.;)

Look behind you!


That is really looking great Eddie!  I haven't been around in a bit and it is good to see the progress on the kit.  I still have not started building my FSW fighter yet though.   :rolleyes:  Heck I havne't even tried to start building any kits yet as the house is still a work in progress that is frustrating as all get out.   :banghead:



My, Eddie, she's coming up quite nicely.  Looking forward to seeing more progress, man.
Putty-fu, Scratch-jutsu and Bash-chi, the sacred martial arts of the What-If. Mastering them, is Ancient Chinese Secret.

Just your friendly neighbourhood Mad Scientist and Ship-whiffer.

Overkill? Nah, it's Insurance.  So are the 20" guns.


The gods are pleased with your sacrifice, you may continue to create ;D
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


LOL, Model Rules and it never feels right if u don't make a blood sacerfice to the Mighy Model Gods lol. :cheers:
John 'Panzer' Hinton

Eddie M.

I'm off for the next few days for Thanksgiving, so I've been more inclined to get some work done. The fuselage is buttoned up, which is good. I had to crack on the nose to deal with a mistake I made about the nose gear, but it looks like it will work out. :)

Look behind you!


John 'Panzer' Hinton

Eddie M.

The plastic has been flyin'. I know this is supposed to be a small stealthy aircraft, but it has taken on a life of it's own, and a big one at that. I might just call it Large Marge. ;D

Look behind you!

John Howling Mouse

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Looks like it is coming along nicely! :thumbsup:

Man it is a whopper!
Get this Cheese to sick bay!


Quite the wicked shape!  :wub: :thumbsup:
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.