
F-18FL French Navy

Started by PolluxDeltaSeven, April 13, 2006, 06:05:33 AM

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Just remember, few month ago!! Archie told us about the possibily of a French Navy Mirage F1F!!  As I reallyenjoy the idea, I drew that.

Since the begining, I was thinking about the Mirage F1M replacement! With Dassault as a major Eurofighter Typhoon contractor, with France having both Typhoon and Mirage 4000, the Rafale M had no chance to exist!! What plane will replace the Mirage F1M?
I thought about the F-18 (or did Archie thought about that befor me? I don't remember). Whatever, I wrote a first back story of this F-18Fl here.

No, I complete and modified this story and present to you the F-18FL Hornet, nicknamed "La Guêpe".

In the following, you'll have the F-18FL program story!! In a following post, I will write the story of this particular n°6 plane!! ;)

Here is the full sized F-18FL drawing. ;)

Hope you'll like it !! ;)

In late 1998, French Navy starts looking for a new plane able to replace the Mirage F1M in both air-supremacy and ground attack missions. Dassault immediately proposed an upgraded variant of its Mirage F1 with rhomboidal wings and a new engine, probably the M88 or the already available M53-P8.

But on the other side, Thales and SNECMA form a new consortium with Boeing in order to sell an upgraded F/A-18 to the Marine Nationale (The Hornet was bigger than the Mirage and allowed both Thales and SNECMA selling more equipment.)

Boeing proposed two options.
First, France could join the Super Hornet program and including its own engines and ECM with less difficulties and a reduce price.
On the other hand, as the F/A-18C/D is still under production, France could go for a modified F/A-18C with French equipments. Of course, as the plane is much smaller, the integrations will be harder, more expensive, but not impossible.
But the F/A-18C was a more adapted proposition: the size of the plane is perfect for the Charles de Gaulle carrier, the whole plane will be cheaper than a Super Hornet, even with all the modifications, and with the upgrade French engines, the lighter Hornet will be far better than the Super Hornet (even if it will have a reduce range).

The new variant of the F/A-18C will be named F-18FL.

This proposition wins in 1999. After all, Dassault already have the Mirage 4000, the Mirage F1R export and part of the Typhoon program!!

The F-18FL Hornet

The Aéronavale needed a hundred fighters in order to arm the "Charles de Gaulle" and the planned "Richelieu" CV. Due to the financial reductions in all the French Army, only 86 Hornet will be finally bought. 24 planes will be two-seats and will serve as trainer for the first times and for high risks or long missions... Both one-seat and two-seat have full combat abilities!
For the same price, it was calculated that only 74 Super Hornet or 57 Sea Typhoon (the previous "Plan B", now cancelled) would have been bought.

The F-18FL had some great modifications with the F/A-18C/D.
The dorsal spin was enlarged, the plane carries 16% more fuel, uses 25% more composite materials in the whole structure, the empty weight is 5% lower than a F/A-18C (due to the lighter M88 and DEFA 30mm gun, the composites etc...).

The Aéronavale chose the M88-2 engine instead of the F404 and the F414.
Even if the first M88-2 will be less effective than the F404, it was planned that the M88-3 and the M88-4 will replace the M88-2 as soon as possible, and those engines are far better than the F414.
The 12 first F-18FL will received the M88-2 (7,5t thrust), the 8 followings will have the M88-3 (8,5t in peace time, 9t thrust in crisis time) and all the following will have the M88-4 engine, while the 20 first Hornet will be retrofitted with this engine.
The M88-4 offers 9,6t thrust (10,3t in war time) with a minimal fuel consumption and a reduce size (compared to the F404 and F414). It used the technologies developed by SNECMA and RR for the EJ200.

The 6 first F-18FL received for few months a RDY radar but all the operational aircraft will have a RBE-3 AESA radar, abble to support METEOR and MICA missiles, air-to-air, air-to-ground and air-to-sea missions, in the same time!!
Even if it range is still classified, it probably have a detection range around 180 or 200km on a RCS 1m² target

The 20mm Gatling was replaced by a single DEFA 30mm gun, in the nose just behind the radar. This cannon is much smaller and needs less bullets to the same fire time, so there is much place for electronic systems and fuel.

The ECM suite named SPECTRA developed by Thales for the French and the Spanish Typhoon is probably one of the best ECM system in the world. It allowed a plane having internally all the ECM, EECM, communication (including Data-16 and Satcom), RWR and jammers it needs, without having external pods. The SPECTRA is coupled with the radar, the OSF and all the other detectors on the plane and it protects the plane with a maximal efficacy automatically. Of course, such a system is more expensive than a classical ECM/RWR suite and it is heavier too... But it is perfect for a 21st century combat aircraft!!

(optique secteur frontal = FLIR)
With a lighter gun, their is some space in the nose to put the OSF system. This very powerfull system is one of the best IR detector in the world (and one of the most expensive). It works with IIR but also TV, telemetric and laser designator modes...
Even if it's specialised in the air-to-air mode, it had very good abilities in air-to-ground, but it doesn't allowed a laser designation.

-Weapons and payload:
For the F-18FL, two additional pylons were added on the folding part of the  wings (one under each wing).
From the wing tip to the center fuselage, we have:
-Hard points 1 and 11 on the wings tips.
-Hard points 2 and 10 on the folding part of the wings
-Hard points 3 and 9 on the middle-wings
-Hard points 4 and 8 on the inner wings
-Hard points 5 and 7 on the fuselage sizes (air intakes)
-Hard point 6 under the fuselage

The F-18Fl could carry:

* ASMP-A nuclear missile = points 6, 3, 9
* Scalp/Apache missile = points 6, 3, 9, 4, 8
* AS-30L missile = points 3, 9, 4, 8

* Exocet anti-ship = points 3, 9, 4, 8
* Mk-46 and MU-90 torpedoes = on twin ejector racks on points 3, 4, 8, 9 + a single one on points 5, 7, 6

*1350 l. supersonic external tanks = points 6, 3, 9, 4, 8
*2150 l. subsonic external tanks = points 4, 8
*1500 l. subsonic external tanks = points 6, 4, 8

*MICA-IR/EM missiles = all points except 6
*TER for 2 MICA missiles = points 3, 9, 4, 8
*METEOR interception missile = all except 1, 11 and 6

*DAMOCLES laser designator/FLIR/recce pod = points 5, 6 and 7
*RECO-NG recce pod = point 6
*ECM pod "Génie" by Thalès = points 1, 11, 2, 10, 5, 7
*METEOR ARM anti-radar missile = all except 1, 11, 6
*ALARM missile = points 3, 9 (until 2012, while the METEOR-Arm arrived)
The Génie pod is used only for high risks missions, while the Hornet had to escort or protect another plane. Indeed, even if the SPECTRA system is one of the best electronic system in the world, it was designed to protect only the fighter that carried it, not the planes around.

*AASM bombs/missiles = on TER points 3, 4, 8, 9 + a single one on point 6
*GBU-12/16/24 = same as the F/A-18C/D
*Brimstone missiles = on TER points 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10
*Maverick missiles = points 3, 4, 8, 9 (the French Navy doesn't use them, but the plane could received them during a NATO mission for example. Some crews are trained for this missile.)
*JDAM bombs = same as F/A-18C/D (French Navy doesn't use them, but the plane could received them during a joint operation. Few crews are trained to fire those bombs.)

*For the nuclear mission, there were some problems. Indeed, the USA are a little bit reticent by delivered a fighter that could carry the new ASMP-A. Even if Thales could control the nuclear missile integration, the French Navy want to avoid a diplomatic crisis with Boeing and the US government. Until 2010, the Marine Nationale still will have some Mirage F1M, the last ones, to do that mission. But after that, the Hornet had to do that!!
But as France decide not to stop the US invading of Iraq (France not agree with the invasion, and not take part of it, but didn't try to stop it at the UN council), the USA allowed the ASMP-A capacity and some other facilities (including E-2C Hawkeye)

"laissez mes armées être les rochers et les arbres et les oiseaux dans le ciel"

Coming Soon in Alternate History:
-Battlefleet Galactica
-Republic of Libertalia: a modern Pirate Story


Fantastic PD-7!! This a huge blow for Tonton Mitterrand, which is surely twisting in his grave reading that :P  
Very good idea... I have thought about that in my backstories. The French navy has always "bought american" (since 1938 and V-156 but now, sadly  Vought is dead) so why not Hornets? the way Dassault lobbied against Hornets in 1989 (with Mitterrand blessing him)  always angried me... particularly when one thought that the old crusaders were rafistoled ( :) ) and stayed  until 1999.
Ok, the F1 was good but in the 90's, Hornets are better, otherwise the French Navy would look like the Marocco air force (modernised Mirage F1 with Rafale stuff :P )
After all, with F1EM, Mirage 4000 and  Typhoon participation, Dassault won't cry another time lol !!!
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.


Taon II would be nice, too... (albeit it was a Breguet :P)  
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.


PDS that is a piece of art. How do you think a RN would fit in my Russian Invasion of Europe in 83


:wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  
... The hottest places in Hell are reserved for the ones who, in times of great moral crisis, stay neutral ..........


Vraiment good... trop good ce profa-ille
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.

Jeffry Fontaine

Yannick, I must say that your write up really does cover just about everything possible regarding this WHIF and the image is superb!  It is unfortunate that Lockheed now possesses what used to be Vought, LTV, GD,  Consolidated, and Vultee.  But corporations have to survive the same as animals and it is the strongest that will overcome the weak and consume them.   
Unaffiliated Independent Subversive
"Every day we hear about new studies 'revealing' what should have been obvious to sentient beings for generations; 'Research shows wolverines don't like to be teased" -- Jonah Goldberg

Son of Damian

That is one SWEEEEET bird PDS!!! B)  B)  B) I like that Sea Dragon because it looks like a Sea Horse gone bad!!! :P  :P  :P  
"They stand in the unbroken line of patriots who have dared to die that freedom might live, and grow, and increase its blessings. Freedom lives, and through it, they live–
in a way that humbles the undertakings of most men."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Lord Darth Beavis

PD7, that is PORN for plane-guys, and I LOVE IT!!! :wub:  
3 Time National Champions: 1958, 2003, 2007

2 BCS Championships: 2003, 2007

How many BCS trophies in your trophy room, USC?

Geaux Tigers!


Nice one Pollux! :P

Any chance of seeing some colour variations on this French Navy jet?




Thank you every body!! Happy to see you love it!!

QuoteHow do you think a RN would fit in my Russian Invasion of Europe in 83
Do you have the link for the topic of your Russian Invasion 83? For the moment, I could tell you that a Brittish F-18FL (F/A-18K) is planned for their CVF carrier ;)

I must say that your write up really does cover just about everything possible regarding this WHIF and the image is superb!
Thank you Jeffry!
I just try to explain all the changes in the original drawing I've done... And I probably forgot some details ;)

QuoteI like that Sea Dragon because it looks like a Sea Horse gone bad!!!
That's exactly what it is!! I will explain that in my next post ;)

QuoteAny chance of seeing some colour variations on this French Navy jet?
A big chance for that Richard ;) Hope you'll like the others like this one  
"laissez mes armées être les rochers et les arbres et les oiseaux dans le ciel"

Coming Soon in Alternate History:
-Battlefleet Galactica
-Republic of Libertalia: a modern Pirate Story


I planned to do a single post for the F-18FL n°6 back story... But while I was writing the thing, it appears that I need at least 3 post for the whole story: here is the first, describing the "normal" story of the new plane (I mean, its story during our times, not in the future ;) )

-July 2002:
The n°6 first flight happens in St Louis, with no problems at all. French Navy Cpt. Serge Karamazov, working for Boeing on the F-18FL program, was the pilote this day. The plane briefly passed Mach 1 and 12000 feets altitude during this flight... It will serve as a test bed for the OSF system and for the Helmet Mounted Display system..

-February 2003:
The n°6 arrived at Landivisiau NAS with the n°3, the n°1 and a KC-135FR. Until the end of the year, 8 more Hornet will arrived in France and start replace the older Mirage F1M in the Flottilles 12F and 11F (11th and 12th Naval Squadron).
In the 8 following years, around 10 Hornet will arrived in France each year in order to replace the remaining Mirage F1M in the 11F, 12F, 17F, 14F and the reactivated 15F, 9F and 16F flottilles.

-November 2003 – April 2004:
The Flottille 11F is now operational with its new Hornet planes!! During 4 month, the 11F will have 8 of its 12 fighters carried on board of the Charles de Gaulle and served during Enduring Freedom, bombing 17 Taliban positions during the mission.
When the 11F came back to Landivisiau, in April, the 12F is now complete and operational, with 12 twin and single-seaters.
The operational life of the F-18FL starts with no major problems...

PS: I start drawing other F-18FL, including a Night Attack aircraft ;)
"laissez mes armées être les rochers et les arbres et les oiseaux dans le ciel"

Coming Soon in Alternate History:
-Battlefleet Galactica
-Republic of Libertalia: a modern Pirate Story


-August 2007:
Now, more than 50 Hornet are fully operational in the 11F, 12F and reactivated 9F and 16F flottilles. All the first planes are now equipped with M88-3 or M88-4 engines and the n°6 had received a new RBE-3 AESA radar. The 11F and the 12F are cruising with the Mirage equipped 17F in North Atlantic, visiting St.Pierre et Miquelon islands and doing some exercises with the Canadian and US Navies.
It was the moment Colonel Théodore Ngasso chose to do its coup d'état in Mozambique. Ngasso was the military commander of the North Capo Delgado area when some British prospectors found a diamond layer in the North of the country. And a large part of this layer was under Tanzanian ground...
Promising fortune and power for everyone who wants follow him, Ngasso quickly did his coup d'état and take the power of the whole country....
Until the end of the year, Ngasso starts the exploitation of the diamond mines with some Russian and Chinese investments and sends some militiamen and mercenaries in Tanzania to destabilize the country and not allow the Tanzanian exploiting the diamonds... HIS diamonds!!

Despite an US and EU embargo on the country, Mozambique continued its military run, remembering the Ethiopian situation. The diamonds could afford a lot of military equipments, and it was just the beginning: China already spoke about off-shore stations in the Mozambique Channel, including some station near French territories... Very very close to them!!

-March 2008
A couple of the new Su-30 (J-11) Flanker of the Mozambique Air Force flew over French Island "Juan de Nova". This recon flight was planned to be secret, as the island had most of time no inhabitants... But a Panther helicopter from the FS Germinal frigate was just at this moment around the island in order to patrol against illegal fishing...
The diplomatic crisis that followed was one of the biggest in France since the Rainbow Warrior story.
To prevent those violations of French airspace, it was decided that both Armée de l'Air and Marine Nationale will permanently send fighters and patrol aircrafts in La Réunion and Mayotte islands. Since summer 2008, a couple of Mirage F1 from the Marine or the Armée de l'Air will be based at Dzaoudzi Airport, Mayotte, and at least 2 Mirage 4000 of the Armée de l'Air will be based at St Denis de La Réunion.
Two of the new Falcon 900EX (MPA) are also based in La Réunion and sometimes send at Dzaoudzi... Equiped with ISAR radar, FLIR system and Exocet missiles, their presence in the Indian Ocean prevent from another Mozambique attempt of violating French territories...
For the moment...

"laissez mes armées être les rochers et les arbres et les oiseaux dans le ciel"

Coming Soon in Alternate History:
-Battlefleet Galactica
-Republic of Libertalia: a modern Pirate Story

Family Guy


Grande-Comores Island, Comoros, is under the rain.
We are in February and this season, the monsoon starts at the good date, in November, earlier than the last few years... There is something strange in global warming: everything will be wrong during years, with abnormal heat wave, too short monsoon, and the whales that arrived too late and left the lagoon too soon... And one day, just for few months, everything became normal again. And people could finally hope for a good year...
But from the other side of the Channel, a fool dictator decides that 2011 won't be a good year for people of Comoros.

February 22nd ,  three second-hand Antonov-12 parachute around 200 troops over Prince Said Ibrahim International Airport of Moroni, the capital of Comoros... 350 people were prisoners, including the passengers of 3 commercial flight (Air Austral, Air Madagascar and Air France), and 18 persons died during the attack. During the whole day, the An-12 and some Y-8 and Y-12 cargo planes send more and more Mozambique soldiers, including a large number of Russian, Chinese and African mercenaries.
The new Mig-29 and the old second-hand Su-25 was flying in circle above the airport while the mercenaries were taking the political power of the island.
At local 11:00PM, Colonel Ngasso declares Grande-Comores as part of the Great Mozambique nation... At this time, planes and ships were sending more and more soldiers over all the Comoros islands and Mozambique Air Force was bombing all the Comoros Army positions in the 3 main island (Grande-Comores, Mohéli, Anjouan)...

But since hours, all French military positions were in maximal alert. After all, 225 French citizens were prisoners in Air Austral and Air France planes... Paris sends immediately an entire Mirage 4000 squadron, while the Charles de Gaulle stops its NATO mission over Yemen in order to prevent any attack of Mayotte.
But Ngasso was not totally mad... He needed to win time, and a French attack while he didn't control the whole islands could destroy all its plans... At 8:00Am the 23rd, on TV, he allowed the 3 commercial planes to take off. During the same TV show, he declared that as a new part of Mozambique, the Comoros islands, their national waters and their airspace can't be broken without a reaction of the Mozambique Air Force...
At least 26 Mig-29, a squadron of Su-30 and half a dozen of Su-25 will be based on the Comoros Island and nobody have to try any interception or bombing over Comoros. In exchange, Ngasso promised that its country won't be a danger for France, Madagascar or any other country...
Of course, if anyone, particularly the French, tried to liberate the Comoros, they have to assume the responsibility of the death of all the foreign citizens living in Comoros...

March 12th
For weeks, hundreds of small sailboats, Zodiacs, and fishing pirogues arrived in Mayotte from Mohéli and Anjouan... And according to the immigrants, something like two hundreds of those little boats and there passengers were destroyed by Ngasso war ships and Su-25... and without forgetting the hundred people who already died by sinking...
It's the biggest humanitarian and political crisis in this part of the world since 2007's civil war in Madagascar...

For now, the "Charles de Gaulle", the TCD Sirocco and the BPC "Mistral" (helicopter carriers), 2 nuclear subs and a dozen of oceanic warships are present around La Réunion et Mayotte, waiting for orders...
But its not time yet... The intelligence service of half a dozen countries, including France and UK, were searching for more information about the place where the prisoners were. Most of them were at the Airport and in the Embassies, but all the places had to be known before any action... And it will take weeks. And during this time, peoples were dying, on the islands, on the boats...
And even if everybody knew that a bad prepared operation will be worst than all, it was difficult to stay quite and wait...
Moreover, a thousand of vehicules, including T-85 and T-99 main battle tanks are waiting for orders, just south of the Tanzanian boundary... Ngasso dreams of a great Mozambique Empire and coud be tempted by realise his dream...
And already, South African Air Force and Army are in alert 24 hours a day, everydays...

Is he fool enough to invade two nations in the same time? Or even risk an open war with South Africa, one more time? Will the chineses still help him if he invade Tanzania?
Few political expert could answer those questions... Even psychiatrist have better responses... But what everyone is understanding is that even if Ngasso lose his war, even if he tempted only one war, they will be thousands of victims...

We have to stop him, and we have to do it ASAP!!
"laissez mes armées être les rochers et les arbres et les oiseaux dans le ciel"

Coming Soon in Alternate History:
-Battlefleet Galactica
-Republic of Libertalia: a modern Pirate Story


PD-7 ptdrrrrrrrr Serge Karamozov!! Hope he is better as test pilot than in bodyguard... :P :P :P :P  
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.