As-yet unnamed F-15 variation

Started by The Cat a.k.a Meowbag, April 10, 2006, 04:11:25 AM

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QuoteNo, I love the P-38 and I've never made one before, so it's going to be real. Although probably not with a historically accurate paint job, as I like the bare-metal finishes but the Airfix kit doesn't include decals for that particular scheme.

So what, eh? :lol:

The Cat
i would recommend a bit of putty and sanding on the nose before you add the guns and canopy.

John Howling Mouse

QuoteOnce again, click the l'il pic. I'm sure you all know that, right? :)

The Cat.
D'Oh!  And I was just about to make a crack about squinting with my tired old eyes and such.

So, are you going with the rectangular exhausts?  I think you should.  Maybe make some external sort of "turkey-feathers" but cutting strips of the sheet plastic?

This is coming along nicely.
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

The Cat a.k.a Meowbag

Well, being as my plasticard should get here sometime in the middle of next week (I just HAD to order stuff online over the bank holiday, didn't I.) I'm leaving the exhausts until that arrives and I can decide what to do with it.

Got the wingtips off the Tornado on this morning, just waiting for the glue to set. Thanks to some good sanding/grinding I'm not even going to need too much filler. heh.

I think I'm going to have to extend the nose a bit to fit the canards on, I looked at the 15's intakes today - they're *huge*! Need to come up with a good way of making a bit of space, any genius solutions out there?

The Cat.

Edit: Anyone fancy doing me a back story? :)

The Cat a.k.a Meowbag

OK, so my putty arrived this morning ( :D ) Here she is with the wingtips added & filled. This is turning into a beast of a model, when I've extended the nose section to take the canards it's going to be mahoosive!  :o

I've said it before, and I'll say it again ... click the l'il pic. :P

Any inspired nose-stretching solutions/genius methods of lengthening a '15 now I've supplied more photographic inspiration? :lol:

The Cat

Edit: Looking at that photo I'm almost tempted to turn it into a delta wing


Perhaps you could do something special with the hole for the airbrake? Hidden weapons bay, so that ground radar cannot see it opening weapons bay? Rearwards firing sidewinders?

The Cat a.k.a Meowbag

Liking the rear-firing 'winder idea ... liking that a lot! Trouble is, wouldn't the exhaust fry the canopy when it launched? Or could I fit some sort of retractable blast-plate? But then, that'd double as an airbrake and if you're trying to get someone off your tail, slowing down probably isn't the best of ideas!

Or, how about having the 'winder fire out at 45 degrees to the aircraft and have the necessary blast plate in the fuselage? Oooo that's a good one, I could potentially even use the airbrake as the missile bay cover! Ooo, Ooo, superb!

Twin rear-facing sidewinders popping out of a hidden bay in the top of the fuselage. Brilliant  B)

In the words of Micheal Caine, "Hang on Lads ... I've got a great idea"  :D

Cheers for the inspiration, btw :)

The Cat.

(Oh, do we all think it's starting to look good btw, or am I creating a monster? :lol:)


The airbrake lifting vertically up from the fuselage, and a blast plate at the front of the airbrake!


Better idea, the airbrake just normal, but an sidewinder attached to the bottom of it. This will mean that when it enters a dogfight, it will deploy airbrake, and missile! When enemy fighters get behind, it will be able to fire right into the path of the enemy! B)