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Everything you always wanted to ask...

Started by John Howling Mouse, March 29, 2006, 05:40:48 PM

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Brian da Basher

All three are the same to me, Leigh, or as they say, "close enough for Gov't work".
Brian da Basher


QuoteIs R.A.F. WWII "Sky" the same as "Sky type S" the same as "Duck egg blue"?


I love this thread.

If I were to do a bare metal FW 190D, would I be correct in assuming that the airframe is all aluminum except for the fabric control surfaces and wooden prop?

It's for a good cause(luft-blasphemy :P )
"How about this for a headline for tomorrows paper? French fries." ~~ James French, d. 1966 Executed in electric chair in Oklahoma.


We know of Hercules but was there ever anybody in mythology called Testacles?

If so, I want to build a transport aircraft with such a name. If I have the balls to do it, I may even build a pair!

Might be a hairy experience though!

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Stackridge: Rhubarb Thrashers of the World Unite


QuoteWe know of Hercules but was there ever anybody in mythology called Testacles?

If so, I want to build a transport aircraft with such a name. If I have the balls to do it, I may even build a pair!

Might be a hairy experience though!

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Nobody in mythology, however Testacles was a Greek mercenary who sacked Rome. :ar:

I'll get me coat.
"How about this for a headline for tomorrows paper? French fries." ~~ James French, d. 1966 Executed in electric chair in Oklahoma.


Mmm, the words testacles and sack used in the same vein. It must be true then!!  :lol:

Can I say testicles here by the way?  :P  
Stackridge: Rhubarb Thrashers of the World Unite


With all these projects for nuclear powered aircraft, can anyone explain how they would have worked in practice?

I know that nuclear power plants are pretty much giant kettles which make water so hot its steam turns a large turbine etc. but how was that to be applied to a B-52 size bomber?

Nick B)  


QuoteWith all these projects for nuclear powered aircraft, can anyone explain how they would have worked in practice?

I know that nuclear power plants are pretty much giant kettles which make water so hot its steam turns a large turbine etc. but how was that to be applied to a B-52 size bomber?

Nick B)
Suck in air
Heat up air
Blow out air

Basically the same as a normal jet engine, but the 'heat up air' part is achieved with a reactor, not JP. Somewhat simplified of course.



Has anyone actually seen a homosexual animal? Scientist say that about 4-5% of animals are gay (IIR the stats correctly), but I'm not buying it.

Shas B)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Why did the RAF change the desert scheme underside colour from azure blue to black?? Never been able to figure that one out.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


QuoteCan I say testicles here by the way?  :P
Yes, but you can't say the thing I'm not allowed to say

QuoteHas anyone actually seen a homosexual animal? Scientist say that about 4-5% of animals are gay (IIR the stats correctly), but I'm not buying it.

There was an incident a year or two ago that caused a bit of a stir.  It was a male duck in Germany (forget the breed) which chased down, killed and then had sex with another male duck, all in front of a zoo-ologists (sp?) office window.  So you had murder, gay rape and necrophilia all in one go.  One in the eye for the "lets all copy the animal kingdom" brigade

QuoteWhy did the RAF change the desert scheme underside colour from azure blue to black?? Never been able to figure that one out

IIRC the black is actually a thick, rubbery coating intended to protect the underside from abrasion from the sand.
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May


QuoteWith all these projects for nuclear powered aircraft, can anyone explain how they would have worked in practice?

I know that nuclear power plants are pretty much giant kettles which make water so hot its steam turns a large turbine etc. but how was that to be applied to a B-52 size bomber?

Nick B)
Well the German's designed (don't know if it was built) a steam turbine which would have burnt Lignite (plentiful in Germany) which would have then turned the props - so you could have a nuclear powered prop job as well
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


QuoteHas anyone actually seen a homosexual animal? Scientist say that about 4-5% of animals are gay (IIR the stats correctly), but I'm not buying it.

Shas B)
There was a recent case invoving a Swan in the UK as well. Also of course some fish change sex when there is a shortage of one or the other - preaty rough short straw to pull I would have thought  :blink:  
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Meanwhile Sky was a different mix POSTwar to wartime.
The wartime shade was slightly greener; postwar it was more yellowy.

Tamiya Sky is good for wartime usage.

Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


QuoteWith all these projects for nuclear powered aircraft, can anyone explain how they would have worked in practice?

I know that nuclear power plants are pretty much giant kettles which make water so hot its steam turns a large turbine etc. but how was that to be applied to a B-52 size bomber?

Nick B)
As it was said before, the nuclear reactor heat the air. But there's no combustion AFAIK just pump the air, heat it, and reject it. You have a hot exhaust gas plume to propel the plane...
There's two variants of the cycle, the direct cycle and the indirect cycle.
In the first, the hot (and radioactive!!!!!) air is directly rejected in the air... have you ever seen the 3-eye fish in the Simpsons ?  :lol:
In the other cycle there's a radiator, the radioactive air is not directly rejected.
Aparently the Soviet counterpart of the NB-36H was a modified Tu-95 named the Tu-119. all the poor crew has died rapidly of cancer aparently  

The Pluto nuclear cruise missile was the most terrifying weapon ever. A flying nightmare...  :angry:
Just imagine a cruise missile (with a nuclear warhead of course) flying at 4000 kph at tree tops, leaving behind its path a highly radioactive contrail...  :blink:  
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.